Nichole Sebastian

Horoscope For Today: Monday, February 17, 2025

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Today, February 17, 2025 the Moon will be in the signs of Libra and Scorpio. What this means for the collective is that while there is romantic energy we will also be very guarded with our emotions. The Moon‘s energy today pushes us to be more open to exploring your emotions and being truthful with how we communicate with others. Our words will hold power today and we will be able to speak lovely things to those we care for. However, it is best to think before we speak if we are surrounded with problematic people. See how the transit will impact your Rising, Sun and Moon signs.


Pulling yourself out of the darkness can be part of this week’s energy as you are ready to embark on a new journey where you are empowering yourself and your dreams. The Moon in Scorpio can be a moment where you are inspired but overwhelmed to take on new ideas. Go slow and give new opportunities a try because you may surprise yourself with the outcome.


Staying on track and finding the support system you need to continue succeeding may be on your mind this week. With the Moon in fellow Venusian sign Libra, things can feel as if they are working in your favor. Once Luna is in Scorpio, expect to have those deep conversations with friends or a romantic partner. 


You are able to enjoy a lot of free time and explore your creativity. This Libra Moon energy is your moment to shine brightly even if others are holding you back. Since you have the support from Jupiter to give you the confidence you need in order to keep pushing ahead. The Scorpio Moon will help you channel your energy into fulfilling new goals.


This year proves that you are in command and taking control of your destiny. The Libra Moon this week is giving you a lot of clarity and the Scorpio Moon is helping you to devise new plans and mechanisms in order to get ahead especially with Saturn in a supportive sign. However, Mars is still in your sign, reminding you to be the diplomat when needed.


It can be a welcoming energy for you as the Libra Moon helps you to explore your imaginative side while the Scorpio Moon gives you a lot of structure. This is also a good day for you to be grounded and to chill, especially if you’ve been overwhelmed. The week encourages you to treat and take care of yourself.


The Libra Moon may feel like an exhilarating experience allowing you to get back on track and to strengthen your relationship with yourself. Once the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio the Martian energy is going to push you ahead. The support you receive from this Moon will help you achieve anything you set your mind to especially with those friends or colleagues you trust.


The week begins with Luna in your sign, and it can be quite the positive energy as the Venusian qualities make you shine and others will notice your magnetism during this Aquarius season. Once the Moon is in Scorpio, this can be a good opportunity for you to build up on those relationships and perhaps focus on upgrading some projects you have pending. Your creative energy shines through now.


The day begins with you being more keen on exploring your relationships since the Libra Moon will make you more methodical and reflect on those relationships that truly matter. Once the Moon moves in your sign, you can find extra confidence in yourself and become your own cheerleader. It is also a very powerful period for you to strengthen your connection with others.


Reconnecting with friends can be part of this transit as the energy allows you to be more social and engage with new people. The transits are also pushing you to explore your crafting your new path and goals. Once the Moon moves in Scorpio it can be a time for you to recharge and reflect on how to switch up your routines.


You may receive praise for all the hard work that you’ve done so far or you may be inspired to take on a new leadership role. Nevertheless, the energy today is one where you are going to be feeling very ambitious. The go-getter in you is going to focus on the future.


An ambitious chapter begins with the Moon in Libra, and Scorpio gracing your chart this week, a moment for you to visualize where you want to be and set the plans in motion since the Scorpio Moon will be at the highest point in your chart. You are in control and will accomplish so much as long as you stay focused and consistent.


Having the Moon in Libra briefly this day could be a potent recipe that provides love and nourishing energy that enables you to find your strength. Making breakthroughs is easier this week with the Moon in Scorpio making it easy to brainstorm new ideas that can help you to break away from anything that is holding you back.