Zen Chung

Horoscope For Today: Saturday, October 12, 2024

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Now that Pluto has stationed direct, the astrology for the month of October continues to intensify. Today, October 12, 2024, the Moon is in Aquarius, making this feel like a prelude to the Pluto in Aquarius transit next month. The week presents opportunities for reflection and it can be a good moment to connect with friends, family or community. Aquarius energy pushes us to learn from others and collaborate. See how the transit will impact your Rising, Sun and Moon sign.


After the potent eclipse energy from a few weeks ago, you may see your friends in a new light. Finding a support system comes easily with the Moon in Aquarius. You are aware of the good people that have your back and those who will always shine through to help you. Eclipse season has also been a time with many responsibilities and today could be a period where you catch up on what is pending.


As pluto finds its way back to the highest sector of your chart you are receiving the preparation and study skills to adapt the lessons from the Capricorn transit. As you have focused on the expansion of the mind, now is when you apply what you have learned. We are several weeks away from Pluto’s ingress back in Aquarius, which will give you more leadership opportunities to guide others.


With the tools you have handy, Jupiter is shining a light on all the possibilities and your potential. The Moon in Aquarius can help you feel much more aligned with your journey. Steady growth pays off and this transit helps you to slow down. Now you can find that with patience you can accomplish anything. Saturn is teaching you how to be more comfortable reviewing, so use this period to edit and make changes to the work you have planned.


It can be an enlightening transit that can show you how you can learn to research and study on your own. A time where you connect with yourself and can fine tune your plans since the Moon in Aquarius boosts your thinking process, making you feel more inspired. This Libra season helps you to plant the seeds for your dreams, while also helping you to consider the romantic partners that are here to help you shine through now that Pluto is direct.


The Aquarius Moon transit can feel like a prelude to incoming changes now that Pluto is preparing to enter Aquarius in the next several weeks. You will see now what you desire in relationships during this Libra season and can be more open to reconciling with others. The Moon will bring a lot of topics pertaining to love and romance. A time for you to consider how love has changed you and what you want to continue to learn.


Powerful changes are occuring during this eclipse cycle and the Moon in Aquarius can bring to light themes that may be repeating themselves. As you get more comfortable with who you are and feel the confidence boost energize you, it is also a potent period where you will need to remember to not let your past failures control you. Each experience brought your way is here to help you elevate. The Moon and Pluto want you to trust your process and journey.


Your season continues to give the collective more messages, first with the eclipse earlier in the month and now Pluto stationing direct. The Moon in Aquarius can feel medicinal and healing since it pulls away from the impact of the Pluto transit.You are able to feel more joyful and be more willing to do what brings you happiness. A reminder that doing what you love can be healing and helps you to focus on bringing more care to yourself.


As we all brace ourselves for the impactful period that this week presents, the Moon in Aquarius can feel like the perfect opportunity to recharge and reconnect with yourself. It can be a good moment to rest and think ahead before Mercury moves into your sign tomorrow. You are slowly feeling the shifts begin now that your season is approaching. Recharge before it’s your time to have fun.


It may feel like quite the transformative week now that Pluto has stationed direct. You may also feel a surge of inspiration during this time to get back to your creative hobbies or projects. You are breaking free from feeling any creative blocks and this Libra season is presenting you with new muses to work with. Don’t be afraid to let your imagination explore new horizons.


Now that Pluto has stationed direct you may be more willing to reflect on the lessons from this period. It can also feel like a bit of a relief now that the planet of transformation is slowly moving away from your sign. You are uncovering new pieces of yourself with the Moon in Aquarius helping you rebuild your self-esteem and allowing you to feel more prideful in the work you do and your accomplishments.


Having the Moon in your sign adds an element of excitement and opportunity to take on new initiatives with more insight and the focus you may desire. It is a good period for collaborating and leading as well. The day can feel energizing but also, you will be more mindful of your communication and how you interact with others. Try to create a balance with your loved ones, reciprocate and show them grace, kindness, compassion and care.


A period to recharge and focus on yourself as the Moon in Aquarius brings you comfort and patience. You can see how you may feel more confident with your outlook right before Luna moves in your sign. A period to catch up on what you want to do and rest as much as you want.