Pavel Danilyuk

Horoscope For Today: Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Aries season begins today, March 20, 2025. The Moon is also in the sign of Sagittarius, making this a fantastic time to socialize and meet new people. March has been quite an intense month, showing us how to protect our boundaries, to be more independent and write our own story. Aries season is here to continue these themes. See how the transit will impact your rising, sun and moon sign.


With the Moon in a fellow fire sign today, your season can already feel thrilling. This is going to be your moment to deal with the new transformation that the Venus retrograde is currently creating for you. With the Moon in Sagittarius this also means that you will be more inclined to meet new people. For those in school, you may see how much more passionate you feel about your studies. Those who are centered on their career, plans you make now can further their career and advance in the future.


The Moon in Sagittarius means that you are just going to be feeling very serene and very focused on what is next. Earth signs have a reputation for planning, and the day may be the perfect time to get everything you need settled and squared away. Tackling tasks becomes a lot easier, as long as you focus on what you have in the works and don’t begin something new. Through this energy, you can feel encouraged to find your own source of power for the next several weeks.


Relationship energy gets very intense with the Moon in Sagittarius activating your partnership house. Venus retrograde will return to the sign of Pisces in the next several days, bringing to light any problems you may have in your relationships. It is a period for reconciliation and being more compassionate with others. The Moon will also allow you to be more open with your friends or partner when it comes to your emotions.


You will be very inspired to rest and to take it easy since all of these retrograde transits are happening right now. The Sagittarius energy teaches you how to love yourself and to be open to receiving help from others. While the Aries energy can make you feel more independent the energy may push you to seek help from others if you need it. You will see how working within a team you trust can help you reach new heights.


Fire signs will rejoice with this Sun in Aries energy and the Moon in Sagittarius. The day can feel very memorable as the flames spark new light into your relationship house. There is excitement, adventure and romance in the works for the next several weeks and the day can feel like a wonderful beginning. During this period you are able to discover what you are looking for in a partner or what your relationship goals may be.


Since the beginning of March may have brought surprises, Aries season will continue to bring changes that will echo through the next several months. These transits are serving as a prelude to Saturn’s entry in Aries. For now, the Venus retrograde can feel magnetic. The Moon also allows you to establish a balance with work and career. Working on improving your skills can be essential during this time.


While the energy may bring a lot of progress to all of your connections, the Sun in Aries will also show you a lot about protecting your boundaries. Remember that this is time for you not to start anything new with relationships if you are single. Those who are partnered will have an opportunity to get to know their partner better. With the Moon in Sagittarius, you may see how you can sweeten your words and be even more diplomatic with others.


A potent transit with the Sun entering Aries and the Moon in Sagittarius adding a lot of excitement and new focus for you. The Martian energy can bring clarity and perspectives that will allow you to be victorious. During this month you may be more of a tactician and be much more prepared to handle the surprises that the month of March may bring. Nevertheless these eclipse cycles are here to transform and empower you.


The Moon is in your sign during the first day of Aries season. March continues to contribute to your metamorphosis and teaches you a lot about your talents and potential. Getting connected with your pen and paper can help to open doors to new ideas as the month helps you explore your imaginative side. The day can feel magical and wondrous as you open yourself up to experience new ideas and adventures. Expect to see how your creative energy shines through as you begin to give yourself more love and self-care.


Now that all of this Aries energy is concentrated at the highest point in your chart, it can be your moment to take the lead and initiative in all aspects of your life. With the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Sagittarius, the fire energy can make the collective switch their priorities. For now, you may also center yourself on your career, brainstorming new ideas that will help you open doors in the future. Of course, retrograde is showing you how being patient works in your favor.


With this Aries season and the Moon in a fellow fire sign, you are going to find a way with your words during this period. Prepare to encounter your muses and to feel a wave of inspiration for the next several weeks. You are prepared now to enter this new phase where you will feel more connected with the work you do. It is a time to honor your ideas and creative potential. During this cycle, you may meet new people that help to solidify your philosophy and understanding of the world around you.


There is a shift now with the Sun and Moon in fire signs, making this day a moment where you will feel more courageous taking a stand and doing what you need in order to advance. Venus will enter your sign soon and the day can bring to light how important it is for you to protect your boundaries. You may discover what it is you need and the additional lessons you need to receive before the planets station direct.