Horoscope For Today: Thursday, October 31, 2024
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Whether it’s your favorite holiday or you’re a Halloween scrooge who hasn’t dressed up since middle school, today you’re staring down the barrel of an appropriately spooky day, with the new moon in Scorpio slowly but surely building in the evening skies. The morning starts off with the moon still in Libra, which makes two significant aspects before ingressing into Scorpio, where it will link up with the sun at 9° tomorrow morning.
First, there’s a square to Mars in Cancer, which will take place at 28° at 10:57 AM EST, instigating emotional outbursts and frustrations surrounding home and family.
Then, at 12:58 PM, there’s a square to Pluto in Capricorn at 29°, a critical degree associated with finality and endings. In this case, it’s likely to be at the institutional or governmental level, with major players in politics either stepping down or being forced out of their positions thanks to pressure from the public.
During the full moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto back on July 21, President Joe Biden formally announced that he was ending his campaign and dropping out of the race for re-election. Similar themes may erupt today, causing destabilization, uncertainty, and inevitably, long-term transformation to the United States political system.
The mood darkens at 1:30 PM, when the moon ingresses into the murky and mysterious realm of Scorpio, building to the new moon tomorrow. At 8:33 PM, Mercury in Scorpio trines retrograde Neptune in Pisces at 27°, ushering in the perfect ambience to enjoy a provocative horror movie or throw an elaborate Halloween party. If you are a lover of all things creepy, you’ll appreciate the indulgent, mystical, and illusory energy tonight, ideal for masquerade balls and kissing strangers in darkened corners.
On the other hand, the energy is suggestive of misunderstandings, confusion, and disorientation, so be mindful of your consumption of alcohol or other mind-altering substances. And, under the influence of this powerful new moon, be especially wary of who you trust. It’s one thing to indulge in a deep conversation with an acquaintance under the cover of darkness and convince yourself they’re your soulmate. It’d another entirely to wake up hungover and ghosted. The reality of a relationship is rarely as magical as you imagine it to be.
Can you expect tricks or treats from the cosmos tonight? Read your forecast below in accordance with your rising sign, not your sun sign, in order to anticipate what’s coming.
The morning begins with the moon in your seventh house, where it will make a square to Mars in your fourth, causing dramatics with your partner—your chosen family—and your family of origin. If they don’t approve of who you’re choosing to spend your life with, they might finally make their opinions known. Just after noon, the moon squares off against Pluto in your tenth house, giving you a boost of career recognition—for better or for worse. Your partner’s influence is likely to cause this, so if you’ve been hesitating about hard-launching, it might be worth ripping off the Band-Aid; you’ll both profit from the boyfriend or girlfriend reveal. This afternoon the moon ingresses into your eighth house, darkening the mood, and tonight, Mercury in your eighth house will form a trine with retrograde Neptune in your twelfth, creating the perfect moody atmosphere for a spooky Halloween party.
The day kicks off with the moon in your sixth house, and it makes a square midmorning to Mars in your third, giving you the energy necessary to plan a kickass horror movie night with your roommates. Get all your cleaning done early on if you can, while the energy is right for it; just after midday, the moon will form a square with Pluto in your ninth house, presenting obstacles in the form of ideological and spiritual differences between you and your friends. Those who are prepping for midterms might choose to skip out, too. This afternoon, when the moon ingresses into your seventh house, you’ll seek solace in your partner or your best friend, who can see your vision even if the rest of the world can’t. Tonight, Mercury in your seventh house trine retrograde Neptune in your eleventh creates a magical atmosphere to get lost in.
Today starts with the moon in your fifth house, making a square midmorning to Mars in your second. While you might feel totally ready to party, the planet of action is here to remind you swiftly that you need to be frugal and prudent. After lunch, the moon will square off with Pluto in your eighth house, further emphasizing your financial reckoning—and triggering trauma surrounding grief, death, and sexuality that you might have been repressing. This afternoon, the moon ingresses into your sixth house, putting you in a more strategic and practical frame of mind. Tonight, when Mercury in your sixth house forms a trine to retrograde Neptune in your tenth, you’ll slip easily into hostess mode. Just be careful you don’t get so consumed with your responsibilities that you forget to have fun at your own party.
The moon in your fourth house squares Mars in your first early this morning, giving you the energy you need to clean house and prepare for the Halloween party you may or may not feel like hosting. (If you have more extroverted roommates, you have my sympathies.) Shortly after lunch, the moon’s square with Pluto in your seventh indicates a destabilizing argument with one of your closest companions: your partner, if you have one, or your best friend. If you do break up, you’ll notice a tangible shift this afternoon, when the moon ingresses into your fifth house: you’ll be ready to move on—and quickly. Tonight, Mercury will hang out in your fifth house and make a trine to retrograde Neptune in your ninth, creating the ideal circumstances to have deep, philosophical talks late into the night. You might end up kissing a stranger or two.
Today begins with the moon in your third house, giving you the confidence to invite acquaintances you might not know very well. The more, the merrier. The square to Mars in your twelfth house, though, serves as a warning not to trust everyone; you might not know if there is a secret hater in your circle. Midday, the moon’s square with Pluto in your sixth might cause a radical shakeup to your work or health routine; take the time to deal with it if you must, holiday be damned. This afternoon, once the moon has ingressed into your fourth house, you’ll be feeling like staying in more than going out. But tonight, Mercury in your fourth house trine retrograde Neptune in your eighth will help jolt you back into the spooky mood necessary for any successful Halloween night.
The day begins with the moon still in your second house, giving you a brief window of time to sort out your financial issues before the midmorning square to Mars in your eleventh, during which your group chat is likely to be active. Don’t turn down the opportunity to get involved, even if you were hoping for a quieter night in. Just after midday, the moon squares Pluto in your fifth house, placing the opportunity for a wild and potentially chaotic party right under your nose—but be wary that you’re not overindulging, because your bank account won’t thank you later. This afternoon, the moon makes its ingress into your third house, encouraging you to be more sociable with your local friends and roommates. Tonight, Mercury in your third house makes a trine to retrograde Neptune in your seventh, creating the very real possibility that if a neighbor comes over to crash your party, you might end up falling in love with them.
The day begins with the moon in your first house, forming a square to Mars in your tenth, so your personal identity might feel restricted at work or in the public sphere. Don’t be afraid to speak up and make suggestions that you think will be helpful. Around lunchtime, the moon squares Pluto in your fourth house, disrupting your home and family life in a potentially catastrophic way—so if you were planning on hosting tonight’s Halloween party, you might need to make other arrangements. When the moon moves into your second house this afternoon, though, your wealthier friends will step up and provide. Tonight, Mercury in your second house trine retrograde Neptune in your sixth puts you in workaholic mode. Show your friend group how much you appreciate them by playing mixologist or staying behind after to clean up.
Today begins with the moon finishing its transit through your dreamy twelfth house, giving you a weirdly hazy feeling that will be exaggerated when the square to Mars in your ninth house occurs. At this time you can anticipate spiritual or divine insights to come flooding into you. They say the veil is thinner today, after all. At midday, the moon squares off against Pluto in your third house, instigating all sorts of drama with your local community, siblings, and neighbors. This afternoon, the moon ingresses into your first house, amplifying your physical presence and giving you the confidence to wear your wildest costume. Tonight, Mercury in your first house will make a trine to retrograde Neptune in your fifth. You’ll be the star of the show and the life of the party.
Today kicks off with the moon cruising through your eleventh house, boosting your sociability and confidence. Halfway through the morning, though, the moon will square Mars in your eighth house, potentially triggering old traumas or feelings of loneliness. You could also learn that you’ve overestimated your budget—but what’s done is done, right? Just after lunch, the moon squares off against Pluto in your second house, causing you to take restock of your financial situation and plan better for the future. Consider tonight your last hurrah before No Buy November. This afternoon, the moon ingresses into your twelfth house, putting you in a moody and introspective state of mind. But tonight, when Mercury in your twelfth trines Neptune in your fourth house, you’ll be able to use that energy constructively to have tremendously powerful conversations with your closest friends and family. Watch a high-brow horror movie and have a discussion about it.
Today starts with the moon in your tenth house, forming a square to Mars halfway through the morning in your seventh house. Your partner or best friend’s influence might elevate your career to a new level, thanks to their willingness to drag you out of your comfort zone. If you get asked to be in someone’s Halloween costume fit check, say yes. Around midday, the moon’s square with Pluto in your first house causes a radical transformation to your identity and physical appearance. Show up to the party with a shocking and innovative costume that no one would expect from you. This afternoon, when the moon makes its ingress into your eleventh house, you’ll feel much more social. Tonight, Mercury in your eleventh will make a trine to retrograde Neptune in your third, adding a mystical element to your conversations. Try to get closer to new people, rather than sticking around your regular friend group.
Today begins with the moon in your ninth house, and halfway through the morning it forms a square with Mars in your sixth, indicating some difficulties navigating your personal beliefs with those you are expected to support in the workplace. Around noon, the moon squares off with Pluto in your twelfth house, triggering feelings of heavy emotion and post-traumatic stress. Avoid overindulging in substances if you have an addictive personality, as numbing the pain is unlikely to help much. This afternoon, the moon will elevate you when it ingresses into your tenth house, placing you at the top of your game professionally and socially. Since you’re more visible, you might be able to call the shots. Tonight, Mercury in your tenth house places you at the top of everyone’s VIP guest list, while the trine to retrograde Neptune in your second creates the temptation to spend more than you can afford.
The day might start off with the moon in your eighth house, but the midmorning square to Mars in your fifth will infuse the moody ambience with a bit of romance and creativity if you’re doing some last-minute Halloween decorating—or scrambling to put together a costume. Around the middle of the day, the moon squares off against Pluto in your eleventh house, suggestive of chaos and drama in the group chat—but if you’ve been trying to politely freeze someone out for a while, they might remove themselves before you have to call them out for being toxic. This afternoon, the moon will make its ingress into your ninth house, putting you in a more spiritually and intellectually open mental state, ready to learn from just about anyone who comes your way. Tonight, Mercury in your ninth trine Neptune in your first places you in the right place at the right time, allowing you to have stimulating conversations with interesting people.