Christopher Iturbe

Horoscope For Today: Thursday, September 12, 2024

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Today, September 12, 2024, the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, allowing the collective to analyze any pending responsibilities and keep up with our goals. The lessons we have learned during Saturn’s stay in Pisces thus far may have allowed us to gain more discipline and trust our vision. There can be a big change with how we communicate with Virgo season allowing us to improve our skills. We can utilize this period to connect with others, collaborate on projects and to make our goals into a reality.


Being in alignment with your goals seems to be essential now that you have the tools needed to get ahead. You have the advantage now that will allow you to expand and progress given that you may see how your talents shine through, especially when you are in leadership positions. Inspiration comes a lot easier now as you are able to brainstorm some excellent ideas that can help fuel your ambitions.


As the transits continue to bring us the lectures, you will take on the role as studentΒ during this Moon in Capricorn transit, preparing you to open your mind to new theories and gain knowledge. You are ready to have someone that brings you a lot of needed guidance to help you to go ahead and be more equipped with your process. Part of this learning experience is being more open to change and adapting to it.


You are still understanding and expanding in school or your career. You are understanding lessons from past mistakes, which can help you have an advantage. The transits now are giving you a lot to consider as you continue to revise and edit; ripple effects from the last Mercury retrograde. During your review process, you can also uncover new things that can give you guidance.


Relationship energy gets ready and you are here to find your closure needed from those partnerships that did not work. It is going to be a defining moment where you may feel more compelled to discuss boundaries with friends or romantic partners. You can also develop a better connection with the people around you. The energy now has you become more of a team player. Expect to assume a leadership role and help those around you if needed.


When it comes to developing a good routine, the Moon in Capricorn helps you to stay on track and apply those lessons from the last retrograde to the present. Focusing more on doing things that bring you joy may be the focus now. Joining a new club, starting a new hobby or even spending more time with friends and doing fun activities together can help boost your confidence and make your social life more exciting.


The attention goes back to your relationships and how you want to build and heal them with the skills you have acquired. During this period you may be a lot more open to reconciling with connections from the past or simply focusing on fortifying the ones you have in the present. The Moon in Capricorn is asking you to see what you want in relationships and go forth with them, it is a time to be honest about what you want and not settle for less.


Building on your understanding and continuing to find your path will be something you will be inspired by. You will enjoy being on course and getting ready because the Moon is going to empower and help you make the plans needed to get ahead. You will find that your support system during this time can feel encouraging and magical. A time to slow down, take things easy and surround yourself with love.


Writing helps you tap into your imaginative side. It can be a good period to start working on a project and see how much you can accomplish. During the next few days, anything relating to research or learning can feel more entertaining and you may be more engaged with the content. The people you meet at this time can help you break out of your shell and dream big.Β 


A period where home will take more of your time and energy as you push through and prepare for your next steps. However, finding your balance with work and school or your career can feel manageable as long as you are patient. The transit continues to help you gain alignment as you find the tools needed to traverse any challenges through the support of friends and family.


Having the Moon in your sign for the next couple of days can prove to be a game changer especially if you lack any motivation. This can feel like a period where you feel refreshed and prepared to tap into your dormant energy. The transits now will have you pushing ahead with more conviction and clarity. During this time, you may feel a lot more inclined to learn something new that you may have been curious about.


Discovering the pieces now to get you motivated and discover what sparks interest are tied to the transit. The Moon in Capricorn allows you to take a break and look within. You are prepared to plan ahead. The transit also sparks your romantic energy and it can be a good time to do something special with your partner. For those who are single, this can be a good period to have an adventure with friends.Β 


A potent transit that can allow you to reflect on what you need to do to continue to work through and excel. With the energy in the works you may find it tough to feel ready to take on new responsibilities but the Moon in Capricorn helps bring out the tactician in you. It can be your moment to find your armor and rewrite your story with Virgo season transforming you and teaching you a lot more about your ambitions and romantic relationships.