Gary Barnes

Horoscope For Today: Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Table of Contents

Today the moon continues its transit through frenetic and quick-thinking Gemini, emphasizing the matter of communication, especially through digital means.

The rapidfire means of spreading information that we now have access to in modernity are a double-edged sword. Gemini embodies both the dark and light power of the Internet age, so be overly critical of what you read today, temper your impulsive side, and try not to get so distracted you lose focus on your broader mission.

Just like yesterday, the most important transits today involve lunar aspects to outer planets, instigating collective action under a haze of emotional irrationality. The sun, of course, is in careful Virgo, offering a slight respite from the chaos and bringing us all back to earth—but it’s making a square to the moon, creating challenges between our rational minds and emotional impulses.

The first major aspect to keep an eye on is a conjunction with Jupiter at 18° at 7:49 AM EST, at which point we can anticipate bombshell news surrounding women and mothers, but also zealous patriotism and fixation on family issues. While the king planet is almost always associated with good fortune, the degree of this conjunction is notably often associated with destruction and violence. Our collective luck might come with an awkward adjustment period.

Though you’ll likely feel fired up, this is not exactly the best energy for a well-intentioned protest, considering the scatterbrained tendencies of the Gemini archetype. We can anticipate widespread digital discussion about a shocking incident and a last-minute scramble from the mainstream media to construct a narrative.

It’s unlikely anyone will get any real answers, so don’t drive yourself to madness falling down conspiratorial rabbit holes. The truth, inevitably, will come out. Probably not right now, though. Remember, Mercury—the ruler of both the sun and moon right now—is still retrograde.

Next up is a moon-Mercury sextile at 21° 1:16 PM, providing fertile ground for foreign correspondents, celebrities, religious leaders, legislators, and politicians to find order in the chaos, calm the public, and release statements. These efforts will probably not go quite as planned, with the messenger planet still retrograde, but the general energy will be more peaceful moving forward this afternoon.

At 7:59 PM, the moon and Mars make a conjunction at 25°, giving rise to explosive histrionics—especially from men who feel either emboldened or frustrated by recent events. The energy is that of an enemy soldier suddenly and spontaneously breaking a truce, and in the sign of Gemini, this war will be fought with words. Psycholinguistic manipulation, propaganda, and gaslighting are the most effective strategies on the modern battlefield.

How will all of this play out in your corner of the world? Keep reading. According to your rising sign, preferably.


This morning the moon forms a conjunction with Jupiter in your third house, amplifying your communication abilities but giving you more of an edge than usual. You might speak out of turn and face some short-term consequences that ultimately lead to change. If you’re lucky, you’ll receive an apology from your superiors at some later date when they realize you might have had a point after all. Later, the moon sextiles Mercury in your fifth house, meaning that if you’re in a casual relationship, you could say something that offends your person. While their emotional reactivity is not necessarily your responsibility, you are expected to restrain some of your brash honesty at sensitive times. This evening, when the moon and Mars form a conjunction in your third house, you will undoubtedly experience frustrations as you do your nightly scroll on social media. You’ll potentially be triggered to express your own opinion, but be warned that if you do, it might come back to haunt you later. A good rule of thumb for Internet debates: don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t feel comfortable saying to someone’s face.


This morning, the moon’s conjunction to Jupiter in your second house promises financial rewards, but they might come at the expense of something very near and dear to you. Sometimes we must sacrifice things in our lives that appear good in order to have the best. Trust that whatever happens will ultimately enrich and fulfill your life in unimaginable ways. Later, the moon makes a sextile to Mercury in your fourth house, providing an opportunity to share the good news with your family. In addition, you might be tempted to beautify your living space, but with Mercury retrograde, hold off on making any Wayfair purchases quite yet. Some of your meaning may get lost in translation as you communicate your feelings and ideals, or you might be met with serious resistance from a relative who disapproves of your life choices. Tonight, the moon and Mars conjoin in your second house, triggering arguments about finances and values. Consider whether your current social circle is aligned with your deepest ideals.


Today is an action-packed day for you, with the moon holding court in your first house. This morning its conjunction to Jupiter offers you a boost in confidence, charisma, and emotional intelligence, giving you the tools needed to navigate difficult social situations. Later, the moon’s sextile to Mercury in your third house emphasizes the importance of the local populace. If you’ve lost sight of the importance of community, you will likely have to face the consequences of this detachment. The people who you pass on the street every day might express their exasperation or straight up tell you that they feel abandoned, humbling you while giving you a gracious second chance to make things right. The moral of the story: don’t ever forget where you came from. This evening, the moon-Mars conjunction in your first house makes you extra vulnerable to physical injuries and verbal hostility from others. On the other hand, you might experience a period of sudden mania that allows you to get some household chores or projects done ahead of time. Take advantage of this burst of energy.


Today the moon transits through your twelfth house, making a conjunction with Jupiter in the early morning and helping you heal from mental illness and addiction struggles. Today might bring a much-needed wakeup call. Seek out mentors who can give you a dose of brutal honesty or a friend who can hold you accountable. This afternoon, when the moon forms a sextile with Mercury in your second house, you will receive frustrating news regarding your finances or be forced to dip into your savings to replace a malfunctioning piece of technology. With Mercury retrograde, it might not be the most ideal time to do so, but sometimes you can’t avoid it. Later on this evening, the moon and Mars conjoin in your twelfth house, increasing your susceptibility to vices and tempting you to drown your sorrows. Avoid indulging in substances you know are ultimately unhealthy for you. Call a friend and vent instead.


The moon in your eleventh house makes a conjunction with Jupiter this morning, broadening your social circle and offering you a stroke of luck if you are trying to collaborate with a certain person of influence. No one exemplifies the adage “work until your idols become your rivals” more than a Leo rising, so use your natural allure to your advantage during this period. However, this opportunity might come with a harsh reality check. You might be disappointed by how your favorite influencer acts in person or disillusioned by the façade you’re expected to perform in order to achieve your dreams. Take a good hard look at yourself and ensure you have hard boundaries before you move into this dazzling, glamorous new world. Later, when the moon sextiles Mercury in your first house, you’ll be rewarded with the gift of communication, enabling you to make a good speech or elevator pitch. Just be sure you’re prepared—and try to hold off on signing any important documents until Mercury is direct. Tonight, the moon and Mars conjunction in your eleventh house inevitably draws out the jealous observers in your wider network. Ignore their harsh words and keep your confident momentum going.


Today is momentous in terms of your career, so strap in and get ready for the ride of a lifetime. This morning the moon makes a conjunction to Jupiter in your tenth house, raising your public profile—while also potentially magnifying your flaws. The more your platform grows, the more criticism you are going to get, but you have the choice to focus on the support rather than the hate. Later, the moon makes a sextile to Mercury in your twelfth house, reflecting your desire to speak with authenticity about the things you typically only share with your therapist. If some of your secrets have gone public, you are not going to be able to hide out forever. The only option is to own your story, bear your testimony, and allow your past struggles to inspire others as you move forward. Your characteristic skill with words, not to mention your elegance and class, will serve you well now. This evening, the moon and Mars make a conjunction in your tenth house, amplifying the energy around your brand and offering you a powerful opportunity to stand up for what you believe in. The hateful voices—even if they’re only in your head—will be especially loud tonight. Drown them out with an equal deluge of positivity.


Today the moon in your ninth house forms a conjunction with Jupiter, reflecting your current zeal for knowledge and passion for your religious or spiritual beliefs. This is an ideal transit for accepting an offer to grad school, moving abroad, or joining a convent, but be aware that every major change in life comes with some very profound growing pains. This afternoon, the moon-Mercury sextile in your ninth and eleventh houses gives you the chance to expand your community and network with influential people, with the caveat that you might not make the best first impression. Avoid signing any documents or agreeing to any travel plans just yet; while Mercury is retrograde you can be sure you’ll be saddled with annoying complications. Tonight, when the moon and Mars make a conjunction in your ninth house, you’ll undoubtedly face opposition from people in your life who disagree with your decisions—but you’ll have a renewed fervor and determination that makes you unshakeable. People might be a little scared of you. This is probably a good thing.


The moon’s conjunction with Jupiter in your eighth house amplifies your likelihood to attain financial rewards from your partner or a side hustle. It’s also possible that an elderly relative’s passing will bring you a life-changing inheritance. If this does happen to you, remember that it’s okay to feel a complicated mixture of emotions. Grief doesn’t always make sense, but it’s important to show gratitude to our elders who love us enough to provide for us from beyond the grave. Later, the moon makes a sextile to Mercury in your tenth house, giving you a public platform through which to deliver important news. Be very cautious when doing so, as you run the risk of being misunderstood, but a long-term, permanent cancellation is very unlikely. Apologize for your poor wording and move on. Later on this evening, the moon and Mars link up in a conjunction in your eighth house, allowing you the space to feel every bit of existential dread and sorrow you’ve been repressing. Don’t be shocked by the sudden melancholy. Embrace it by journaling or blasting your favorite emo band from high school.


The emphasis is on your relationships today, with the moon making a conjunction to Jupiter in your seventh house this morning. While marriages during retrograde season aren’t particularly auspicious, some of you will inevitably tie the knot today, and while there may be some obstacles to overcome, you’ll very likely end up enjoying a beautiful ceremony. Unattached? You might just meet the one, as this is pretty much the stereotypical soulmate transit. Later, the moon makes a sextile to Mercury in your ninth house. For some, this will literally represent the chapel and the vows, but if there are no wedding bells in the cards for you today, you can still get closer to your partner (or best friend, or business partner, or anyone equally significant) by communicating about the things you typically don’t. Any misunderstandings are likely to be resolved quickly; ideological debates will intellectually challenge you, rather than offend you and drive you further apart from your person. Tonight, the moon and Mars form a conjunction in your seventh house, amping up the primal aggression within you and your partner. Fight it out and then have amazing makeup sex.


The moon in your sixth house forms a conjunction with Jupiter, presenting you with a much-deserved reward after a long period of hard work. For some of you, this morning will mark the completion of a strenuous fitness challenge, while others will get a raise or promotion at work. Your daily habits have left your muscles aching—metaphorically or literally—but the ascent is worth it when the view from the top is this glorious. You may have to take on more responsibility from this moment onward, but you’ll ultimately be grateful for it because it enables you to transform into the best possible version of yourself. This afternoon, when the moon makes a sextile to Mercury in your eighth house, you are likely to receive financial gifts too, either from your partner or a family member. If you’ve got a side hustle going, you might finally start seeing some serious ROI. Tonight, the energy shifts when the moon and Mars conjoin in your sixth house, giving you a borderline terrifying jolt of energy. Believe in the power of your resilience; it has carried you a long way. Take action now while the stars are aligned in your favor.


The moon and Jupiter conjunct in your fifth house gives you a dose of good luck regarding your fertility. This is great news for those of you who are hoping to expand your family right now, but if you’re not trying to conceive, you might see this transit manifest in the form of an exciting new creative project or romantic prospect. There might be some awkwardness in the beginning, but you’ll both figure it out together if you know how to laugh at yourselves. Start artistic vision boards today but don’t launch anything until Mercury is direct. Consider this permission to lose yourself in a daydream. This afternoon, the moon-Mercury sextile in your fifth and seventh houses provides a chance to have the talk with your partner about taking things a little further. Some of you will get engaged today, while others will get cold feet and break up; whatever happens is for the best. Tonight, the moon conjoins Mars in your fifth house, creating a sensual and romantic energy for date night. However, try to keep things light. There is potential for things to get heated, and not in the fun way.


There is a lot of excitement in your fourth house today, as the moon and Jupiter link up in a conjunction there this morning. While some of you will use this lucky window of time to move into your dream apartment, others will receive word that their terrible roommate is being evicted. Your relationship with your family will be more positive today, although you may find yourself bonding over unexpected things: reminiscing about your dead grandma’s inappropriate jokes or laughing about your childhood trauma, for instance. Later, the moon and Mercury form a sextile, with the latter in your sixth house, so you can expect a comfortable transition from personal to professional mode. Show up as your most authentic self at work and you might be surprised how well your real personality is received. Feel things out gradually, though, so you can figure out who is on your level and who has the reputation as the office narc. Tonight, the moon-Mars conjunction in your fourth house could bring some tension to your home environment. Try not to fix the problems yourself, since you might just end up digging yourself into a deeper hole. If inclement weather knocks the roof off your shed, call a professional. Apply this same logic to your relationships. If you end up battling it out with a relative or roommate, bring in a mediator.