Horoscope For Today: Tuesday, January 21, 2024
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The day begins with the moon in Libra, emphasizing our collective reliance on partners and the importance of weighing alternative perspectives.
It is more important than ever to hold space for seemingly contradictory belief systems and weigh all the options, as today’s revolutionary energy is reflected in the sun-Pluto conjunction at 1° Aquarius this morning.
At 7:06 AM EST, the stage is set. In the wake of Inauguration Day in the United States, the impulse to rebel, potentially in very violent ways, will be irresistible for some extremists. Even the most traditionalist among us can expect to feel a powerful desire for change. This is a time for using our collective voices, rather than anticipating help or guidance from world leaders. A growing distrust of politicians, legislators, and other public figures is now giving way to a world where the everyday person is recognizing their own power.
As astrologers have been stating for several years now, the Pluto in Aquarius timeline is one of mass radicalization and upheaval: the word “radical” means “from the root,” after all, and structural change rarely happens without a total dismantling of the old systems.
The critical moment is 11:21 AM, when the moon leaves Libra, where it is much more willing to find compromise, for the darker and more macabre territory of Scorpio. A new sense of urgency and intensity will dominate the masses. The moon squares Pluto at 1° at 2:50 PM, then the sun at 2° at 3:30, amplifying the collective desire for large-scale revolt.
To complicate matters further, all day retrograde Mars in Cancer will sextile retrograde Uranus in Taurus at 23°. Since neither planet is direct, and domineering Mars is famously unhappy in the cozy and feminine space of Cancer, it is unlikely that anyone will be acting completely rationally today. Attempts at violent political action and terrorism might go awry, with perpetrators unable to make their statement in exactly the way they intend.
There’s no avoiding the elephant in the room: this is wildly chaotic, unpredictable cosmic energy. The events that unfold today are going to be historic. To put it in perspective, the last time the sun and Pluto aligned this closely in Aquarius, it was January 27, 1778. American colonies were faced in a brutal battle for independence from Britain, whose forces had just captured Savannah, Georgia.
Even as we live through history, most of us will find that our daily lives play out with relative normalcy. There’s no denying the impact of our sociocultural circumstances on our individual lives, but it helps to know what’s coming. The following is a general forecast for each of the rising signs.
The sun-Pluto conjunction in your eleventh house catalyzes your desire for rebellion and protest, encouraging you to find a group with shared values to align yourself with. Make your voice heard. Mid-morning, the moon ingresses into your eighth house, and from that point forward, you will be preoccupied with taboo issues related to sexuality, mortality, and the psyche at large. The moon forms a tense square to Pluto in your eleventh house this afternoon, reflecting your emotional drive for leadership. Expect some in-fighting between you and your larger community; in characteristic Aries fashion, you may prefer to fight this fight alone. Meanwhile, retrograde Mars in your fourth house will sextile retrograde Uranus in your second all day, as you sluggishly attempt to create sweeping change in your domestic sphere amidst seismic financial shifts.
The conjunction between the sun and Pluto in your tenth house magnifies your personal convictions and puts you in the spotlight. The masses, as it were, may circle around you or look to you as their de factor leader at this critical moment. Later in the morning, when the moon moves into your seventh house, your focus turns to a particular close partnership. Everyone at the center of a powerful movement needs allies, and you will find one within your ranks. This afternoon, the moon makes a square to Pluto in your tenth house, reflecting your emotional desire for large-scale reputational change. You are operating at a very high level of energy today. However, all day long there is another undercurrent to contend with: retrograde Mars in your third house sextile retrograde Uranus in your first, a clear sign of communication difficulties and conflicts with local allies and extended family members who may be shocked by your sudden break from the status quo.
As the sun and Pluto form a conjunction in your ninth house, your deepest moral, ideological, and religious convictions are kicked into major action. Those of you who work in the legal system will also find this a powerful day to create long-lasting change for humanity. Midway through the morning, the moon’s ingress into your sixth house motivates you to get down to business: some practicality and realism is necessary in the midst of such chaotic cosmic weather. This afternoon, the moon squares off against Pluto in your ninth house, suggesting tangible, annoying obstacles that may cause you to go into emotional overdrive. Meanwhile, retrograde Mars in your second house forms a sextile with retrograde Uranus in your twelfth, discouraging you from making too many sudden financial moves based on your intuition. At the moment, it’s best to trust the facts and not let your feelings lead you astray.
The sun-Pluto conjunction in your eighth house reflects a deep unconscious rebellious desire becoming conscious, and the climate is right to explore it—within reason. Use your trauma constructively to communicate difficult, radical concepts to others who may have never considered things from your perspective. Mid-morning, the moon moves into your fifth house, lending you a romantic openness that allows for you to meet others where they’re at, or create masterful political art if that is what you wish to do. Consider the best ways to express your combination of talents. This afternoon, the moon squares off against Pluto in your eighth house, intensifying the conviction that you must explore the depths of your own psyche before you can heal anyone else. Meanwhile, as retrograde Mars in your first house forms a sextile with retrograde Uranus in your eleventh, you may stand as the figurehead in your wider community as they undergo an ideological paradigm shift.
The conjunction between the sun and Pluto occurs in your seventh house, making it intensely personal for you: your partner is likely to be the central focus of your radicalization today. Whether your relationship is built in the trenches of revolution or it falls apart in the wake of major political unrest, you will receive startling clarity about the future of you and your closest friend or romantic partner today. Yes, betrayals and breakups are possible, but you’ve likely already seen this coming. Roughly halfway through the morning, the moon shifts into your fourth house, drawing your attention, paradoxically, to the home and family. Even if you think your talents are suited in a more public forum, you must embrace the transformation that is occurring in the most private sector of your life. This afternoon, the moon squares off against Pluto in your seventh house, only further intensifying the emotional disconnect between you and your partner. Meanwhile, retrograde Mars in your twelfth house makes a sextile with retrograde Uranus in your tenth, directing you to turn inward even as your public reputation undergoes a major review.
The sun-Pluto conjunction in your sixth house tells a clear story: you can do your best work for the cause simply by putting in dutiful, practical effort. The way you function on a daily basis, however, is likely to undergo changes, and you’ll have to become more adaptable to shakeups in your routine. These global shifts are bigger than you alone. Mid-morning, the moon’s ingress into your third house accelerates your communicative power, especially with local members of your community; even if you only reach one person, it could be the most important thing you do all day. This afternoon, the moon squares off against Pluto in your sixth house, presenting emotional distractions and challenges to what you might otherwise hope to be a fairly typical workday. Meanwhile, with retrograde Mars in your eleventh house sextile retrograde Uranus in your ninth, your attempts at radicalizing your larger community may fall on deaf ears if they are too set in their ways. Parse your own thinking for any cognitive biases as well.
As the sun and Pluto come into conjunction in your fifth house, your creative power reaches its peak, as does your determination to create lasting art that “comforts the disturbed and disturbs the uncomfortable.” If you work in a creative field, or in one that involves young children, you have a moral responsibility to use your gifts to influence the world at large. Midway through the morning, when the moon ingresses into your second house, your instinct may be to donate money to a cause that is near and dear to your heart, but be wary of throwing your money around too carelessly. You can’t save everyone. Sometimes the most important thing you can do is look after yourself. This afternoon, when the moon forms a square against Pluto in your fifth house, you can expect to feel psychological strain, overwhelmed by your own empathy. Meanwhile, retrograde Mars in your tenth house sextile retrograde Uranus in your eighth serves as yet another reminder to avoid overzealous spending: if you’re doing it with pure intentions, the money may karmically return to you, but if you’re just trying to win woke points, this will become evident in time.
With the sun and Pluto conjunct in your fourth house, your true strength today lies not in the town square but right at home with your closest family. There is a tremendously powerful opportunity to change the hearts and minds of those most stubbornly resistant to change. Mid-morning, when the moon ingresses into your first house, you will appear even more charismatic. However, this afternoon, when the moon squares off against Pluto in your fourth house, projection is likely and you might find it difficult to get through to your family members. In turn, they will begin to view you as an antagonist rather than a trustworthy source of information. Know when to walk away. Some battles are not worth fighting—at least not under this incredibly intense cosmic weather. Meanwhile, retrograde Mars in your ninth house sextile retrograde Uranus in your seventh brings shocking revelations about your partners’ beliefs: if you are religiously, culturally, or ideologically misaligned, you will no longer be able to sweep this under the carpet.
The sun-Pluto conjunction in your third house brings an intensity to your communication style, especially to members of your local community and extended family, who you might normally prefer not to engage in contentious conversation. The risk is worth taking today, especially mid-morning, when the moon has ingressed into your twelfth house and given you time to reflect on the best ways to express the thoughts you normally keep locked up in a vault. Psychological breakthroughs might occur today, and it is certainly helpful to discuss them with a trusted friend or neighbor who will remain crucially detached or unbiased. This afternoon, the moon squares Pluto in your third house, overwhelming you with emotion about the state of the world and potentially triggering a crash-out. Stop doomscrolling around this time and instead focus on journaling or doing some creative writing. Know when to detach for the sake of your own sanity. Meanwhile, retrograde Mars in your eighth house forms a sextile with retrograde Uranus in your sixth, so you can expect that every single one of your coworkers’ problems is about to become yours as well.
With the sun-Pluto conjunction in your second house, your strength right now is capital. Whether you organize a fundraiser or donate a significant amount of your own money to a worthwhile cause, your money will be greatly appreciated. You may not typically be the type to part with your own cash that easily, but the understanding that the current world situation is larger than life may motivate you to empty your pockets. This generosity will not go unnoticed. Halfway through the morning, the moon ingresses into your eleventh house, enabling you to feel great empathy and compassion for people in your broader community. This afternoon, when the moon squares off against Pluto in your second house, you are likely to be accepted into a new group of likeminded people. Meanwhile, as retrograde Mars in your seventh house sextiles retrograde Uranus in your fifth, you struggle to come to terms with the fact that your partner might be fundamentally wrong for you—even if the spark is there.
With the sun-Pluto conjunction in your first house, you are the star of the show today. You have the capacity for immense influence, however you wish to use it. People will be looking to you for guidance, advice, and reassurance that the world isn’t ending, so weigh your words carefully. Mid-morning, when the moon moves into your tenth house, your power reaches its pinnacle. This afternoon, the moon’s square-off with Pluto in your first house presents challenges from others in the public sphere who may attack and defame your character. At best, they are equally strong defenders of their own convictions, and make worthy opponents; at worst, they are trolls coming at you in bad faith. Pick your battles. The greater theme of the day is represented by retrograde Mars in your sixth house sextile retrograde Uranus in your fourth, suggesting conflicts between your work and family life. A shocking event at home might force you out of workaholism mode and bring you back to the domestic sphere.
The conjunction between the sun and Pluto takes place in your twelfth house, so you are likely to experience radical change to your mental health and be triggered into action due to psychological influences. If a beloved friend or family member is hospitalized, their pain may serve as an external catalyst for your radicalization—whatever that means for you. Midway through the morning, the moon ingresses into your ninth house, signifying a stronger emotional connection to your faith and spiritual practice, as well as any political or ideological alliances you feel strongly about. This afternoon, the moon squares off against Pluto in your twelfth house, giving you the confidence to believe in the impossible, even in the face of immense suffering. Meanwhile, retrograde Mars in your fifth house forms a sextile to retrograde Uranus in your third, encouraging you to have challenging conversations with children and short-term partners you’re currently entertaining. You never know if you’ll be the one to plant a seed in someone’s heart, encouraging them to view something from a different perspective.