Horoscope For Today: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
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Today is rather calm, but the few events in the heavens are nevertheless significant time stamps for change.
The day begins with the moon in the early degrees of eccentric Aquarius, close to destructive Pluto at 3°, as the pileup of planets in the Aries parade continues. An early-morning sun-Mercury cazimi at 4° Aries gives us the opportunity to speak our minds with conviction, courage, and a little more intensity than we might normally use.
However, with Mercury retrograde, whatever you say might not land quite as well as you’d hoped, so tread carefully, especially if other people’s feelings are involved. Aries is nothing if not brutally honest.
At 1:59 PM, the moon makes a refreshingly airy break from the firestorm in the heavens: the trine to Jupiter at 15° Gemini encourages the collective to dream big and join forces for multiple humanitarian efforts.
What can you expect today on a personal level? The following forecast will provide you with some helpful guidance, but remember to read according to your rising sign and not your sun sign for the most accuracy.
Today the moon is stationed in your eleventh house, close to Pluto, reflecting an emotional attachment to your social life and an intense desire to broaden your horizons. Some of your friends may severely disappoint you or you might find yourself playing the uncomfortable role of mediator as your group chat goes wild, but whatever you learn during this time will ultimately be for the better. Meanwhile, the morning’s sun-Mercury cazimi in your first house gives you a boost of confidence that makes you undeniably attractive and charming to others, although with the messenger planet retrograde, be wary of who you start trauma-dumping on at the grocery store. Brutal honesty is typically your love language, but today, if your best friend asks her opinion on her unflattering new haircut, it’s probably best to tell her you love it—without the caveat you’re secretly dying to unleash. There’s a time and a place, Aries. Your communication skills are sharpened this afternoon, however, when the moon’s trine to Jupiter in your third house enables you to reach a wide audience with your words and feelings. If you’re hoping to get your point across to someone, this is the best window of time to do it.
Today as the moon makes its way through your tenth house in close conjunction to Pluto, your focus will be on your professional reputation and legacy—particularly the ways you can repair one that has been suffering some damage. Whether you’ve faced a scandal you’re taking accountable for, or suffering through an unjust smear campaign, you can be certain everything will feel emotionally intense, especially as the sun-Mercury cazimi lights up your twelfth house. Allow yourself to feel all the feelings, seeking solace through escapism, journaling, or scheduling an impromptu therapy session—but remember that whatever you’re consumed with right now might be resolved by the time the messenger planet is direct. While Mercury is still retrograde, though, it’s okay to grieve the life you thought you’d have. Your vulnerability and willingness to accept responsibility for your errors will prove lucrative, since this afternoon, the moon trines Jupiter in your second house, promising a surprise windfall. Abundance comes to those who wait.
Today the moon transits your ninth house in close conjunction to Pluto, bringing an emotional intensity to your deconstruction of religious, ideological, or intellectual beliefs. Whether you like it or not, you are in the midst of a paradigm shift, and before you can accept the truth of your new reality, you will inevitably go through a dark night of the soul. Meanwhile, the sun-Mercury cazimi in your eleventh house provides you with a wealth of resources and support from your friend group, so if you’re feeling particularly alone, reach out to an old friend with your heart fully on your sleeve and admit that you’d like to meet them for coffee to catch up. The worst that can happen is that they leave you on read, and that’s unlikely, with the current astro weather suggesting that you’re the most popular person in the room right now. People want to talk to you, but unfortunately, with Mercury retrograde, there might be some negative rumors going around too—or one opp posing as a trusted friend. Be wary of who you let into your world, recognizing that not everyone has the purest of intentions. However, you’ll be pleased to know that everything’s coming up Gemini this afternoon, when the moon trines Jupiter in your first house: you can anticipate smooth sailing as you navigate the waters at work or in the public sphere.
As the moon transits your eighth house, it forms a close conjunction with Pluto, reflecting the proverbial eye of the emotional hurricane that you currently find yourself in. Whether you’re going through a traumatic loss, confusion about your sexuality, or an intense karmic relationship, you’re likely to be feeling everything about ten times more deeply than you would on a normal day—which is saying something, considering your profound sensitivity. Meanwhile, the sun-Mercury cazimi in your tenth house forces you to confront your public reputation, which may or may seem to be be changing for the better as you navigate the complexities of your private life on a public stage. There are going to be days you wish for nothing more than the opportunity to hide away from the world, but the very vulnerabilities you fear will destroy you are the very traits that make you relatable and desirable to other people. There will be a lot said about you right now, both good and bad; unfortunately, while Mercury is retrograde, not all of your press will be good press. But no one knows you better than yourself, and you can choose to brush off the negativity. This afternoon, when the moon makes a trine with Jupiter in your twelfth house, you can anticipate one of two things (or possibly both simultaneously): a seemingly unavoidable temptation to indulge in vice, or a breakthrough regarding your mental health.
Your relationships may feel as though they are on painfully unstable ground right now, as the moon sits so close to Pluto in your seventh house, a reflection of the major revolutionary changes occurring to your relational sector right now. You may feel on the verge of throwing in the towel and ending a long relationship or marriage; if you’re single, you might be very close to firing a business partner. The dreaded friendship breakup is also a possibility. Remember that sometimes people are only in our lives for a season; while the ideal is to create a relationship that endures the test of time, sometimes we do, in fact, outgrow people. Meanwhile, as the sun-Mercury cazimi in your ninth house places your focus on your religious, ideological, and cultural practices, you may feel tempted to run away and start over—literally, as in moving abroad, or metaphorically, as in announcing you’re becoming a born-again Christian. Don’t do anything rash under this cosmic weather, since the messenger planet is still retrograde and you might make some confessions—or conversions—that you wish you could take back in the future. Regardless of what impulsive decision you make, this afternoon, when the moon trines Jupiter in your eleventh house, you’ll feel welcomed in by a new social group. Just be careful you don’t accidentally join a cult.
Today the moon transits your sixth house, close to Pluto, where it has been demanding change to your physical health and wellness routine for some time now. You’re likely to feel a stronger emotional connection to your routines, which is a positive sign that you’re about to integrate them into your daily practice and not just give them up after a few weeks. You’re ready to fully commit, and by ritualizing the mundane you are cultivating a sense of sacred peace in your home while simultaneously nourishing your body and refreshing your mind. You should take pride in the progress you’ve made, especially if a health scare or injury was the catalyst to this major life change. Meanwhile, the sun-Mercury cazimi in your eighth house is presenting new opportunities to experiment sexually, communicate your desires, and explore your shadow through therapy or meditation. It’s a good time to have a deep, transformative conversation with your partner, but with the messenger planet retrograde, you might end up misunderstanding each other so much that it ends in an argument. This afternoon, when the moon forms a trine with Jupiter in your tenth house, you can expect to receive some type of elevation in your career, such as a promotion or higher-paying job offer. Nothing seems impossible to you right now.
As the moon cruises through your fifth house, it makes a close conjunction with Pluto, shaking up your relationship to casual flings, creativity, and your children, if applicable. If your situationship is refusing to give you a straight answer or you’re tired of disappointing Hinge hookups, you might decide to give celibate girl spring a chance; on the other hand, if you’ve been struggling to get over a toxic ex, it might be time you finally put yourself out there and have a whirlwind rebound. What you create around this time is likely to be profound and raw, healing the deepest wounds within yourself and purging space for new ideas to grow. This is the end of an era, and you’re going to be dragged to the finish line kicking and screaming, but you’ll appreciate it in retrospect. Just give it a year or two. Meanwhile, when the sun-Mercury cazimi lights up your seventh house, you’ll be focused intently on your relationships and how you convey your feelings within them; with Mercury still retrograde, you might express something a little too bluntly and hurt your partner’s feelings, but unfortunately in life there are no takebacks, and your uncharacteristically brutal honesty might strike a chord. This afternoon, when the moon trines Jupiter in your ninth house, you can expect to receive promising news from friends abroad or from a spiritual leader you’ve been trusting with your soul.
As the moon makes its way through your fourth house this morning, it comes into close conjunction with Pluto, putting you at the very heart of extreme telenovela-style family drama. If you’re not actively involved, you’ll nonetheless feel the pain, sorrow, and grief of your loved ones as they struggle through this exceptionally difficult time. Some of you may experience literal loss around this time, forcing you to spend more time at home to support your grieving relatives; this might feel too overwhelming to bear at times, as you, too, try to cope with your completely reasonable emotional response to tragedy. Those of you who have toxic, enmeshed, or abusive relationships with your mothers may face a breaking point now, but you are likely to experience some relief along with the trauma. You’ve likely known this had to happen for a long time, but due to your codependent tendencies, and the societal expectation to make mother-daughter relationships work at all costs, you’ve been avoiding the act of just ripping the Band-Aid off. Meanwhile, the sun-Mercury cazimi in your sixth house puts your focus on productivity around the office or home, while leaving you open to conflicts and misunderstandings with coworkers while the messenger planet is retrograde. This afternoon, the moon’s trine to Jupiter in your eighth house delivers positive news regarding your finances. Many of you will receive inheritances, while others will finish paying off debts.
As the moon cruises through your third house this morning, coming close to Pluto, it shatters your expectations surrounding your local community and your extended family, including your siblings. Some of you may experience particularly personal traumas related to your brothers, sisters, and cousins, while others will recognize that they need to leave their hometown or risk going crazy. If you’ve been trying to live up to the expectations of your parents, friends, or peers, you’ve undoubtedly been limiting yourself. There is much more out there in the world to explore, and you might not have found your tribe just yet; you might be settling for people whose proximity makes them accessible. Meanwhile, as the sun-Mercury cazimi lights up your fifth house, your spontaneous side comes out. You’ll likely feel curious about pursuing a short-lived fling, starting new creative projects, or rejoining Hinge just for the fun of it—but while Mercury is still retrograde, you’re unlikely to get your point across in a way that you can feel totally comfortable with in the long run. It’s a good idea to wait a bit before you make any rash decisions. Furthermore, this afternoon, the moon trines Jupiter in your seventh house, dropping you in the right place at the right time to be wined and dined by a lover with a serious offer of commitment.
Today the moon transits your second house alongside Pluto, so you can expect that your focus will be on your finances—and how you can fix any serious issues they’ve been causing you lately. This transit is reflective of both extreme gains and extreme losses, so you could be on either end of the spectrum, but it’s difficult to deny that you’re undergoing an ego death related to the way you view money, your values, and the areas in life where they uncomfortably intersect. Meanwhile, the sun-Mercury cazimi in your fourth house shines a light on your domestic life and your family of origin, reminding you to stay focused on what happens close to home just as much, if not more than, what is projected to the public sphere. This might feel unnatural for someone as business-oriented as you, but your family needs you right now, and the best thing to do is to show up for them selflessly. While Mercury is still retrograde, though, it’s a good idea to keep your unsolicited advice to a minimum, as it’s unlikely to be received well. What you think of as constructive criticism may still, unfortunately, hurt someone’s feelings. This afternoon, when the moon trines Jupiter in your sixth house, you can expect good news regarding your physical health or work life—or both.
Today, as the moon transits your first house, it stays in a tight conjunction with Pluto, reminding you unpleasantly of the transformative and utterly radical changes occurring to your personal identity and physical appearance right now. You are likely to feel more sentimental about what you’re leaving behind—and about the way you’re currently being perceived, which may not be entirely positive. This is all part of the process; if you’ve been keeping your side of the street clean, you can be sure you’ll come out on top by the end of this painful period of growing pains. If you haven’t been, you’ll still learn a karmic lesson. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. Meanwhile, the sun-Mercury cazimi stakes a claim over your third house, enhancing your positive and optimistic attitude towards your local community and your extended family—yes, even those estranged cousins. You may feel the impulse to reach out to relatives with an olive branch, or vice versa, but while Mercury is retrograde, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to reach total clarity quite yet. Keep trying to build bridges. As long as your intentions are good, the foundation will be laid. This afternoon, the moon’s trine to Jupiter in your fifth house promises good news regarding a casual partner, a creative passion project, or your kids, if you have any.
Today the moon makes its way through your twelfth house, keeping in close lockstep with Pluto. Your temptation to overindulge in substances or resort to harmful or dangerous escapist practices may be higher than usual, and it is advisable that you seek professional help if you are feeling out of control. You may feel as though there is no way out of the current situation you are trapped in, but with the right support system, there is nothing you cannot conquer. Meanwhile, as the sun-Mercury cazimi takes up its rightful place in your second house, you can monetize your trauma in the way that feels most comfortable to you. It’s a great day to start planning a new Substack newsletter about your recovery, for instance, but just stick to brainstorming for now: the messenger planet is still retrograde, meaning that it’s an inauspicious time to launch any brand-new business project. Instead, circle back to old clients and job offers to see if they have renewed interest. This afternoon, the moon makes a trine to Jupiter in your fourth house, reflecting an optimistic and warm familial environment. Relax and know that your support system is solid and your family, whether they’re blood relatives or not, are going to show up for you, celebrating you during both your high and low points.