How Each Zodiac Falls For The Love Of Their Life
ARIES: Confidently.
You dive in headfirst and cultivate a genuine connection. You know it’s real because you don’t want to seek out any other path that would lead you to any other person. You fall for their strong sense of self and open-minded nature. The love of your life is someone exceptionally fun to spend making life an adventure with. They know your worth and they remind you of it each time they show you off. They’re not afraid to voice themselves or to stand up to you. Your forever partner makes you part of their life’s ambitions, because you are their number one priority. They spoil you with excitement and romance. Your love waited a long time to find their ideal partner, too. You’ve both never been as sure of anything as you have been of this.
TAURUS: You fall hard.
The love of your life inspires the passion you always craved but feared. They touch you in a way so profound that it forever alters your definition of love. You usually choose partners for more pragmatic reasons, but your true love stimulates all your senses. You carry pieces of them with you wherever you go—their scent, the way they chew their bottom lip when they’re pensive, and even their laugh. You can’t stop thinking about the way their hair color changes when it’s touched by the sun. You feel afraid, but you know you can trust them because they did the right thing from the start. They took the time getting to know you and understanding your idiosyncrasies. Things with them feel different than they ever have before, but they feel like home.
GEMINI: Later in life and loudly.
Commitment isn’t high on your priority list, so you don’t settle down early. Once you do, you forget all your options. The love of your life conquers you through a meeting of the minds. You fall through witty banter, flirtation, and intellectual stimulation. When you’re sure, you’ll lay it all down on the table and express your feelings. You want to make sure the object of your affection knows you’re in it. You want the whole world to know. You’re extremely affectionate, doting, and generous with your one and only. Together, you seek new experiences and visit strange places, but you still give each other the space to have your own hobbies outside the relationship. You can finish each other’s sentences and read each other’s minds with just one look.
CANCER: Like in the fairytales.
It happens magically. You’d almost lost hope that encounters like this existed. You fall suddenly. It sounds so cliché, but you know it right after your eyes meet theirs. It’s love at first sight, but you’re certain. The only worry lies in what those close to you will think, but it won’t matter. This is how you know it’s real. You know what you want and you’re going to grab on to it. You’re not letting your future with this person slip through your fingers. They’re who you want to call family. The love of your life surprises you by getting you to open up. You’re vulnerable with them. It happens so naturally that there’s no room left for fear.
LEO: It’s epic.
You’re usually the one turning heads, Leo. Hearts fall and break for you left and right. It takes someone extraordinarily special to capture your eye. You instinctively know this person is someone loyal. There’s no fear involved in taking the leap of faith. They make you feel like you’re the only one on this earth. You don’t want to hold back with them. The love of your life romances you with grand but thoughtful gestures. Falling for them makes you feel spoiled with adventure and surprise. It’s a magnetic connection. You make each other feel so many things at once—every emotion possibly associated with love. They slowly become your biggest pride.
VIRGO: You become earnestly smitten.
The love of your life sees past your self-imposed walls. The barriers you’ve put up to protect yourself melt away into nothing around them. You don’t rationalize things like you normally do. Being vulnerable doesn’t scare you anymore. This person makes you feel like you don’t have a need to protect yourself. They’ve taken their time getting to know you and opening up in equal measure. Your true love provides you with real intimacy. You know each other’s pet peeves, hopes, and routines. They remember all the small details, like the appropriate times to order you a chai tea over a vanilla latte. Their favorite wine is always stocked in your bar cart. You prioritize time into your busy schedule for them. The one brings out a super gentle side of you people rarely see. You’re soft, loving, and open.
LIBRA: Effortlessly.
You fall for the love of your life at just the right time. It’s a beautiful sight to behold. Your skin glows. Your eyes twinkle. You sing along to love songs on your way home. Think Taylor Swift’s “Lavender Haze.” You live in a sugar-coated pastel world. There isn’t a moment where you debate if this love is worth the risk. You’re wildly swept away with it. The one inspires you to incorporate more beauty into your life, as opposed to curating perfection. They treat you with respect and devotion. They bring more peace into your life. When you fall in love with them, you know exactly why it never worked out with anyone else. You start factoring them into your plans and future. Your commitment to each other is defined by you two alone. You’ll do everything to protect your relationship.
SCORPIO: *Alexa, play “Sidelines” by Phoebe Bridgers*
You find a new lease on life and learn to feel again. Life taught you long ago that love isn’t for the faint of heart. You became guarded and even jaded. You stopped putting effort into opening up. You became too good at being alone. Meeting the love of your life reminds you of all the beauty you’ve been missing out on. You’re reminded that real love exists outside of books. You learn that art can be spawned from happiness, too. You fall in love with someone who matches your emotional depth and makes you feel accepted. They challenge you to let go of control, but you trust that they’ll always be there. They make you feel like you don’t have to hide any part of who you are. You tell them all your secrets—even the ones you thought you’d take to the grave. When you fall into true love, the fear feels kind of good. You’re soft where you once were hardened.
SAGITTARIUS: Without inhibition and with an open heart.
You don’t settle for anything in life, least of all love. A true soulmate makes you want to commit. You’re not as independent as you seem, and you long for a good companion. You want someone you can travel the world with and who doesn’t mind letting you shine. Someone with the same affinity for new experiences can make you commit (making many of your exes lime-green jelly with envy). The love of your life makes you feel like a treasure, but they also know how to back up their words with actions. They understand that you have both a playful and serious side. They make you feel heard. You can communicate straightforwardly and honestly. You know you love this person because you’d want them to remain in your life even if things weren’t to work out.
CAPRICORN: You see the big picture.
You’re turned on by desire for success, so it takes someone especially driven to make you fall in love. It’s hard for you to make room for someone else in your life, but you will for the right person. The love of your life knows what they want. Their values and ambitions mesh well with yours. They respect your goals and help you make them a reality. You trust that it’s real when they show you tangible proof of wanting you in their future. Whether it’s planning a trip to Europe, moving in together, or meeting their family, you know when they show you it’s long-term. You feel comfortable, secure, and happy settling down with them. You’re certain when they become your best friend. You can see what life looks like for the next few decades.
AQUARIUS: You fall in love with a friend.
The love of your life is someone you gradually found yourself opening up to. You fall in love through friendship with someone strong in their convictions and morals. You hate convention, but at the end of the day you have a tender heart that craves affection. When you can connect with someone on an emotional level, you adapt your life to spend time with them. You don’t mind making room for someone so rare and who can bring you such inspiration. You fall for someone with their own interests and hobbies—someone who encourages your eccentricities. You’re visionaries for a life lived together and to the fullest.
PISCES: You meet just when you’ve lost all hope.
It’s unexpected but slow. You’ve been vulnerable and let down in the past. It took you a long time to heal from the trauma of heartbreak. You feel everything deeply, and you never want to feel that pain again. You’re guarded as you fall in love because you’ve often sacrificed yourself for others. The love of your life encourages you to voice your wants and needs. You dote on them once they make you feel safe. You feel nurtured and cared for with a partner who knows how to be open. You stay up late together, exchanging your deepest desires. They encourage you to chase your dreams. They never let you lose sight of who you are. All the fantasies you ever had of romance come to life.