How Hard You’re Willing To Work For Love, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
You’re willing to work for love, even when it means taking sides and drawing boundaries with people who you’re closest to. You know how important it is to prioritize your partner and not let people-pleasing take the wheel when it comes to decision-making.
You are willing to work at love wherever and whenever you can. You pick up odd-jobs and side hustles to contribute your fair share to the relationship and generate as much value as possible. You never fail to get creative with your approach.
No one works as quickly or efficiently when it comes to love, Gemini. You are in perpetual motion, always keeping things progressing at a steady rate, producing results, and never stopping to rest or slack off. No one works as tirelessly as you.
You are willing to work so hard you go to the places you avoid at all costs in your own heart and mind, Cancer. You share all of yourself with your partner, no matter how ugly or vulnerable it may be. You put everything you have into the relationship.
You are willing to be on call 24/7 for your relationship, even if it means giving up your precious nights and weekends. You see love as an always on responsibility, and once you give yourself to it, there’s no logging off or unplugging.
In love, you are willing to give your blood, sweat, and tears Virgo. Like the most dedicated athletes or performers, you always go to any length to absolutely perfect your craft. You truly believe your partner deserves no less of you.
You are willing to work in love so hard people start to question whether you ever sleep, and wouldn’t they like to know? You follow your heart, and know inherently what needs to be done to maintain the spark and the deeper connection.
The way you work in love is nothing short of masterful, Scorpio. You put the FBI to shame, the CIA, Cirque du Soleil, and even Olympic athletes for crying out loud. You are so stealth, so efficient, so nimble and swift, they’ll never see you coming.
You’re willing to leave all your earthly belongings behind and rough it in the harshest landscape if it means leaving hand in hand with the love of your life, Sagittarius. You would give it all up in a heartbeat for that kind of partnership.
You are willing to stop at nothing to make sure you’re the one chosen for the job, Capricorn. You will plot, backstab, undermine, network, and schmooze until you can schmooze no more. It’s all worth it when love is on the line.
You are willing to turn your life inside out for love, Aquarius.To flip your schedule or your house on its end in order to accommodate the person who is meant for you. When the one thing that can’t be changed is the relationship, everything else is flexible.
When you love, you never truly rest, Pisces. Even when you close your eyes you don’t see black, and instead go through your mental to-do list to keep the relationship afloat. You’re always remembering what your partner forgot and what they don’t even know they need.