How To Successfully Get Over The One Who Got Away
If you’re struggling to get over the one who got away, you’re not alone. But rest assured that it is possible to move on. It is possible to be happy with someone else or entirely on your own. If you’re struggling to get over someone, keep these important reminders in mind:
“I take solace in the fact that the person I was then, and the person she was then no longer exist. And the person I’ve become now and the person she has become now would not exist if I hadn’t been who I was then and she hadn’t been who she was then.” — obaterista93
“The one that got away is most likely just fond memories. It didn’t work for a reason, you just choose to remember the good times.” — cthulucore
“Just be happy for them. Be happy for their marriages, and life. That’s all. Didn’t work out for a reason because there was someone better suited for them.” — between-mirrors
“Sometimes we linger on the one who got away because it was the best we had been treated so far. Sometimes, someone else comes along and makes you completely realize that the bar can go higher. Sometimes you grow and realize the bar was at the right height, but this just isn’t the bar for you. Sometimes… You take another crack at the bar and finally have the strength to pull yourself to its level.” — Valnaire
“Avoid them like the plague was the advice I got for a speedy recovery. It’s worked for me. And it depends on the person whether status quo can and should be maintained with an ex.” — justadair
“Sometimes special people come into our lives, stay for a bit and then they have to go… But the bit where they were here was happy, wasn’t it? It’s a newer quote, but quite truthful. No one gets away, you don’t own anyone, but sometimes the path you are walking, that person can only travel so far with you before they have to go their own way. Then, someone new will join you later on your path more meant to be the one to travel with who you are now.” — zeusssssss
“Was tough. Took time. Eventually, I came to terms with the fact that the love you feel for each person is completely different. If you’re thinking you’ll never feel this way about a girl, you’re right. You never ever will again. But the same goes for the next girl, and the one after that, as well. So it’s okay to be sad, but don’t worry. Love is a strange feeling and it really differs from person to person.” — holdenmcgroin1234
“I’ve reconnected with a few ones that got away and in most cases they’re different people now, just as I am. The funny thing is you STILL PINE for the memory of the old them because they’re really a totem for the amazing daydream of youth and the infinite paths your life could have taken.” — eqvolvorama
“Over time, it turned into a different kind of love. She’s my best friend now, and I was honored to give a toast at her wedding recently. Some soulmates aren’t meant to be romantic.” — mrschivers
“I think people get too focused on their being one special person. This just isn’t true at all and leads to some pretty miserable obsessive ideas. If you can open your heart to love, you’ll find the world is full of people you can and will fall madly in love with. People change, and grow and so will you. No one ever gets away, love is always there for you.” — bsegelke