How You Can Take Bigger Risks, According To An Astrologist & Tarot Reader


Your Card: The Empress, reversed

If you want to pave the way for taking greater risks, then you have to overcome the creative block in your life. In order to do that, you have to overcome your insecurities and start having more faith in your ideas and capabilities. You’re someone who has always been so self-confident, so where is that now? Get to the root of your loss of confidence. When you find it again, you’ll be able to move boldly, and never be weighed down by fear or the possibility of failure. 


Your Card: The Magician, reversed

Stop holding yourself back, Taurus. You’re acting like your own worst enemy. You find comfort in what feels safe and familiar, but you’re never going to make the progress you want if you don’t shake it up a little bit. Change can feel terrifying, but most great things do. Stop being afraid to be bold and take risks. When you refuse to think outside the box, you are limiting yourself. Make a shift in how you approach things, and make an attempt to adopt different perspectives. 


Your Card: Ten of Pentacles, reversed

Take more risks when it comes to material and financial pursuits. If you’ve been thinking about expanding your income from more than just your 9-to-5, then make a move, Gemini. That side gig or business that you’ve often thought about doesn’t have to remain a fantasy. Break free from tradition so that you can achieve not only greater financial security, but a greater overall sense of fulfillment. Don’t be afraid to be bold and begin a new endeavor. Stop focusing on the now, and think about your long-term success and joy.


Your Card: Ace of Cups, reversed

Stop being afraid of unexpected negative outcomes, and go for it, Cancer. Don’t think about past losses or past disappointments and project them to your current situation. You’re never going to get anywhere with that fear. Pour your energy into what brings you joy, even if it means changing course. When you invest in your passions, your efforts are never wasted. You owe it to yourself to pursue what aligns with your soul. Let your inspiration lead the way. Say yes to what sparks something in you. 


Your Card: Five of Cups

If you want to start taking greater risks, then you’re going to have to stop dwelling on the past. You’re afraid to move forward because you keep thinking in terms of “what if.” Nothing in life is certain, you may experience hurt and disappointment again, but you can’t let that stop you from chasing after the things you want. If you don’t start acting more boldly, then you’re going to wind up living your later life in regret. Let all your baggage go. Get out there and start creating the life you desire, even if it feels terrifying. 


Your Card: The Moon

The Moon asks you to pause and reflect on what exactly it is that you’re so afraid of. What fears and anxieties are keeping you from moving forward, taking risks, and making progress? Allow your intuition to guide you of this place you’ve been stuck in. Take control of your life by realizing the power that resides within you. Even if your worst fears were to be realized, the outcome won’t be anything you can’t overcome. The fear of not trying and living with regret should outweigh your fear of the unknown. 


Your Card: Two of Cups

Start trusting in yourself more, Libra. Have more faith in your thoughts and ideas. Express yourself more freely and fully. If you want that harmony that you so deeply crave in life, then you’re going to have to start being more authentic and unafraid of asserting yourself. Take some risks. Move with confidence and dignity as you pursue all your aims and ambitions. The most important partnership in life is the one you have with yourself, so start prioritizing it and investing in your desires. 


Your Card: The Hierophant, reversed

If you want to start taking bigger risks, you’re going to have to be more flexible, Scorpio. As a fixed sign, it can be easy for you to be rigid and stay set in your ways. You’re going to have to work on that. Right now, you’re confined by the structures you’ve set for yourself. It’s time to break those rules and stop boxing yourself in. Set yourself free from the traditions that are no longer serving you. Trust in your inner strength and start taking a new approach. 


Your Card: Queen of Cups, reversed

You’re burnt out, Sag. Until you take some time to prioritize your well-being you won’t be able to give it your all and truly put yourself out there. You need to slow down and connect with yourself again. Start saying “no” more to things. Stop putting yourself on the back burner. Stop neglecting your own needs. Be fully present in your own life. In order to take greater risks, you need your batteries recharged.


Your Card: The Tower

You need to make some major changes, Capricorn. Burn it all down, and then rebuild again. In your heart of hearts you know this. Don’t be afraid. It’s never too late to change course—to change dreams. If the current dynamic is no longer working, then why keep placing your energy into something that just isn’t right for you? Stop heading down this path just because it’s what you always planned for yourself. You owe yourself more than living a life where you just go through the motions.


Your Card: Seven of Pentacles

Think in terms of your long-term vision when you’re taking risks. Great risks don’t always mean quick ones—-be patient and persistent, Aquarius. Don’t confine yourself to short-term results. The Seven of Pentacles also urges you to stop limiting yourself by letting go of your fear of failure. It’s okay to make mistakes, what makes a person is how they react to and learn from them. Don’t be afraid to make moves because of the possibility it won’t turn out the way you hope. You’ve always been one to walk the unconventional path, do it now. 


Your Card: Page of Wands

The Page of Wands encourages you to embrace your inner fire and start making bolder moves. Follow what inspires you and what makes you feel curious. It’s okay if it feels a little impulsive in the moment. Embrace wonder and dive into the unknown. Pursue the things that thrill you and excite you. What drives your passion? What do you feel a connection with? What lights you up? Take more creative risks, Pisces. Do it even when they lead you to unexpected places.