How You’d Survive The Hunger Games, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Here’s the thing: Aries is the God of War. If anyone is getting out of the arena unscathed, it’s them, because when it comes down to it, they have no reservations about fighting for their life. They recognize that all is fair in love and war, and if they have to choose between themselves and someone else, they’re going to put themselves first. And if they have to take down a few innocents to do that, then so be it.
Honestly, Taurus, if anyone can win due to pure determination, it’s probably you. You may not go into the Games as trained as the Careers are, but you’ll sure as hell fight like you were. You wouldn’t turn away from the gritty reality of the Games but would instead push through it, focusing on nothing but making it out alive in the end. You can deal with the emotional trauma and moral quandaries later—after all, it’s called survivor’s guilt for a reason.
You’re a tricky one, Gemini. You’d use your impeccable social skills to your advantage here and find a way to get as many people to trust you as possible. You’d probably have several alliances going on at once—not that you’d truly plan to keep up your end of the bargain with any of them. Instead, you’d use the intel you have to sow chaos and keep the attention off of you until you have the opportunity to stab those suckers in the back.
Let’s face it, Cancer: You’re not really a fighter. You can definitely do it when you need to, but it’s not going to be your Plan A. Instead, you’d rather wait it out till the end, letting everyone else do the dirty work while you coast to the finish line. You wouldn’t be the most interest contestant to watch, since you’ll spend a lot of the Games hiding in trees or exploring caves, but your win will be thrilling to the audience nonetheless.
You’d go into the Games feeling self-assured as the leader of a strong alliance, and because of that, most people would be terrified to turn on you—because turning on you would mean turning on the entire pack, and that never ends well. While this kind of cockiness could get you killed, it’s also what could be the key to your victory. You know you have what it takes to win, you just have to watch out for the snakes.
If you’re going to be forced to play the Capitol’s games, you’re going to be logical about it. You’ll fight when you have to, but your main goal will be to simply survive. That means making sure to secure shelter, find food, and collect whatever you think you might need in an emergency. After all, you’re not going to make it home if you aren’t able to find a way to get some sleep or get the sustenance you need. You’ll have what you need when things get tough and will be in the perfect position to make the final blow when the time comes.
Your likability would get you far in the games, Libra. Not only would you be great at making alliances that will actually help you, but you’d know exactly how to pander to the audience to get them to root for you—which means, of course, getting more sponsors who could send you food and medicine when you need it. This is also the reason you’d be one of the more popular victors, because the Capitol will fall for the story you weave and cheer you on when you finally make it out of the arena.
The thing about you, Scorpio, is that you wouldn’t trust a single person in that arena, but you’re also smart enough not to go off completely alone. You’d figure out exactly who would be the best person to have in your corner, and then you’d create an alliance with them—sort of, at least. Because there’s no way you’re giving away too much of yourself, nor are you making any deals with anyone that you actually plan to uphold. You’d much rather convince someone to trust you and then use that advantage to stab them in the back when they least expect it. It’s this cunning that would take you to the very end as victor.
I hate to say this, Sagittarius, but you would find something about the Hunger Games… fun. Like, you’d be totally pissed about being reaped, and you’d rage about the injustice about the whole thing, but the moment you’d get into the arena, you’d suddenly be in your element. You’d get a thrill out of finding ways to use the arena to your advantage and your competitive streak would come out QUICKLY. It’s not that you’d be happy to be there, you’d just sort of… compartmentalize and focus on the adrenaline rush.
You’re not the person people would expect to win—at least, not at first. You’d be rather unassuming when you first enter the arena, maybe even uninteresting, but there’s a method here. Because before you make any big moves, you’ll first make sure to analyze everything—your fellow contestants, the arena, the resources you have at your disposal. It isn’t until you’ve had the time to fully understand how everything works that you’ll finally start to use that to your advantage—and because you’re so darn good at it, it’ll work in your favor.
An Aquarius in the arena would be a sight to see indeed. That’s because you rarely adhere to tradition and almost never act the way you’d expect them to. Where other contestants might fall back to the tried and true methods that have helped victors in the past, you are much more likely to find inventive ways to use their surroundings to their advantage—think Haymitch and how he managed to win by using the arena force field. You’ll probably piss off the Capitol along the way, but at least you’ll survive.
Sorry to say this, Pisces, but the only way you’d survive is if you managed to endear yourself to some of the other tributes, who would then be willing to put in the dirty work to help keep you alive. Your softness would be your strength at first, but near the end of the Games, you’d probably rely less on your strength to save you and more on your ability to act as a chameleon, hiding yourself away until you know it’s safe to come out. Luckily for you, you know how to stay under the radar when you need to.