If You Want Love This Year, Improve This Aspect Of Your Identity (Zodiac Edition)
Boundaries. You can be quite aggressive and ambitious, and that can be a bit much for some people. Take a step back every once in a while.
Flexibility. You rarely let down your walls with people, but you should try to, at least. You won’t get far by being stubborn. Let loose and open up — it won’t hurt.
Consistency. You can’t just run away when things get tough. You can’t just say one thing and then do another.
Communication. When your partner upsets you, don’t just retreat into your shell and ignore the problem. Talk it out.
Vulnerability. You rarely talk about your feelings for fear that you’ll be judged, but you need to remember that it’s okay to be vulnerable. No one is going to think less of you if you do.
Understanding. You have to understand that your partner has flaws. You have flaws. You can’t force them, or yourself, to be perfect. That’s just going to put a strain on the relationship.
Selfishness. You need to unlearn your people-pleasing tendencies. It’s okay to put yourself first every once in a while.
Trust. If your partner is giving you reasons to not trust them, then don’t. But if they’re not, then don’t. Give them the benefit of the doubt every once in a while.
Dependency. You often neglect your partner becuse you’re too independent. Or, if you’re single, you can be too self-reliant. It’s okay to depend on someone else for a change. It’s okay to have a person by your side.
Kindness. You can be quite critical of your partner, even for the smallest things. Try and be less judgemental of them, especially for things that they don’t have control over.
Respect. You can’t expect this relationship to be solid if you don’t do the bare minimum of respecting and understanding your partner’s needs every once in a while.
Self-love. You care deeply about your partner but you often neglect yourself and your needs. It’s okay to put yourself first every once in a while! Self-love is not selfish.