Natalia Blauth

If You’ve Pulled These Tarot Cards, You’ll Find Love By February

The Lovers

It isn’t a love reading roundup if the Lovers don’t appear. These two are the symbol of true love, happiness, soulmates, and all that comes with these things. If you’ve pulled them, well, know that the person you’re with is yours forever – or prepare to meet your soulmate sometime soon. 

Pulling them at any point during this winter significantly increases your chances of meeting your soulmate. If you’ve been going on dates, expanding your social circle, or are just plain looking out for your one true love, then the Lovers are encouraging you to keep doing what you’re doing this winter – it’ll pay off.

Ace of Pentacles

Though not always, the Ace of Pentacles more often than not represents winter. It’s also associated with new opportunities and the potential for future success. When you receive this card in a love reading, it’s a positive sign – especially this winter. It indicates that something you’re doing right now will soon pay off. It can also be a sign that you should go for something you’re considering – maybe that includes asking a person out on a date or reconnecting with an old flame.

Though the Ace of Pentacles is usually about the start of a journey – meaning that you won’t see the payoff for some time – this card does have seasonal associations, so you might just meet your soulmate during the winter if you pull the Ace of Pentacles before the end of the season.

Ten of Pentacles

In addition to representing winter, the Pentacles suit is also known to symbolize long-lasting and stable love. This is a good sign when it comes to meeting your soulmate, making Pentacles cards popular in love readings. 

The Ten of Pentacles is an especially good sign for many when it comes to love readings. It’s likely to appear when you’ve entered into a new relationship or have just started dating someone. It symbolizes a potential for a long-term future, indicating that you might have found your soulmate when it appears. The card recognizes potential between you and the other person and wants you to know that you should focus on nurturing the relationship, allowing it to become stable and long-term.

The Ten of Pentacles most commonly appears to those who are already in stable relationships, to let them know that them and their partner are secure with one another and have achieved romantic success. If you’re not yet in a relationship (or haven’t become serious with someone) but want to be, the Ten of Pentacles can be a positive sign that your vision for the future will come true. As a winter card in terms of season, the Ten of Pentacles’ energy can mean good things when it comes to love this winter.