/ Todor Tsvetkov

In April 2023, Delete His Number

If you’ve been looking for a sign, this is it:

Delete his number.

Remove the temptation to reach out to him by removing his contact information from your phone. Get rid of the text thread while you’re at it as well so you can stop re-reading the old messages in an attempt to piece together evidence he might the right person for you. Because if he was someone you were actually meant to be with, you wouldn’t need to hunt for clues at all.

Instead, you would feel safe and secure. You wouldn’t be questioning what is going on between you two because it would all make sense. You wouldn’t be overthinking every single interaction. He wouldn’t need to be dissected or analyzed. Your relationship would just be right. And, frankly, you wouldn’t be reading this article either.

Because the biggest sign you need to delete his number is that you’re looking for a sign at all.

Something isn’t right and you can feel it. Maybe this person is someone you’ve been seeing casually. Perhaps he’s a full-blown situationship. He could even be your ex-boyfriend you’ve continued to stay in touch with. It doesn’t matter who he is or what your relationship to him is. If it isn’t working and he is only making you hurt, you need to let him go.

Now he may still reach out to you later on. But then again, he might not. But honestly? It doesn’t matter either way. It isn’t about him. It’s about you and what you need. You’re over it. You know you’re done with tolerating less than the bare minimum and the mixed signals.

In April 2023, be brave enough to let yourself be the one who got away. Delete his number. Set yourself free.