Thought Catalog Agency

It’s 2023; It’s Time For Body Positive Summer

This summer, we’re wearing what’s comfortable, even if it shows skin. Because we should feel comfortable at the hottest time of year, and not overheated in oversized t-shirts while everyone else soaks in the pool. We’ll wear the short shorts and the crop tops and the bikinis with pride.

This summer, we will realize that we aren’t the only ones with flaws. We have cellulite and stretch marks and little dimples that show that we’ve lived an interesting life. We are all perfectly imperfect, and we should join together in acceptance of that wonderful fact.

This summer, we’ll encourage friends of all body types to love themselves. From the large to small and everything in between, we lift each other up, not tear each other down.

This summer, we’ll dismiss the people who have a problem with the way we look. The ones who give us side-eye as we wear our colorful bikinis at the beach. The ones that tell us to cover up, to hide, to lose ourselves. Their voices are small, and ours are overshadow them.

This summer, we’ll enjoy our bodies, no matter what shape they’re in. They help us to move, to dance, to grow. Our skin feels the heat of the summer sun. Our lungs breathe, our hearts beat, and all of it is precious–something to be loved.

This summer, we’re going to feel sexy. All of us, our precious, imperfect bodies. Because there will always be people who love us for who we are. We don’t have to diminish ourselves in order to be loved.

This summer, we will focus on other things besides our bodies. We’ll feel the chill of the water, the way we blush when we receive a compliment, the swell of good vibes when we help someone we care about. How it feels to sing and laugh and create something new.

This summer, we love ourselves. Because it’s the only way to live.