Love Tarotscopes For Each Zodiac As Venus Enters Pisces (1/3)
As the planet of love enters sensitive Pisces on January 3, 2025, we start the new year with a boost of luck. Venus is exalted in this Water sign. Therefore, most zodiac signs will feel this transit is working in their favor.
Aries: The Chariot
Fortune favors the brave. You’re ready to listen to your inner knowing and chase who or what you want. Wearing your heart on your sleeve takes courage and unlocks rewards.
Taurus: Four of Pentacles Reversed
You’re letting go of your anxious attachment in many ways during this Pisces Venus transit. While you once clung to someone or something else outside of yourself to feel secure, you’re ready to affirm your self-worth from within.
Gemini: The Tower
You’re recovering from unexpected shifts during this Pisces Venus transit. The rug was ripped out from under your feet. Now, you’re ready to address the elephant in the room and reclaim your power.
Cancer: Four of Pentacles Reversed
The time for stagnant contemplation is coming to an end. You’ve kept your thoughts to yourself, but now it’s time to externalize them. Communicate with others to shift your love life.
Leo: Ace of Swords
You’re ready to set fresh intentions with your love or dating life. To find the clarity or answers you seek, you must be the first to take a jab at it. Don’t take the back seat. Make things happen, one conversation or action at a time.
Virgo: Page of Wands Reversed
It can be challenging to consider new approaches outside your comfort zone. However, to evolve, you must be willing to be a student of love. There is always more life experience to gain. Don’t get lost thinking you know it all; be open.
Libra: Seven of Swords
During this Pisces Venus transit, you’re ready to stop beating around the bush or accept this avoidance in others. Getting direct heals connections. It’s okay to confront things head-on.
Scorpio: The Magician
You’re ready to manifest your desires in your love life. You have the mindset of relationship or dating success, allowing you to attract high-frequency lovers, milestones, or opportunities.
Sagittarius: Eight of Wands Reversed
You may want to slow down during this Pisces Venus transit. Swiftly moving from one lover to the next, or perhaps one fun experience to another as a pair, has felt good. However, it’s time to be intentional and let chemistry grow naturally.
Capricorn: Nine of Wands
This Pisces Venus transit invites you to stand your ground. You know who you are and what you want from your romantic life. It’s okay to say no, set boundaries, and change your mind. Others worthy of your time will respect mature, healthy limitations.
Aquarius: Three of Wands
You’re on the verge of a breakthrough in your romantic life. It feels good to sit back and wait for the good news. You’re in a good spot. Don’t rush the journey; enjoy the time it takes for the next adventure.
Pisces: Three of Cups
This Pisces Venus transit will bring you ample blessings, especially in your sign. There’s social growth and rewards in store. Lovers rejoice. Friends gather. Celebrations occur. You feel seen, held, and adored.