Mercury Retrograde’s Impact on Four Key Zodiac Signs (Spring ’23)

Here comes Mercury the trickster, up to its mischievous antics once again! This clever planet of communication and logic has a naughty side that’s sure to keep things interesting during its retrograde from April to May 2023. What we’re trying to say is, if you’re one of the zodiac signs most affected by this transit — get ready for a wild ride. 

Unfortunately, while this gloomy retrograde officially starts on April 21st, you may already be feeling its darkened effects. This is because the pre-retrograde shadow period has begun, increasing confusion and complications in the celestial atmosphere. But it doesn’t end there, because once Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus at 15 degrees, things will really ramp up, taking you on a journey of reflection and review, even if it’s against your own will. 

During this energetic period, it’s best to tie up loose ends and make peace with the past, rather than starting something new. As always with a pesky retrograde, frustrating delays and miscommunications are likely to hinder progress, but don’t despair — sometimes the greatest discoveries are made when we feel lost. At least, that is what we tell ourselves. 

Since Taurus is the zodiac sign that is most representative of money, luxury, love, and stability, this retrograde will impact your self-esteem and sense of control within all of those aspects. The Bull values security over liberty, which can lead to black-and-white thinking and inflexibility in various corners of your life. To overcome this, embrace Taurus’s strengths — sensuality, loyalty, pragmatism, patience, and resourcefulness. Focus on gratitude and work your hardest to break out of your comfort zone. It will only benefit you, and release you from Mercury’s shadowy clutches. 

Fortunately, Mercury will station direct on May 14th, bringing an end to the chaos until it leaves the post-retrograde shadow on June 1st. Although this retrograde may be frustrating, this cosmic shake-up has the power to help these four zodiac signs sort through any lingering skeletons in their closet once and for all. Here’s why and the meaning behind mercury in retrograde this spring.


Taurus — it’s time to hold on tight. Mercury is about to go retrograde on April 21st and, unfortunately, you’re a direct bullseye during this energetically volatile season. But don’t fret! You’re tough stuff and you’ll come out the other side unscathed, as you always manage to do. During this retrograde, Mercury will be spinning backwards through your first house of self, which means that you might feel a little overwhelmed when it comes to your own identity and how you feel perceived by the world around you. If you’ve been relying on others for validation, this could be a wake-up call to look within and to discover your own worth. You’re pretty great, Taurus, and it is important that you start to open your eyes to that reality. While things might not move at lightning speed during this three-week retrograde rollercoaster, it’s the perfect time to pause within your soul and to take a breather.

If you really work to connect with your inner world over the next few weeks, when Mercury stations direct you might just find that you’re seeing yourself through a totally new lens. While this retrograde may leave you feeling a little confused about who you are at times, by the time Mercury fully emerges from its post-shadow period, you’ll feel like a superhero version of yourself — stronger, smarter, and more confident than ever before. Taurus, this cosmic journey may be a wild ride, but you’re about to come out the other side of it with some major closure. Buckle up, buttercup!


Dearest Gemini — brace yourself because Mercury retrograde is about to hit you hard. Unfortunately, this is a little inevitable, because Mercury is your ruling planet! So, when it goes into retrograde in your 12th house of endings and subconscious truths — get ready to take a journey within. Your inner voice will be calling, and you’ll need to take some me-time to listen to it. You might feel more introverted and less social than usual, this is mainly due to the fact that you’re going to be doing a lot of healing, and the process will require a lot of you. With that being said, this retrograde phase might bring up some emotional baggage and unresolved issues that you’re finally ready to let go of. Think of it as tying up loose ends in your spiritual life, and give yourself some time to navigate it all. When it’s all said and done, you’ll feel like a new and improved version of yourself, so don’t give up.

When Mercury retrograde finally stations direct, you will release all of the emotional baggage that you’ve been carrying around and you will embrace a new sense of freedom in your life. And, as if that weren’t enough, the post-shadow period ends on June 1st, giving you a chance to start fresh and leave the past behind, just in time for Mercury to enter your sign on June 11th and shower you with all the creativity and inspiration you need to take on the world!


Virgo, you’re no stranger to the chaos that ensues when Mercury enters retrograde — as the Maiden your ruling planet happens to be Mercury, which means you’re always, almost annoyingly, aligned with the planet’s every move. This time around, as Mercury stations retrograde in your ninth house of perspective, you may find yourself revisiting places you’ve traveled to in the past or rediscovering ideas that once captivated you. This retrograde is urging you to reconnect with the knowledge and truth that you may have forgotten along the way; you’re searching for deeper meaning in your life, and this period of introspection will inspire you to uncover the significance you’ve been longing for. But don’t worry if you feel a bit lost in the process — sometimes getting lost is the best way to find yourself again. 

Once Mercury decides to get its act together, get ready to see things in a brand-spankin’-new way, Virgo! All those ups and downs you experienced during this difficult retrograde season will have opened your eyes to a whole new perspective, and you might just find yourself daydreaming and making some fun plans for your next big adventure. Who knows what kind of cosmic shenanigans are in store for you!


Oh my, dear Scorpio — you’ve been on quite the introspective journey this past year! The North Node moving through your seventh house of partnerships has taught you the importance of balancing your individuality with your connections with others. However, this retrograde might just speed up that process, as it invites you to take a closer look at the people you share your life with. As Mercury stations retrograde in your seventh house of allies and foes, misunderstandings may arise, leading to conflicts, especially if there are any lingering past relationship traumas. Also, not to be the bearer of bad news, but an old flame may even pop back up during this season, coming in hot with a sincere apology that might shake up your world even more. 

However, despite all of the hardship you may experience over these next few weeks, get ready to put the drama behind you, Scorpio! On May 14th, you’ll start feeling like you can breathe again. It’s time to let go of those toxic relationships and set your standards high — the sky’s the limit for you and your growth!