Tarot Advice On Working With Your Intuition, Based On Zodiac
Intuition is an important sense that helps us navigate our lives.
Here is a three-card tarot reading for each zodiac sign as they work on their intuition. Working on our intuition and deepening our relationship with that sense is challenging but rewarding. These three card readings are intended to help guide you as you consider how to embark on this work for yourself. The readings include a card that represents what should be embraced, what should be let go, and any other advice.
Embrace: 10 of Swords. You’re being asked to take on a lot of difficult and uncomfortable emotions, and that’s what you’ll need to do in order to work with your intuition more – you’re going to need to look at these difficult situations in life as possible teachers and guidance towards your intuition. Consider: how do you feel when things are about to go haywire?
Let Go: King of Swords, Reversed. If you’re truly trying to connect with your intuition, forcing things through manipulation isn’t the best tactic to use in the long run.
Advice: 10 of Pentacles. Daily habits are the way to create strong routines.
Embrace: Knight of Swords. Your thoughts have a speed and clarity that are the envy of many – not everyone can so easily deduce what actions need to be taken and what the consequences may be. You are passionate about the causes you believe in and are a fearless advocate for those under your protection.
Let Go: Queen of Swords. Being sharp-witted can be double-edged, especially if you have to work with others, who may not be on the same wavelength as you. Be kind and graceful with how you use your wisdom and words.
Advice: Ace of Pentacles. Planting the seeds of working with your intuition now is important in determining the direction of your future.
Embrace: King of Cups. You have a deep well of compassion and empathy. Your emotional reserves and emotional intelligence assist you in seeking the greater answers of life from within. Your intuition is often driven by understanding the emotional components of the situation you’re encountering.
Let Go: Knight of Swords. Passion can get us carried away about things. The deeper our emotional attachment, the more we can be driven to charge relentlessly forward to protect it. Give yourself time – don’t be so hasty.
Advice: 2 of Pentacles. Deepening your relationship with your intuition will require more than just understanding your emotional health, it’s going to take balancing and juggling a lot of priorities.
Embrace: Strength. Your intuition manifests the most in your life through your steadfast, gentle strength. Your intuition is most easily observed in the moments where you are guided to calmly intervene in conflicts between your higher self and your temptations. Your ability to reframe each challenge as a learning opportunity helps guide you toward your higher self.
Let Go: Knight of Pentacles. You’ll be more able to access the joys of living in the moment if you let go of the notion that everything must be done for the purpose of some higher progress.
Advice: 7 of Pentacles. There are times in life where the best thing we can do is just be. Enjoy the moment you are in, and give gratitude for where you are.
Embrace: 10 of Wands, Reversed. You don’t have to carry everything, Leo, and that includes traditional ideas about how to engage with your intuition. In order to progress and access more of your intuition, you’ll need to select what works for you, and leave what doesn’t. Trust that you know which patterns serve your purpose and which don’t.
Let Go: Ace of Cups. It’s easy to evoke feelings, especially those of excitement, around things that are new. The excited flush of a new relationship or new emotions can get us carried away. Let go of these when trying to deepen your intuition, and focus on feelings and experiences that lie deeper.
Advice: The Sun. The most effective way for you to grow your intuition is to be happy, and open your heart to the experiences that life has to offer.
Embrace: 8 of Cups. Understanding when to walk away from something because it no longer serves us is part of growing. Learning when to create boundaries and honor things that you have let go of are often the answers that we seek from our intuition. Be especially aware of when the still, small voice within tells you that it’s time to walk away.
Let Go: 5 of Swords, Reversed. Let go of the idea of controlling the experience or measuring your progress. This isn’t a winner-take-all situation or a competition at all. There aren’t measurements or metrics, this is about how you feel.
Advice: 4 of Pentacles. You’ll best notice the messages from your intuition when you’re in a stable place.
Embrace: 4 of Swords. Rest and recuperation are as important to physical training as any other aspect, it is no different when you work with your intuition. Give yourself time and space to process the lessons you are being presented with, it is during these times of rest that your body, mind, and spirit are able to make those connections happen.
Let Go: 9 of Pentacles. Wishing can be fun, and our imaginations are a key part of our ability to invent and create. You’re at the stage where you can’t spend more time wishing than you do putting plans into action.
Advice: 8 of Swords. Rise above the illusions that keep you feeling stagnant.
Embrace: Queen of Swords, Reversed. Embrace your ability to see the truth of the matter and put it in plain language. You’re experiences have made it so you’re capable of understanding what roots people’s emotional patterns spring from. Follow your compassion, especially when relating some of your discovered truths with others, being careless with sharp language about complex spiritual answers can dull the lesson.
Let Go: The Devil. Life is full of pleasures and temptations, and it’s our ability to temper our desires with our discipline that can help us towards a balanced life. Let go of temptations before they become addictions.
Advice: 2 of Cups. Because your intuition springs from your emotional awareness, nourishing healthy relationships with people you love and respect are key aspects of working with your intuition.
Embrace: 7 of Swords. You know when something doesn’t feel quite right – when something’s so off about a situation it makes you uneasy. Following those feelings of unease is an important way for you to connect with your intuition – your sense for the uncanny is part of your intuitive understanding of the world around you.
Let Go: 7 of Wands, Reversed. Instead of fighting every battle that comes your way, set clear boundaries for people and actually abide by them.
Advice: The Star. Much like you can connect with your intuition through feelings of unease, you can also connect with it through feelings of hope. Hope isn’t always intuition telling you that what you wish for is going to happen – but it is an indicator of where your heart really lives.
Embrace: The Empress. Your creativity is boundless, and you have the talent and experience to express your ideas in a variety of mediums. How you create and draw the harmony and beauty from the world to be woven into your craft is part of your intuition’s expression.
Let Go: 2 of Cups, Reversed. If there’s a lot of tension and discord in your relationships, it’s best to let them go. That sort of tension and distraction when you’re doing intuitive work can be distracting.
Advice: The Wheel of Fortune. You’ll be faced with a lot of moments where it feels like your life hinges on fate, and it’s in those moments you’ll find comfort in your intuition. Regardless of the outcome, your intuition will guide you to a place of resilience and strength.
Embrace: The Wheel of Fortune. There’s a sense we get when the hand of destiny or fate get involved in our lives, and following that sense is a great way for you to deepen your relationship with your intuition. Understanding when to let go, and when things are outside our control is an important lesson in energy conservation – there’s no use in worrying about things we can’t control.
Let Go: The Sun. Being in tune with your intuition doesn’t mean that you have to be happy all the time. Positive progression doesn’t always look the same.
Advice: 6 of Cups. You are a naturally intuitive being, and have been experiencing messages from your intuition since you were young. Think about what they felt like then, and it may help you rediscover those feelings now.
Embrace: 10 of Pentacles. You have created a deeply meaningful spiritual journey, and your spiritual practice has been long-established. Embrace what you’ve created and what you know, and follow where it leads to find the messages from your intuitive self.
Let Go: Page of Swords. It’s time to let go of some of your more brash behaviors. While your impetuousness has led you into adventures, when working in the realm of intuition it can lead you astray.
Advice: 2 of Pentacles. Working with your intuition while working in precarious situations can require a lot of effort in balancing and multitasking.