Your July Tarot Reading, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Type
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality assessment tool that categorizes people into 16 distinct personality types based on preferences in how they perceive the world and make decisions.
ISTJ- The Four of Cups
The Four of Cups is about weariness and boredom. Pattern and routine can be comfortable, but they can also lead to a feeling of dissatisfaction instead of stability. Give yourself a moment to recognize the abundance your careful habits have cultivated. Recognizing the extraordinary in the ordinary will allow more opportunities to come your way.
ISFJ- Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups is intuitive and devoted. She indicates that your high emotional intelligence guides you through situations. You understand the inner truths that drive people’s behavior. Don’t lose yourself too much in the emotions of others or become emotionally manipulative because of your deep connections.
INFJ- The Lovers
The Lovers is about love in all of its forms and the choices and decisions that lead us there. The choice to enter into a new relationship can become a strain instead of a delight, especially for introverts. Magnetism can either draw things together or pull things apart. It’s important that your empathy be tempered with healthy boundaries.
INTJ- Knight of Pentacles
The Knight of Pentacles acknowledges the importance of diligence and steadfastness – something that INTJ’s naturally understand. Be wary of becoming too work-focused or allowing your practical and conscientious approach to make things feel too stuck or stagnant. It’s not just the destination, but the journey. Progress is as celebratable and important as the product.
ISTP- Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands is a bold, creative being who brings her passion and fierce determination to manifesting the world she wants. Her exuberance at the creative process allows her to be brave and fearless about her vision, and is a reminder to ISTP’s that loving the process is an important part of creation.
ISFP- Knight of Cups
The faithfulness and idealism of the Knight of Cups has natural sympathies with the compassion of ISFP’s. Your ability to be in touch with your emotions is a powerful aid in guiding you towards new horizons and adventures. Now is a time to be open. Strive to keep negativity and fear from blocking progress.
INFP- Strength
The Strength card celebrates the quiet power of empathy and gentle leadership. It encourages you to follow your higher self and use emotional awareness in leadership situations – a natural fit for the INFP. Don’t over-exercise control. Center your compassion. Keeping your heart and head aligned will see you through.
INTP- 6 of Wands
The 6 of Wands shows a moment of recognition and victory. INTP’s spend a lifetime in their thoughts and exploring the power of their minds, but this triumphant moment of praise and being seen is an important part of growth. It is not the time for self-doubt. Use the energy from this external validation to propel you towards your next big idea.
ESTP- King of Cups
The King of Cups is a wise leader who uses their emotional savvy and empathetic nature to lead. For the entrepreneurial-minded ESTP, this is a good time to re-attune yourself with your emotional intelligence. Use your heart to lead you into your next bold moves. Take time to work with your subconscious mind, and prepare to once again travel your own path.
ESFP- 10 of Pentacles
The 10 of Pentacles is a card of abundance, wealth, and prosperity. For ESFP’s, joy is always best when shared. Now is the time to dance like no one – or everyone – is watching. Stay true to your ideals. Moments and feelings like these are fleeting, but you can keep them forever in your heart by enjoying them to their fullest and sharing them with others.
ENFP- 10 of Swords
It’s a hard time and your ability to reframe the negative into the positive will serve you well. While the 10 of Swords is a card of ruin and rock bottom, rock bottom can be a great foundation to start to rebuild. Your resilient nature means that you’ll get back up. If you take this opportunity to heal, you’ll be all the stronger for it.
ENTP- 9 of Wands
The 9 of Wands is about perseverance and the ability to push through challenges. You’re presented with a great opportunity to let go of old battles and narratives and embrace new frontiers as you face new challenges. Your adaptability and intellect will see you through the tough path ahead so you can finish what you started.
ESTJ- 3 of Wands
The Three of Wands represents growth and continuous progress – a comfortable place for an ESTJ. Your talent for mentorship and penchant for order helps you align groups and focus their efforts on realizing opportunities. Seeing, planning, and learning have led to a moment where all there is left to do is see the results of your effort.
ESFJ- The Sun
The Sun is representative of joy and success and the radiant feelings of fulfillment and positivity. This universal ‘yes’ comes with a burst of creative energy. It is a good time to recharge and to realize that this moment – and you – are more than enough. ESFJ’s will use this energy, inevitably, to shine on others, and will share these moments and use them to fuel another exciting path forward together.
ENFJ- The Fool (R)
The Fool is emblematic of a fresh slate – a beginner’s mind – that allows new ideas to take shape. It is the beginning of an utterly new and novel adventure, so let go of your assumptions and past narratives. The optimistic, enthusiastic energy that ENFJ’s bring will be an enormous asset during this new beginning.
ENTJ- 8 of Cups
There comes a time when we all have to walk away from something we felt held promise, and that is what the 8 of Cups represents. Instead of wallowing in the feelings of abandonment and disappointment, ENTJ’s are more likely to embrace the fresh, new energy that leaving negativity behind will give them. Feel the freedom of moving away from fears that block your forward progress.