Tarotscope For Today: Friday, January 17, 2025
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Your card: Two of Swords
Today, Aries feels overwhelmed by indecision. This is unlike this zodiac’s usual temperament so that patience will be required with themselves. Take your time to decide.
Your card: Three of Pentacles
Taurus, working as a team toward common goals today is best. Going it alone will take you longer than necessary. Get past your comfort zone and ask for help where needed.
Your card: The Lovers Reversed
There’s hope for your future when you make choices with your Higher Self in mind. Avoid repeating toxic cycles or dynamics. Learn the lesson sooner and resist temptations.
Your card: The High Priestess
Today, Cancer is urged to follow their instincts. Being naturally intuitive, this should come to you naturally if you allow yourself to go beyond your current, limited scope of things rationally.
Your card: Ace of Pentacles Reversed
Leo must be patient with the process. Today, they may not be granted the new beginning they’re waiting for quite yet. Give it time for things to unfold in divine timing.
Your card: Nine of Wands
Virgo is not willing to give up the battle today. Hold your ground, stay true to your values, and think with the end in mind. Don’t give in now when you’re close to completing the cycle.
Your card: Page of Cups Reversed
Libra is finding themselves emotionally stuck today. They may feel like they’re regressing to an old, familiar feeling that has previously left them aimless or hurt. Remember, be present here and now.
Your card: Five of Swords
You may feel slighted or disrespected today. Don’t dismiss your feelings. You have every right to express them, even if others don’t understand your reaction. Set boundaries.
Your card: Queen of Swords
Today, it’s time to establish the rules. Express your thoughts assertively and directly. Don’t beat around the bush. What do you need to get off your chest?
Your card: The Emperor
There’s growth today when you take on leadership approaches. You have what it takes to accomplish your goals and desires. Self-discipline and confidence will be required.
Your card: Two of Pentacles Reversed
Going with the flow only takes you so far. Sometimes, it’s essential to be patient and open-minded. However, today, you need to avoid stagnancy, passivity, or imbalances.
Your card: The Moon Reversed
Your fears and anxieties feel loud and all-encompassing. If possible, try to tune them out and tune in to your faith in the divine. Clarity will come soon, even if things appear foggy now.