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Tarotscope for Today: Monday, December 16th, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: The Queen of Wands

You are completely in your element today, Aries. The Queen of Wands holds a particularly profound relevance to you as it is connected to your sign. She embodies the best traits of you. She is fiery, passionate, confident, and self-assured. Embrace all the best aspects of yourself and you will find others are attracted to you like moths to the light. With this level of radiance, you can position yourself in a way that will aid you in whatever you set out for today. You have as many people on your side as possible. Reach out to friends, meet new acquaintances, and invest in building and nurturing your community. 


Your Card: Eight of Cups

You are running away from the problem Taurus and this isn’t solving anything at all. If anything, it’ll only make matters worse. The Eight of Cups may indicate your need for escapism to avoid what you should be dealing with. You can’t continue ignoring the problems in your life. This will only increase your anxiety and make the problem worse. Hiding from reality won’t change reality. 


Your Card: Two of Cups

You may be experiencing some issues with someone very close to you. While you are hurt by their actions you must pay closer attention to their intentions. If their intention wasn’t to hurt you, then listen to this. You seem to be overly fixated on the effect what they did had on you emotionally. I’m not saying that your feelings aren’t valid, but you might be getting your own feelings hurt unnecessarily. For a lack of better words, you are being a bit dramatic, Gemini. I’m not judging you, we all have our moments. But take a step back from these emotions and remind yourself of the love you and this person share. People make mistakes, you are no better. Show them grace as they have shown you the same in the past. It’s good for the soul to let things go. 


Your Card: Five of Swords

If you are feeling hurt or betrayed by someone there is a good chance that they are feeling the same way towards you, Cancer. That is what I’m getting with the presence of the Five of Swords. So if you’re both feeling as if you’ve been wronged, then this may indicate that you have both done wrong in your own way. You must be willing to end this conflict before it destroys you both. There is love here that can be salvaged, it just requires you both to be willing to own up to your part in the problem. Understand it’s not a matter of you versus them, it is a matter of you both versus the problem. 


Your Card: Seven of Swords

You are a passionate and fiery soul by nature but at times this trait works against you without a proper outlet. Though you feel you’ve been betrayed or wronged in the past by someone close to you, that is not how they see it. You will never truly see the whole picture for what it is if you continue to double down on your side of the situation. There are always three sides to the story. Your side, their side, and what actually happened. The more you try and convince yourself that you were screwed over, the more you’ll hold yourself back. It’s time to take accountability as this will pave the way towards growth. Don’t be so close-minded because other people’s perspective is just as valid as your own. 


Your Card: Nine of Swords

The hurt that you experienced in the past may be surfacing yet again, Virgo. Though you thought you had moved on from things, you may find yourself exactly in the same emotional place as before. Though these depressive and dark feelings are burdensome, you can’t just tell yourself not to feel certain things that challenge you. You have to embrace the pain for what it is and allow it to pass. Constantly negating how you truly feel is unproductive. This isn’t something you can just ignore or distract yourself from, you must ride the wave of hurt and translate these emotions so that you can make better sense of them. Understanding the language of your feelings is how you’ll be able to finally be free of the pain. 


Your Card: Ten of Pentacles

You might be in the midst of some level of financial instability, Libra. I know things are uncertain right now with the economy and many of us are forced to make sacrifices to survive. You might have to be a bit more economical than you’re used to. Every little bit counts. The Ten of Pentacles is a reminder that everything you do now is in service to your future self. So make sure you are investing for the future in any way that you can. Even something as small as putting away five dollars per day into your savings can build up to more than you realize. This may not even be in regards to finances depending on who is reading. However, the message remains. What can you do now to better yourself tomorrow? Imagine you are yourself ten years from now, what would that version of you be grateful that you did today? Whatever the answer is, take your own advice. Future you will be glad that you did. 


Your Card: Seven of Pentacles

Take a break today, Scorpio. Contemplation is a necessity in the grand scheme of life. The world is constantly moving a million miles per minute and it pressures us into thinking we must move this quickly to keep up. Don’t let that pressure get to you. Move at whatever pace feels right for you. This may be in regards to a new relationship or a new romantic connection where they are expecting you to be at the same emotional level as them. But if you’re not there, then you can’t force yourself to be and that is something they will have to accept. Or this could be within the context of work where your co-workers or superiors are expecting you to be some sort of miracle worker. This isn’t realistic at all, there is nothing wrong with taking the time that you need. This isn’t an excuse to procrastinate but I sense you know the difference. 


Your Card: Temperance

Today you are healing, Sagittarius. You are finding the meaning in your hardships. You are seeing the silver lining in even the worst of situations. This is one of your greatest strengths. You’re always the one to find a reason to smile and you are gifted with the ability to help others recenter themselves and focus on the positives. You have an act for reframing certain negative outlooks and guiding others towards the kind of tranquility that is present in the Temperance card. It’s no coincidence that you excel at this considering your sign’s association with this card. So just as you’ve helped others find the light, do so for yourself. There is always a reason to smile no matter what life throws your way. And your ability to reframe even the worst of times is the source of your power. Out of all the signs, you are one of the most committed to self-growth and today this trait is exceptionally on display. 


Your Card: The Tower

You are finally coming to accept what everyone else has already been telling you all along, Capricorn. It doesn’t matter how many times someone tells us the truth, we aren’t ready to accept it until we come to that realization ourselves. That is what The Tower is signifying in your reading today. You’re constantly asking the world to give you an obvious sign in regards to a particular situation and the universe has delivered that sign to you time and time again yet you chose not to listen. Finally, truth is hitting you all at once like a sudden wave. But don’t think that this truth will hurt. I assure you that whatever truths you are coming to terms with will free you from the chains of whatever previously held beliefs you clung to before. 


Your Card: Ace of Wands

Two steps forward, one step back, Aquarius. That is the theme of today for you. Progress isn’t linear. With that said, one of your greatest strengths is your ability to improvise and find a way to get things done no matter what. It’s that pioneering spirit that you possess within you. You embody the saying where there’s a will, there’s a way. Instead of focusing on the setbacks, feel invigorated by a new challenge that pushes you in exciting new ways that allow you to channel that spirited part of your being. 


Your Card: The Lovers

You may not find the love that you are seeking from others today, Pisces. Whatever love it is that you are lacking, you must find within yourself. People aren’t going to be able to fill that hole. You must fill it yourself. By rediscovering this self-love that is within you, you will find that the relationships you share with others will deepen and you’ll feel a stronger sense of emotional abundance. This can only happen if you find the love within yourself first because, at the end of the day, you get what you give. If you want to feel loved, then create that love. If you want to receive love, show love.