Veronika Malchevska

Tarotscope For Today: Monday, July 15, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Page of Pentacles

Setting good habits comes naturally to you today. You’re thinking with the end in mind. The Page of Pentacles summarizes your Monday experience. Looking at life through the lens of practicality, efficiency is your priority. It’s all in the big picture. As you define clearer objectives and smooth out the details, you feel equipped for success. Professional and financial matters are looking up.


Your Card: Eight of Swords Reversed

Getting unstuck is all about a change of perspective. As the Eight of Swords represents mental limitations, its reversal promises uplifting outlooks. Identifying what has kept you stagnant allows you to remove the barrier. Taking action within your current means, rather than waiting for the “perfect” moment, liberates you. Your life is here and now. Reclaiming empowerment brings relief and healing. Don’t hold off on your happiness. Here’s your permission slip to break away from whatever is holding you back.


Your Card: Knight of Swords

Slow your roll. As much as you’re eager to explore and experience it all, patience is the virtue that distinguishes the wise from fools. There’s no hurry. It’s all in your head. Alleviating yourself from unnecessary pressure allows you to remain present. Enjoy the process rather than pushing it to progress at a forced pace. Taking charge of your concentration can promote growth and maturity. If you succumb to selfish reactions, you will surely feel the consequences.


Your Card: Ace of Wands

Trust your instincts. The Ace of Wands showcases a swift, unexpected change today. However, this transition will surely be for the best. Aces represent fresh starts and hopeful beginnings. Within the Wands element, creativity, talents, passions, and personal interests are center stage. As you take proactive steps toward your desires, everything falls into place. You won’t reach the finish line today. It’s not about that. However, you will receive positive news and unexpected miracles. Give it all you’ve got. There’s no need to settle for the familiar and stagnant out of a false sense of security. Freedom is calling your name!


Your Card: Three of Pentacles Reversed

Today, it’s best to think independently from any group setting. Teamwork falls through. Collaborative conditions are far from perfect. As much as you want to rely on others, the circumstances make it difficult to come together. For one reason or another, you’re better off assuming independence when possible. Everyone has their own idea of how to create the best results, and it likely clashes with others’ concepts. Breathe. You can always try again another day. For now, do what you can within your own means.


Your Card: The Moon

There’s a heavy emphasis on intuitive understanding today. The Moon showcases that mysteries are at play. It’s less about intellectually understanding circumstances, and more about listening to your heart. Only you know what’s best for you, even if it’s hard to articulate or explain to outsiders. As your anxieties are heightened, breathe through any triggers. Assumptions can harm your mental health. Look deeper into lingering questions. Remaining a passive bystander to your own life will not heal worries.


Your Card: Two of Swords Reversed

Indecision has messed with your focus recently. Luckily, the Two of Swords reversed shows that this difficult time is passing. Clarity allows you to decide on the appropriate response, path, or decision. Relief is coming. While you have been passive or avoidant at looking at conditions head-on, your bravery is back intact. Witnessing matters as they truly are brings you empowerment. It’s okay to need time. But when the moment is ripe to take action, don’t ignore the call.


Your Card: Nine of Pentacles

It’s time to celebrate how far you’ve come. Yes, you! You’ve invested lots of time, effort, and energy to achieve your goals. When the Nine of Pentacles arrives, success is so close that you can taste it. Your ability to compose your heightened emotions in moments where it matters most has made all the difference. Reacting from a place of fear, anxiety, or reactiveness could have deviated from your progress. However, you remained self-contained and refined. Your class, elegance, and maturity are admired by all. Enjoy this Monday and the groundedness it has to offer you. 


Your Card: Five of Cups

Loss is an inevitable part of life. Unfortunately, we’ve all been touched by grief. Today is all about allowing yourself to feel however you truly feel. Repressing or shoving it down doesn’t do you any favors. As the Five of Cups represents your Monday experience, know that this moment is temporary. After you process the disappointment, you still have the wisdom to carry onwards with you. This lived experience will shape and gear you toward achieving your true desires. The silver lining will arrive. For now, just be.


Your Card: The Emperor

Self-discipline and motivation sets you apart from the rest. Today is all about taking charge of your fate. The Emperor is self-sufficient and helps others find their proper place in the world. As you tunnel vision on your goals and aims, expect to go beyond expectations. Your drive is commendable and needed. Stepping into leadership energy, obstacles don’t stand a chance in your presence. You have what it takes, and you feel it too.


Your Card: The Lovers Reversed

Don’t throw away your morals for a temporary moment. The Lovers reversed arrives, asking you to pause before you make any major decisions. There’s a fork in the road. Rather than rushing yourself, remain grounded. Ignorance is bliss for only so long. Consequences always follow. Today may ask you to introspect and reconnect with your integrity. While external conditions may ask you to lower your expectations or standards, don’t give up on what you know is the right thing to do. Remain true to yourself. Your Higher Self is waiting and rooting for you.


Your Card: Three of Cups Reversed

There’s a miscommunication ongoing between you and a loved one. This likely involves a friendship dynamic or a connection to a female family member. However, some Pisces may even be dealing with a third-party situation romantically. Nonetheless, it’s important to communicate openly. Secrets or withholding how you feel only backfires. Try your best to hold compassion for yourself and others. Yes, even in moments of conflict. Sympathy is what saves us most in moments when our anger is triggered.