Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, January 26, 2025
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Your Card: Ace of Cups
This Sunday offers you renewal. Your heart feels lighter and ready for the possibility of something new. There’s an openness where you once were closed off and guarded. Use this day to express what’s in your heart and connect with others. If you’re still carrying around any emotional baggage, tend to those wounds. This card urges you to let go so you can create room for new beginnings.
Your Card: King of Swords
Today’s themes are truth and clarity. There’s something being hidden or omitted that needs to come to light. Trust your intuition if it’s telling you that something is off, you’re being lied to, or someone’s intentions are less than honorable. Whatever you’ve been torturing yourself overthinking, stop. Be direct and ask for honesty. It’s the only way you’ll get the clarity you seek.
Your Card: Seven of Pentacles, reversed
Today might not be the best of days. You’re feeling frustrated with your lack of desired progress. If things feel stagnant, it’s because great things take time, Gemini. Don’t become impatient from seeing slow results. Instead of adopting a pessimistic attitude, take some time to reassess your approach. It’s not the challenges and failures along the way that define you, but whether they discourage you or make you more determined.
Your Card: Six of Wands
The Six of Wands is one of the luckiest cards to draw in a reading. It represents success, blessings, and recognition. This is a promise that you’re entering a period of good fortune and victory. If you’ve been working hard to manifest something, this is your reminder to keep going. You will achieve your heart’s desires. Let this be your motivation for the upcoming week.
Your Card: Seven of Cups
The Seven of cups is a card of illusions and wishes. It shows up in a reading as a wake-up call to get grounded in reality. This isn’t to say that your dreams and fantasies are silly, but that at some point, you’re going to have to stop wishing and start acting. Do the work for the future you envision. Dedicate some time today to setting attainable goals to get you there.
Your Card: Page of Swords
The Page of Swords invites you to tap into your curiosity on this lovely Sunday. Let yourself be a little adventurous. Go out and do some exploring. Have a spontaneous adventure with your friends. Try something new and wildly different, even if it terrifies you. If there’s something you’ve been thinking of doing but keep talking yourself out of, go for it. Ask out your crush. Book that flight. Pitch your idea.
Your Card: Ten of Cups
The Ten of Cups promises to invite joy and harmony into your week. To attract more, take a moment to take in all the blessings that surround you and be grateful for them. Make it your mission to lead with love and compassion. Let others know how much you appreciate what they do for you. Nurture your most meaningful connections and remain open to new ones. You might be surprised with new love or friendship.
Your Card: Knight of Wands, reversed
The Knight of Wands appears in reverse as a message to focus your energy. There’s a lot you want to accomplish, but you can’t do it all right now. Having your hand in a little bit of everything is stalling your progress. Narrow down your long list of goals to a couple or a few things, just for the time being. This will ensure your success. Then you can go on to tackle on everything else.
Your Card: Strength, reversed
Stop giving whatever is eating away at your so much power. Don’t let it erode your confidence and faith. It’s okay to struggle with doubt and insecurities. What you can’t do is allow yourself to be controlled by fear. Be gentle to yourself today and take some time to sort through your thoughts. Your goal for today should be clarity. Partake in self-care and reflection to achieve it. Once you’re thinking clearly again, you’ll be ready to forge ahead with newfound determination and self-assuredness.
Your Card: Two of Swords, reversed
At some point, you’re going to have to make a move. You cannot continue living in the extreme state of indecision you currently find yourself in. Maybe you’re terrified of making the wrong choice. Maybe you want to continue to live in denial. Maybe you’re afraid of making mistakes or owning up to them. But if you don’t act, eventually a decision or a fate will be forced upon you. Just get it over with, Capricorn. Follow your instincts, they won’t lead you astray.
Your Card: Ace of Pentacles, reversed
The Ace of Pentacles reversed is your cosmic sign to stop hesitating. You need to pursue your heart’s desire. Stop making excuses. Stop talking yourself out of a potentially wonderful thing. What is it that holds you back? Is it fear of failure or rejection? Is it self-doubt? Is it imposter syndrome? Let it go. Believe in yourself. Have the courage to take a chance. Yes, it could go terribly wrong. But what would it say about you if you didn’t even try?
Your Card: Three of Swords, reversed
You need to start looking forward toward your future and all the wonderful opportunities, experiences, and connections that await you. It’s time to let go of the past. Whatever loss, pain, or anger you’re still carrying with you is holding you back from being the person you’re supposed to become. This Sunday is for diving deep into your inner world. Start tending to those old wounds of yours. Work at it every day until you’ve finally found release. Close this chapter, Pisces.