Los Muertos Crew

Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, April 11, 2024


Your Card: Queen of Swords

As the leader of the zodiac chart, today people are looking to you for your gentle guidance and stern compassion. The Queen of Swords represents a balance of both emotions and intellect. Though your sign is connected to The Emperor who leads based on facts alone, it is important to utilize compassion as a leader, Aries. People are not numbers. People are unpredictable. We are all only human after all and often things don’t go according to plan because of this. Don’t get impatient just because not everybody else is as straight to the point as you. Understand where they are coming from and use both facts and feelings to make your decisions. They will follow you no matter where you go. You are a natural-born leader, but to be a great leader means understanding the importance of compassion. Not only will you gain people’s trust, but also their respect.


Your Card: Three of Pentacles

You don’t have to do it alone. You might be feeling like everyone around you is depending on your ability to get things done independently but don’t be afraid to ask for help today, Taurus. This is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength. Whatever it is you are trying to accomplish or work towards requires the help of others. You can’t do it all. Take advantage of the strengths that the people around you have to offer because this will only create a more cohesive system that is beneficial for the greater good.


Your Card: Four of Pentacles

You can afford to be a little selfish today, Gemini. Save yourself first. It’s a nice sentiment to want to share your resources and help everyone achieve their goals but this isn’t possible unless you do what is necessary for your self-preservation first. Right now you may be feeling dishonest for holding back what you know or what you have but keep things to yourself for a little bit until you have your footing.


Your Card: Nine of Wands

There’s a reason why we’re told to trust our intuition. Even if it isn’t always completely backed by logic. Things aren’t always as they seem. Today there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding a situation that you seem to have been involved in. There is a saying, believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see. I think this may apply to you today, Cancer. Don’t allow yourself to get wrapped up in gossip and all the he said, she said, shit. This will only impact you negatively. Don’t let this get to your head because that is what the negative people around you want. Trust what you are sensing. It’s most likely correct.


Your Card: Queen of Cups

Put your ego to the side as best as you can today, Leo. Not to take a dig, but this is something you’re not great at doing. You have a habit of taking things too personally sometimes but what you perceive to be a sign of disrespect from someone isn’t always about you. Today you might be feeling annoyed or hurt by someone close to you. Understand, whatever it is you think they did wrong, they weren’t intentionally trying to hurt you. They probably don’t even realize how upset you are about it. The Queen of Cups asks you to simmer your feelings as best as you can and communicate what is bothering you. But do so from a place of objectivity. Once you both have had a chance to explain where each of you is coming from, you’ll find the issue practically resolves itself on its own.


Your Card: Five of Pentacles

This feeling of longing that you’ve been repressing and putting off is finally catching up with you today. There may be someone in your life who meant a lot to you whom you haven’t seen or spoken to in quite some time. You’re such an independent person, so much so that you falsely convince yourself that you’re fine without them. However today, these feelings of longing might be coming to the surface in such a profound way that even you can’t ignore them. It’s not something you can just keep your mind off by staying busy any longer. Maybe today is the day you reach out to them and let them know that you’re thinking of them. There’s a good chance that if you’re feeling this way, so are they. Don’t be afraid of feeling vulnerable. It’s a good sign. There’s a reason they meant so much to you in the first place. Not everyone can be replaced. What a lonely way of being to just think that everyone is replaceable. Could the same be said about you, Virgo? Are you easily replaced? I think not.


Your Card: Ace of Pentacles

Today is about turning your failures into successes. You will find yourself rising from the ashes so to speak and planting the seeds of a more practical tomorrow from that. Keep your spirit strong, Libra. Just because you’re hearing ‘no’ right now, doesn’t mean it’s the end of everything you wish to attain for yourself. There is another path forward waiting for you, you just have to find it.


Your Card: Four of Wands

Make time for the people you love most and hold closest to your heart. The Four of Wands represents reunion and happy gatherings. Take today as an opportunity to show gratitude and appreciation for those meaningful moments in between the hustle of life. Arrange a meet-up with someone you’ve been meaning to see for a while. Catch up with old acquaintances. Let people know that you’re thinking of them and it will be well-received. If there’s a particular person on your mind, reach out to them because there’s a good chance that they need to hear from you in particular at this moment.


Your Card: Queen of Pentacles

Don’t take the criticisms you may receive today in the wrong way. Maybe they could’ve said it more nicely but would you rather people beat around the bush or tell you how it is? The truth hurts but it’s necessary. With the Queen of Pentacles present, you often feel like you’re the voice of reason in most situations. People come to you for advice but this may have left you feeling like you know all. You don’t, Sagittarius. Though you’re incredibly sharp, eloquent, well spoken, and you always know the right thing to say, you can still be acting in ways that have negative impacts on the people around you. Don’t take it harshly. It’s coming from a place of love. You’ll be glad people were honest with you.


Your Card: The Devil

It’s quite a meaningful coincidence that you received The Devil card, Capricorn considering how your sign correlates to this specific tarot card. With that said, though The Devil card isn’t a negative thing, for you it’s a positive. Today you are allowed to indulge a bit. Celebrate what you’ve worked so hard to accomplish. As an earth sign, you feel no shame in your pursuit of material pleasures. People think of materialism as an inherently bad thing but it’s all about balance and showing gratitude for what these material items represent. Treat yourself. Let loose. You don’t have to be all business in this moment. Enjoy your vices but in healthy moderation. We do exist in the physical world after all and part of the reason why we are here is to explore and enjoy what this realm has to offer.


Your Card: Three of Pentacles

I think lately you’ve been bottling up a lot of your feelings. Perhaps you’ve been experiencing certain emotions that you’re not necessarily proud of. Find comfort in knowing that you’re not the only one and that there is nothing wrong with you. The Three of Pentacles is a sign that you should open up to the people that you trust with your heart. They won’t judge you. They will be your shoulder to cry on. You can’t hold on to whatever it is that is bothering you forever. It needs to be released somehow. And by finding the strength to be honest with how you’re feeling, you’ll give others that same strength as well.


Your Card: Eight of Wands

You recently found yourself letting go of something that you put a lot of time and energy into cultivating. Perhaps this was a relationship or some sort of business venture that just didn’t pan out the way you hoped it would. It’s hard letting go of the things that you commit so much of your being into but if it doesn’t go the way you hope, oftentimes this is because there is so much more waiting for you. The Eight of Wands is a sign that whatever the universe had in store for you is coming today. You’ll be glad you made the sacrifice of letting go because it has only led to more open doors, Pisces. I promise you, the pain of letting go will all be worth it today.