Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, December 5, 2024
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Your Card: Justice, reversed
Don’t let yourself be consumed with guilt and regret. The past weighs heavy on you today and with it, all your old mistakes. It’s hard not to think about what could have been had you made better choices. Stop yearning for what almost was. You can’t turn back time, but you can learn from your experiences and move forward in a way more aligned with your values and desires. As long as you’ve taken accountability and become more aware, there’s no need to be so hard on yourself for your missteps. Sometimes it takes making the worst decisions to teach us who we want to be and work harder for what we want.
Your Card: Queen of Swords
You know exactly what you want, how you feel, and when you’ve hit your limit. So, don’t hold yourself back from expressing your truth today, Taurus. Say no if you can’t quite possibly take anymore on your plate or be there for someone today. You don’t always have to be available to others, not even those you care about the most. At work, communicate your ideas, even if they clash with those of others. Advocate for yourself if you feel like you’re picking up someone’s slack or are due more recognition. Feeling like someone is disrespecting your boundaries? Call them out. Need to set those boundaries? Do it now.
Your Card: Page of Wands
Today is a good day, Gemini! You’re bursting with inspiration and feeling on the verge of something extraordinary. You may not have a clear vision, yet, but the possibilities are exciting. In your heart of hearts you know that you need to take these first tiny steps. Let your enthusiasm and curiosity guide you, even without a concise plan. The rest will start falling into place. You owe it to yourself to embrace what may come. There is no idea too big or too silly. So, get to experimenting and exploring.
Your Card: Five of Cups, reversed
At some point, you’re going to have to stop dwelling on it and just let it go. Giving yourself time to process the feelings of pain and grieve the loss is essential to healing, but there comes a time when there is nothing left to do anymore but pick yourself up and dust yourself off. That time is now. You’ve been trapped in this place of hurting for far too long. If you’re honest with yourself, you could accept that you could be doing more to move on with your life. Do those things. Stop longing for what or who isn’t meant for you. Cut your attachments to the past. Forget about what could have been and think about what could be.
Your Card: Four of Pentacles
Loosen your grip, Leo. The Four of Pentacles indicates that there’s something in your life you’re spending too much energy on trying to control, force, or preserve. You have to let go and just surrender to what may be. Have you ever thought that if you’re working this hard to cling on to it, maybe it just isn’t meant to be? This card can also signal inflexibility and a resistance to change. What old beliefs and behavioral patterns confine you? How could you be taking a different approach? Where would it benefit you to look at things from a new perspective?
Your Card: Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands is a sign from the Universe to pursue whatever it is that you desire or want to accomplish, and to do it now. You have all the luck on your side. The cosmos are conspiring in your favor. Everything is aligning the way it should be, but you have to be the one that guides yourself towards success. Claim what’s yours and start making the necessary moves today, Virgo. Make your intentions clear. Brainstorm a plan. Take the first small steps. Identify what risks you’re going to take. Trust in yourself and work hard at it each day.
Your Card: Two of Pentacles
Libra, there’s a lack in your life of what you value most—balance. The Two of Pentacles is a call to identify the source and examine what needs to shift in order for it to be restored. You can’t help what life throws at you and very little is actually within your control, but you can choose what to prioritize and where you place your energy. Maybe you need to cut some things out from your workload, or delegate others. Perhaps you’re focusing too much on the grind and neglecting your personal life, or vice versa. There could be a situation or relationship that leaves you feeling drained or that no longer adds value into your life. Whatever the case is, make the changes you need to make.
Your Card: King of Pentacles, reversed
When the King of Pentacles appears in reverse, it signals a time for turning inward and self-reflecting. You’ve placed too much focus on earthly pursuits, money, or your career and have started to lose sight of what’s truly important. What are your true priorities, Scorpio? Are they your meaningful relationships, your creative pursuits, inner peace? How could you be better nurturing those things? Building stability and a strong foundation involves more than just how much you have in the bank. Don’t forget that. Shift your attention to what emotionally fulfills you.
Your Card: Six of Pentacles, reversed
The Six of Pentacles warns of one-sided relationships, lack of reciprocity, manipulation, and control. It calls on you to examine where there may be an imbalance of power dynamic in your life. Beware of those who surround you, Sag. Are they being generous out of the kindness of their heart, or are they expecting something in return? Do they use what they do for you to hold it over your head? Does someone you know say or do the right thing just to look good? Who in your life is all about taking but gives nothing back? Have you been overextending yourself for those who don’t deserve it? Check yourself, too. Are you being a good friend or pulling their strings?
Your Card: Three of Cups
Accept any and all social invitations this weekend, Capricorn. You’re way overdue for a fun time. All year, you have been working hard and breaking your back to reach the goals you’ve set for yourself. No one is as dedicated as you are, but doesn’t it get tiring? Challenge yourself into letting loose and getting a little wild. Invite your friends out for dinner and drinks afterwards. Throw a party. Go somewhere completely unexpected. Just let your inner child come out and play.
Your Card: Four of Swords, reversed
Take the reversal of the Four of Swords as a nudge for rest and relaxation. This card indicates exhaustion, burn-out, stress, tension, and possibly, even heartache. There’s something weighing you down, be it work or a personal matter, and you need to let yourself just recharge for a little bit. Maybe starting tonight and carrying it over into the weekend you can focus on reconnecting with yourself and quieting all the noise. Whether it’s a night of movie binging on the couch, lots of reading, exercise, or partaking in a creative output, do whatever will help you nourish your well-being.
Your Card: Two of Cups, reversed
Who in your life are you feeling disconnected from? The Two of Cups in reverse is a sign that one of your most meaningful relationships is currently in a state of disharmony. Whether it’s a friend, your lover, or someone you work closely with, it’s time to lay it all out on the table. Address any issues you’ve been avoiding. Be open and honest. Put into words where you’re coming from, but be willing to hear the other person out when they express themselves. A weight is going to be lifted after you have this conversation, whether it goes how you’d like it to or not.