Anastasia Shuraeva

Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, March 13, 2025

Table of Contents


Your Card: Ace of Swords

Find the time to write down your thoughts today, Aries. Sometimes journaling can be just as effective as therapy or even confiding in loved ones. Be as honest with yourself as you can bear to be, it’s not like anybody else is going to read what you write anyway (unless you want someone to). By doing this you might be surprised by what conclusions you draw about yourself or your life and find the answers you seek right now. Oftentimes you look outward for the answer when instead we should be looking inward. 


Your Card: Knight of Swords

Taurus, this is the second time in a row that I’ve done your Tarotscope reading that you received the Knight of Swords. The first time was two days ago on Tuesday, March 11th. With that said, it seems that whatever chaos you experienced then has made its way into today. And if that’s the case, then the Knight of Swords is here to remind you yet again that you can remedy the situation just through your mindset alone. Find a way to laugh at the mess. Find a way to turn this into an advantage or a positive. In general, reframe things in your mind so that you are better able to take on the storm. 


Your Card: Queen of Pentacles

Find a way to do with what you have today, Gemini. You might not have everything you want at your disposal, but you do have everything that you need to make something work. Turn nothing into something. Get creative and see what solutions or innovations you can come up with. 


Your Card: Ten of Cups

If there is disharmony in your family life or personal social life, take the first step towards rekindling that harmony. Though you may not be at fault for the tensions or what is going on, for whatever reason you are being called to be the one who creates peace and brings everyone together again. You have such a way of personally connecting with others as well as helping others to reconnect with each other as well. If your community is happy then you can be happy. 


Your Card: Four of Pentacles

Don’t let the scarcity mindset trick you into thinking that there isn’t more than this waiting for you out there or that you don’t deserve better than what you are currently receiving, Leo. Don’t be afraid to take those first steps (albeit scary steps) towards finding the things that you deserve to have just as much as anybody else does. You’ve gotten too comfortable with the bare minimum. Tell the world and the people around you what your expectations are and if they fail to meet those expectations then walk away until you find people or a place that does meet those needs. Stop selling yourself short. 


Your Card: King of Swords

As the saying goes “if it was meant to be, then it will be”. In other words, let life unfold as it will and what is meant to be in your life will find its way into your life without you having to try so hard. However, that is not the message for you today, Virgo. While this is typically the case, the King of Swords is telling you otherwise. If you want things to be, then go make it happen yourself. Don’t wait for life to unfold, dictate how it unfolds. Now is the moment to take action before you regret it. 


Your Card: Two of Swords

Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see today, Libra. You might be hearing some gossip that doesn’t paint an accurate picture of the situation. Be disconcerting before you jump to any conclusions and take a side. Not only that, whatever conclusions you may have drawn or opinions you’ve made, just keep them to yourself for right now before what you say is somehow twisted and used against you. 


Your Card: Queen of Swords

Having a good sense of humor may be your secret weapon for today, Scorpio. To be fair, you already have a bit of a dark sense of humor as is, one that not everyone gets all of the time. So finding a way to make yourself laugh and others as well at whatever absurdity transpires today will come easily. It may be your best option when it comes to avoiding drama yet letting others know that their behavior isn’t okay. It might also help you in terms of overcoming certain challenges. Or perhaps it’s your secret weapon today because you or someone close to you is going through hard times. Maybe you can’t solve the problem for them or yourself, but you can find a way to laugh and smile. 


Your Card: King of Wands

Take initiative today. Don’t wait for others to do that for you or for the group/community that you may be a part of. It seems that everyone around you is too hesitant to step up and take charge for whatever reason, so be the one who does, Sagittarius. The King of Wands can come to represent someone who steps up when they know it’s the right thing to do or when others need them most. 


Your Card: Three of Pentacles

You’re very stubborn at times, Capricorn. And while this trait of yours is good and comes in handy in times when you must stand your ground and not take any shit, sometimes it causes you to be cold and closed off. If there is someone in your life who is waving their little white flag or is extending an olive branch, try and find a way in your heart to forgive and work through whatever issues you two had in the past. It seems like there is a chance for all to be forgiven. I know you feel as if what they did was unforgivable, but try talking it out first and then see how you feel after. You might think that much of the hurt they caused is lifted and you two can rekindle and perhaps work towards a better friendship or relationship. Just understand that they are human and in this case, it doesn’t seem as if they did anything to intentionally go out of their way to hurt you. 


Your Card: Temperance

Everything in moderation today, Aquarius. This applies to almost every area of life and every context. Everything is fine as long as it is in moderation. Even too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re trying to be “perfect” and be completely healthy or without any vices whatsoever. It’s okay to indulge every once in a while as long as it doesn’t become too much. 


Your Card: Ten of Pentacles

Prepare for the worst. I’m not saying that the worst is happening today or that it is coming soon. I’m just saying that the presence of the Ten of Pentacles might be here trying to tell you that it is better to be safe than sorry. The context of this message may resonate differently depending on who is reading. But for whatever reason, you are being called to act now. It is better to be safe than sorry. Maybe find a way to boost your savings. Or look into better insurance plans. Maybe it’s time to replace those tires. Do whatever you can to ensure that you are prepared for anything that might go wrong. I think that you’re reading today is just serving as a gentle reminder. Don’t panic, you have nothing to stress about, but do what you can now to make sure you have no regrets later down the line.