Thought Catalog Agency

Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, March 21, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Page of Swords, reversed

You’re tempted by old fears and behaviors today. Your thoughts are scattered—intrusive, even—and they’re getting the best of you. Instead of succumbing to the mental spiral at bay, it’s important for you to pause and reflect on what it is that you’re truly afraid of—and what it is that you truly desire. Be honest with yourself, Aries. Isolate and write it out in a journal if you have to. You need to regain your focus and base your decisions only on what you know. Don’t be swayed by your anxieties or what anyone else is telling you. You have the ability to see the path forward, you just have to take a step back and allow yourself to look at things from a different perspective. You don’t need all the answers today, but you do have to be willing to challenge your self-limiting beliefs and toxic patterns. What do you want to change? How can you manifest your wants through your intentions and actions? Are you committed to the journey that lies ahead?


Your Card: Ace of Swords, reversed

Today is not the day to make any important decisions or make any big changes. Your mind is filled with confusion and lacking in any clarity. Any choice you make today that carries weight has a high potential of backfiring with negative consequences. Try to put off any significant action for a different day when you have a deeper understanding and clearer intentions. You have to be especially careful at work and in your relationship, which may see some miscommunication, if you want to avoid any misunderstandings and bigger problems down the line. There may be outside influences clouding your judgment, so be wary of any misinformation or anyone else trying to skew your perspective. Take some time alone and give yourself space to clear out all the chaos and rid yourself of any blockages. In order to move forward,you must place wholehearted trust in your intuition and inner wisdom—you won’t be led astray. 


Your Card: Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles signals that you’ve succeeded in acquiring wealth and saving, but it’s also a warning not to become overly attached to money or let it define your self-worth. It’s great that you’re being more mindful of your finances, but you should reward yourself for all your hard work. This isn’t an encouragement to make rash or extravagant decisions when it comes to spending, but to remind you that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor while remaining economical and financially stable. So, go out and buy something for yourself today—whether it’s that cute outfit you’ve been eyeing, a new shade of lipstick, or a serious technological update. This card is also asking you to examine what you’re trying too hard to preserve—ideas, patterns, relationships, goals. Where are you clinging too tightly? Are you placing your energy into things actually meant for you?


Your Card: Seven of Swords, reversed

Someone will be seeing the consequences of their actions today, and it’s more than likely that lies and deception will be exposed. If there’s something eating away at your conscience, then you need to come clean today, or else you’ll make matters worse. It’s not too late to face your mistakes and change course. You can make reparations if you remain sincere in your intentions. If it’s someone else unburdening themselves on you and making a confession, then it’s important to acknowledge the accountability they’re taking. Only you know whether they deserve forgiveness. The reversal of the Seven of Swords can also be urging you to be honest with yourself. Are you cultivating an authentic life that is in alignment with your values and desires? Is there a truth you’re ignoring in regards to your goals or your relationship? Are you betraying your own happiness in some way? 


Your Card: Four of Swords, reversed

You’re feeling drained, stressed, and emotionally exhausted today. There’s a situation or task that’s making you feel like you have nothing more left in you to give. However, you feel as if there’s too much on the line to let yourself take a step back. Don’t try to push ahead today, it’s only going to further chip away at your mental health. The reversal of the Four of Swords is urging you to distance yourself today and prioritize self-care and rest. What you need this Thursday is peace, Leo, and to focus on your well-being. You’re burnt out and you need to refill your cup. Recharge your energy and reconnect with your spirit. It’s important to take a break, but you must also reflect on how your needs aren’t being honored—by yourself and others. Are there any boundaries that you need to set?


Your Card: Ace of Wands, reversed

Today you’re feeling very unlike yourself, Virgo. You’re unmotivated and feel tempted to procrastinate. The lack of direction and focus is stressing you out and making you feel restless. The problem here is that you’re missing your internal spark. What you need to do on this Thursday is take a step back, identify the source of your blockage, and try to find ways of overcoming it. Today, you don’t need to be at your absolute best, you don’t have to have all the answers, you don’t need a plan, and you don’t have to create your masterpiece. But you do need to get your inspiration going again and to reconnect with what’s at play. Instead of letting yourself be overcome by self-doubt, do something. Even if it’s a little brainstorming, getting started, or doing something creative to help you get over your lull. Paint, write, reconnect with your inner child.


Your Card: Ace of Cups, reversed

You’re in no mood for socializing today. It’s taking everything in you to keep a smile plastered on your face and act as if everything is normal. Deep down, you feel a sadness that you can’t quite shake. Worse, you almost feel empty. You’re telling yourself that you can’t pinpoint the root of your desolation, but you’re lying to yourself. The truth is that the melancholy of this day is being brought on by unprocessed emotions that are leaving you disconnected from your present. The reversal of the Ace of Cups is urging you to focus on yourself today and prioritize your well-being by dealing with feelings and past emotional wounds that you may have swept under the rug. They’re detrimental not only to your connection with others, but the connection you have with yourself. It’s time to be honest with yourself, Libra. Have you built your walls too high? Are you emotionally unavailable and why? What emotional barriers are keeping you from making and nurturing meaningful connections? 


Your Card: Seven of Wands

Today might test your patience, Scorpio, but it’s important that you remain in control of your emotions if you want to retain the upper hand. The conflict, tension, or challenge that you face today may be trying, but don’t become defensive (or offensive). Instead, remain calm while standing your ground and remaining strong in your conviction. No one silenes a Scorpio, and no one can threaten what you’ve built and get away unscathed. You don’t really need to lift a finger for karma to get your opponents, you just need to speak your truth. You will prevail, as you always do, and those who have tried to wrong you will end up regretting it, as they always do. They will also learn their lesson when it comes to trying to undermine you or take what’s yours. You’ve already proved yourself, you don’t have to do anything. Now, they’ll be proving themselves to others, and the image they’re painting isn’t a great one. 


Your Card: Knight of Swords

You’re feeling a renewed sense of commitment and determination today, Sag. You’re ready to take swift action and get things done in order to accomplish your goals and desires. You’d benefit from doing some serious strategic planning on this Thursday, and from taking a bold new approach. Let yourself be guided by the energy and drive you’re feeling right now. Seize the moment and take advantage of the momentum. You have a clear vision that you’ve been waiting on for a while now. What is that you’re being called to accomplish? What are you being called to express? What are you being called to create? You’re coming to a new level of clarity today which will help you align your career, finances, and personal life with your ideals. It’s a great day to set intentions. Remember, you’re more than capable of manifesting. 


Your Card: Knight of Cups

You’re quite sensitive today and overtaken with lots of emotions. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, you’re just feeling a sense of inspiration that you haven’t felt in a while. You should go with it, Capricorn. Tap into your creative nature and let yourself be led by your imagination. You’d benefit from allowing yourself to connect with your inner child and practice self-expression in a way that feels fun. Bust out your camera. Paint. Collage. Write some poetry. Do anything that will allow you to examine your deeper emotions and motivations. You need to spend time today being still and listening to what your heart and soul are telling you. Not every day has to be about work. Let today be for you. 


Your Card: The Moon, reversed

Today might not be the best day, Aquarius. You’re going to experience some sort of turmoil. This can be anything from self-doubt, anxiety, facing hard truths, or discovering deception and dishonesty. This Thursday requires you to trust your intuition and let it guide you into making the right choices. Whatever challenge you face today will involve navigating some difficult emotions. You have to be willing to work through them in order to move forward, so let yourself process anything you feel today, no matter how heavy or terrifying. The case might also be that you need to examine where in your life you’re resistant and stagnant. What self-limiting beliefs are you holding on to? Are you struggling with any fears or self-doubts? Is there a false narrative you’re holding on to? What is clouding your self-perception?


Your Card: Eight of Wands, reversed

Something is frustrating you to the point of inaction today. You’re going to experience stagnation today, but don’t be too hard on yourself. Sometimes it’s necessary to pause and take a break in order to reassess where you stand. It’s also good to rest so that you can regain your balance. Do something today that will require you to practice mindfulness—journal, meditate, do yoga. Do anything that will help you reconnect with your inner self. You need to find clarity before entering the next big stage. Reexamine your plan and motivations. Ask yourself if the path you’re on is still making you feel fulfilled. Is what you’re doing now in alignment with your values and ultimate goal? Are there any blockages you need to break through?