The 4 Most International Zodiacs
Scorpio is the sign whose familial ties run deep, no matter how far away their relatives may live. Their fierce loyalty to the people and traditions they come from means they put their culture on proud display, and are eager to share it with others, whether that’s building a community amongst people who share their background, or serving as an ambassador for those who are unfamiliar with their traditions. Scorpio is all about raising awareness and preserving everything that’s precious to them about where they come from. Clothing, food, music, holidays, stories. They want to continue it all to ensure the next generation has the same access to their past and their roots as they did. History lives on through us all.
Sagittarius is the sign whose dreams live abroad, even if they can’t afford to. Everyone assumes they’ve been all over the globe because of their broad interests and education, but the truth is they’re mostly self-taught. They seek out experiences and knowledge that differs from what they can find in their own backyard. They crave variety and long to be accepted as an outsider in diverse circles. When they are able to pool together enough savings and resources to explore the places they’ve spent so much time reading or studying about, or seeing in movies and TV, it’s like a dream come true. They’re truly an adult child in a candy store. This is what they work for, what life is about, what they were born to do.
Taurus is the import/export sign of the zodiac. They know quality, specifically what’s best locally, and what needs to go through customs in order to be up to snuff. Their Korean skincare routine has no less than seven steps, and they know how to make a decent cup of chai. They’ll lend you their aran wool sweater on a cold day, offer you a swiss chocolate after a breakup, and have toothpick flags for their cheese boards. Their eyes are always on the horizon, always in search of the people who do and make things on another level. They want their money to go towards supporting artisan craftsmen and small business owners instead of mass produced items at a lower quality.
Capricorn is a global economist. They know how important it is not to limit your success to a single market. And that doesn’t mean corporate takeovers or invasions, it means knowing potential customers are every and anywhere. Consumers are listening to music and watching television in different languages, picking up international styling tips and following foreign brands. What the internet has allowed us to see and admire, it has also allowed us to patronize. Capricorn sees the potential for success to follow demand, and for demand to follow talent. You don’t have to be a CEO or have a record label or an agent or a patent. Anyone can produce something of value that is received with the love and admiration of millions.