The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Will Be Most Affected By December’s Mercury Retrograde
On December 13th, 2023, Mercury goes Retrograde.
Mercury Retrograde is known to bring chaotic, inconvenient energy to our lives, with delays, miscommunications, and messed up plans. This retrograde is in Capricorn, the sign of hard work, ambition, and success. Capricorns are also ruled by Saturn, the planet of responsibilities and karma.
This transit will be deeply transformative for 4 signs in the areas of success, discipline, and communication:
Mercury is your ruling planet, which means you feel this retrograde energy heavily. You’re reflecting on your relationships and which ones you need to cut ties with. It’s important for you to not only communicate your needs and boundaries with the people in your life but to also pay attention to those who care enough about you to respect those boundaries and needs.
Like Gemini, you are also ruled by Mercury, which means this retrograde will hit you with all kinds of contrasting emotions: inspired and excited, but also frustrated and stuck. Lean into that urge of wanting to express yourself creatively and put ideas into motion. Embrace your determination and don’t let your self-doubt and insecurities get the best of you.
This transit is urging you to take a moment for yourself. You’re reflecting on what in your life needs to change and what relationships you need to cut ties with. Because this retrograde is in hardworking and disciplined Capricorn, you are resolving any financial issues and tying up loose ends from the past. It will feel overwhelming at times, and you will want to run away, but this is good for you in the long run, so stay focused.
This retrograde is in your sign and with that, it’s urging you to take a look at yourself. Instead of focusing on the external factors of your life, you’re focusing on how you can do the internal work. You’re asking the hard questions: Do others value me? Do I value myself? With this introspection, you can then communicate with both yourself and others about your needs, goals, and desires.