The Kind Of Person You’re Always Attracted To, Based On Your Birth Order
As a firstborn, you’re most likely to be drawn to people who exude confidence and ambition. You’re a leader yourself, so you look to people who have similar qualities as you – this indicates that you’ll be able to trust and rely on them, which is something you value. You’re most attracted to individuals who seem to have it all together – for you, someone who can match your level of responsibility or even challenge your organized approach to life is a person you’ll find yourself immediately attracted to. Just because you’re attracted to other leaders doesn’t mean you’ll constantly be competing against each other, either; anyone who you can trust to take on some of the responsibilities and take charge every once in a while will be someone you can let your guard down around. You want someone who knows how to compromise and share a workload – and it’s probably nice for you to not have to make all the decisions.
Middle Children
Middle children typically find themselves attracted to people who are easygoing and can bring balance to their lives, but aren’t afraid to stand up for themselves and their loved ones. As the middle child, you’re probably used to resolving family conflicts – therefore, you’re drawn to people who don’t provoke others. Anyone who is peaceful and understanding will be a person you can trust to not need your conflict resolution skills. You’ll be able to fully relax around them, since your conflict-avoidant self won’t need to worry about explosive arguments. Plus, you’ll find it easier to openly communicate with them and seek compromises, as neither of you will have to worry about overstepping each other’s boundaries. But, since you sometimes have trouble standing up for yourself, those who use their voice to support others and aren’t afraid to go to bat for those they’re close to will also naturally attract you. This trait is highly valuable to you (and also pretty impressive).
Youngest Children
Youngest children may prefer those who match their spontaneity, yet have responsible tendencies, too. You’re most likely to be the easy-going one of the family; you tend to be more outgoing and much more laidback. Because of this, you need someone who can match your relaxed personality – people who are too uptight might shut you down a little bit. But, as the youngest child, you’re likely to also feel attracted to people who are responsible and stable individuals. You feel more supported when you have others you’re able to rely on and learn from; a partner who is consistent is key to balancing you out. Your ideal match won’t mind going on random adventures with you, but they’ll also have the sense to steer your focus back to planet earth every once in a while.
Only Children
As an only child, you’ll likely find yourself attracted to open and thoughtful individuals. You’re a deep thinker yourself, but you might struggle to open up to people. Those who wear their heart on their sleeve and aren’t afraid to speak their mind might impress you – you’ll find yourself attracted to them because you’re able to form an instant connection (and might even feel comfortable enough to open up to them, too). Anyone who is naturally vulnerable may come as a pleasant surprise to you, and you might find yourself seeking out these kinds of people for a chat more often – those who are mature, can have deep discussions with you, and are completely honest mean the world to you. These are the traits that will attract you instantly, and you might find it hard to stop thinking about anyone who displays this kind of personality.