The North Node In Pisces Survival Guide For Each Zodiac Sign
The lunar nodes are not planets, nor as they asteroids or fixed stars, but they are arguably the most important placements at any given time. In a birth chart, they serve as indicators for an individual’s soul purpose in this lifetime. In mundane astrology, they highlight the energy that the collective is exerting.
What exactly are the nodes, if not celestial bodies? To briefly summarize, they’re mathematical points calculated by the intersection of the moon with the elliptic. They are always retrograde, beginning their transits at 29° and completing them over the course of roughly eighteen months.
They are typically represented by horseshoe-shaped glyphs in a chart. The upright horseshoe is the North Node, while the flipped horseshoe in the sign and house exactly opposite is the South Node.
Almost universally, the North Node is associated with deeply uncomfortable evolution and growth. That is to say, in most cases, your natal North Node drags you kicking and screaming in the direction that your soul needs, but your flesh will fight tooth and nail to avoid.
The South Node, on the other hand, feels like a warm bed on a cold winter morning: it’s safe, familiar, and at times very seductive. But ultimately, it’s not fulfilling, and it can keep you rooted in a toxic cycle that doesn’t serve you on a material or spiritual level.
Everyone learns, on some level, what the nodes are all about during their twenty-seventh year. It’s the time in our lives when we experience our first nodal reversal, forced to re-evaluate what is and isn’t working in the year or so leading up to the dreaded Saturn return.
For the past eighteen months, the nodes have been on the Aries-Libra axis, reflecting the collective discomfort we have all felt as we have witnessed the unavoidable and inescapable horrors of war, brutality, and violence on a large scale. However, the lighter side of Aries has showed up, too, encouraging individuation, persistence, and self-reliance.
On January 29, this all changes. At 1:50 AM EST, the North Node retrogrades back to 29° Pisces. It will continue its transit through the dreamy, mystical Piscean landscape until August 19, 2026.
Everyone with major personal placements in Virgo or Pisces will, at some point, experience an exact conjunction to the nodes. But even if you don’t, you still have houses in your chart ruled by these two signs, so you can anticipate certain changes to come in specific areas of your life.
The following is a generalized forecast for each of the twelve rising signs. Here’s how you can expect the following eighteen months to unfold for you, and what areas of your chart will be touched.
With the North Node now situated in your twelfth house and the South Node in your sixth, your focus for the next eighteen months is your health, both mental and physical. While the body keeps the score, the brain often detaches from trauma to protect itself. Be watchful for physiological symptoms of stress and consider seeking therapy to better understand why your body is reacting so strongly to external events. You are likely to experience breakthroughs in mental health and addiction recovery. It’s a good time to listen to your intuition, seek comfort in spiritual practices, and gain a deeper understanding of what your dreams are trying to tell you.
The North Node is now stationed in your eleventh house, while the South Node holds court in your fifth, pushing you to externalize your creative ambitions and use your communicative skills to broaden your social network. You have the potential to create a powerfully spiritual or artistic movement that resonates beyond your own local community. When dating casually and creating works of art, try to be less nitpicky; you are being encouraged to broaden your horizons and see the bigger picture.
With the North Node in your tenth house and the South Node in your fourth, you are being called into positions of leadership where you will be able to express your creative and spiritual ideals with more freedom and boldness. While you may struggle to relax around the house and become agitated when your family or roommates don’t pull their weight, you can channel this perfection in a healthier way by creating the ideal home office. Balancing workaholism and intuition is the way to succeed professionally. If you master this challenge, what you create in private will undoubtedly be well-received in public.
The North Node is now hanging out in your ninth house and the South Node in your third, reflecting your strong pull towards higher learning and exploration at the global level. You are being called to release your attachment to your local community and think bigger, dreaming your loftiest dreams and believing with the utmost conviction that they will come true. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to connect with people from other religious and cultural backgrounds, who can help you understand why we all have such radically different perspectives. If you are feeling the pull to go back to school to finish your degree or start a brand new one, this is the time.
Heed the call of your North Node as it stations in your eighth house and release the difficulties presented by your South Node in the second. You are at the precipice of achieving a radically new kind of financial freedom, and your attitude towards shared resources is inevitably going to change, even as you struggle to release your attachment to material things and long-held values. Your instinct might be to hoard what you feel is rightfully yours, but close, trusted friends and partners are going to give you a dose of tough love about what it means to be truly generous.
The North Node in your seventh house and South Node in your first creates tension between your personal identity and autonomy, and that which is expected within creative and romantic partnerships. You are likely to encounter many new karmic partners with which to explore your artistic and spiritual side, and even possibly some mentors, but it will require a fair amount of humility, as you’ve gotten used to doing everything yourself. You tend to be hypercritical of your own appearance and body; this chapter of your life gently encourages you to release your vanity and trust that while you may view yourself as a constant work in process, others around you see your beauty in this exact moment.
As the North Node stations in your sixth house and the South Node in your twelfth, you are being dragged forcibly out of fantasy land and into the uncomfortable reality you inhabit. This is the time for healthy forms of escapism, such as creativity, art appreciation, and spirituality. Everything is good in moderation, but you tend towards compulsion; it’s time to cut the cord on any form of ritual that hasn’t been serving you, such as obsessive tarot shuffling, excessive journaling, and forgetting to live in the real world. It’s not enough simply to dream about your future; you have to put in the action, too. Balance intuition with discipline, and you’ll come out on the other side much stronger and in control of your actions.
With the North Node now in your fifth house and the South Node in your eleventh, you are being called to narrow your large, shallow social network down to a select few members of your tribe who truly get you. These will be your people over the next eighteen months of radical artistic and mystical transformation. Don’t be surprised if one or more of them become romantic entanglements, or the lines between friendship and romance get blurred; such is the nature of creative and spiritual partnerships. Trust that you have learned enough through human observation to step away from the party for a while, and instead project your intuitive knowing into creative expression.
As the North Node settles into your fourth house and the South Node into your tenth, you are being removed from positions of public recognition to spend more time focusing on your home and family life. Your inner world will become richer through the exploration of new creative and mystical practices, perhaps encouraged by relatives or roommates. Consider how the people you share four walls with can influence your spiritual and artistic development, and create a household that resonates with the magic and mystery of the unknown. This is a time for deep inner healing that can only be done in private so that you can eventually shine on a bigger stage.
With the North Node in your third house and the South Node in your ninth, you can expect an abrupt ending to your world travel and higher education, with some of you completing your semester abroad and others moving back to your home country after years of living elsewhere. It is a time to narrow your focus down to the microcosm of your every day, find the magic in the mundane, and use your local community to fuel your creative and spiritual growth. Reconnect with siblings, neighbors, and childhood friends, viewing the experience as a glimpse at a possible road not traveled.
The North Node is now in your second house, while the South Node is in your eighth, promising that your approach to earning money is going to change drastically. You may settle inheritance disputes or rewrite your will in preparation for an explosive change to your financial situation. If you have been relying too much on others to fund your lifestyle, it is now time to break free of the conditions this type of relationship places upon you. Own your capacity for economic growth and press in, using your creativity and unconventional mysticism to find the right collaborators. But at the end of the day, it’s really up to you and you alone.
As the North Node moves into your first house and the South Node your seventh, you are being called to re-evaluate your relationship to yourself and release yourself from the obligations that your closest friends and partners have placed on your shoulders. You have played the role of agony aunt for too long, and now you need some time to regroup and take care of yourself before you can effectively show up for others. Your uniquely creative approach to life will enable you to establish a memorable brand, and you will begin to identify yourself with your spiritual and artistic strengths, rather than what you can do for others. It’s not that you should stop providing acts of service, as it is in your nature to do so; you should just learn how to say no when you need to, and set reasonable boundaries.