The Secret To Being Attractive In 2023
“Be genuinely interested in what they have to say. I have a tendency to look at the person when they’re talking and I’ve consistently been told it’s attractive. Most people aren’t used to having someone’s undivided attention.” — AintshitAngel
“Remember confidence isn’t arrogance. Confidence is not knowing that people will like you. Confidence is living your own life in such a way that you’re more interested in your own pursuits than what people think of them. Combine that with being nice/respectful, interested/interesting, and not gross… And there you have it. You won’t be attractive to everyone but you’ll be attractive to far more than most.” — RickDripps
“Being helpful to others has attracted more people to me than anything else I’ve done.” — Kukantiz
“Being funny is super helpful, if you can make someone laugh, they’re likely to like you. Being a kind and understanding person as well helps a lot, and being genuinely kind. Actually caring about what other people are saying and going through, holding a door open, offering to do small little things, all the tiniest little things you do for people. But, this has to be genuine. You actually have to be kind. Everyone has different standards, but at the very least, be the person you would want to be best friends with.” — Arthritic_boner
“Humor, confidence and charisma. You can be ugly AF but if you tick those three boxes, you’ll still be golden. And you can be gorgeous AF and not tick those three boxes and still be out of luck.” — upandbelowtheclouds
“I find people who keep their word attractive. Knowing that someone will follow through with what they said is admirable. I hate when I have to constantly follow up on people because I don’t know whether they’ll keep their word or not.” — cknyakina
“Be attractive to yourself. People just want to be around people that are happy just being who they are. Because it makes you feel okay with being who you are. And they have this mindset that if something needs to change, they put the time and effort into changing it. They don’t spend an endless amount of time just complaining about it. People need moments to dwell, mourn, complain, be miserable. And we all love company when in those moments. But, ideally these moments are moments and not a lifestyle. Which is why this type of company gets old, and gets old fast. Be you.” — ksozay
“It’s a bit paradoxical but the key is to not care what other people think. Like, you can’t be so emotionally invested in other people seeing you as attractive (and likewise, scared that they’ll see you as unattractive).” — peakpointhelmet
“Generally just being genuinely and comfortably yourself does it. And will attract the right kind of people to boot. If you’re not comfortable in your own skin and have too many insecurities, people will tend to find that offputting.” — Arvandor
“Just be the best version of yourself .. it totally depends on the eyes of the beholder how they see us and what being attractive is on their terms… So just be confident with your personality.” — lilac_skyyy