jasmin chew

These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Be Going Through A Lot This Mercury In Retrograde

Mercury is now in Retrograde yet again—from September 9th through October 2nd, the planet of communication and travel will be backtracking (or at least, it will feel that way to us). Starting in the sign of Libra, which is heavily associated with our relationships with others and finding balance in our lives, it will later shift back to Virgo, associated with our desire to be practical, keeping things (and our lives) organized and running smoothly. 

Of course, contrary to the fear-mongering that surrounds this astrological event, Mercury in Retrograde is nothing to fear. These few weeks may contain some confusion and chaos, but just as with any other hectic situations in life, they can be worked through and even used to our advantage! 

That being said, some signs may feel the effects more intensely than others—and may have to carry the weight of its presence in a much bigger way. Check out the zodiac signs which will likely be dealing with a lot this Mercury in Retrograde.


This Retrograde is mainly taking place in your house of relationships, so of course, you will notice its effects, Aries. You could experience some communication issues or some relationship pitfalls with the people you are closest to, though this isn’t the end of the world. Old problems may resurface with a partner, or situations you’ve attempted to avoid may make themselves unignorable. 

You have a reputation for getting ahead of yourself—as a sign that is always on the go, you struggle to take a moment to wait, but that’s precisely what you need to do during these next few weeks. If you try to barrel through these situations, things may get out of hand quickly, so don’t be afraid to take a moment to stop, listen, and try to work out solutions slowly rather than take the reins and bulldoze past anything uncomfortable. 


With Mercury as your ruling planet, it is no surprise that its retrograde often leaves you spinning. The good news is that you’re accustomed to this dance by now and can go with the flow easier than some other signs. This Retrograde, however, is taking center stage in your house of romance, creativity, and pleasure—meaning its impact might open up some insecurities or past wounds. You may be hearing from an ex, or your attempts at letting your feelings be known to someone you’ve had your eye on may not go as anticipated. Additionally, your usually creative, energetic self may experience some roadblocks, which will only add to the frustration.

Your best bet is to use this time to reflect on your love life—what are you missing, and what are you genuinely enjoying about it? How do you go about expressing your feelings, and is there any way that can be improved? When it comes to your creative projects, reevaluate how you manage those parts of yourself, and maybe revisit an old project you haven’t glanced at in a while. You never know when inspiration might strike.


While the Retrograde starts in Libra, it does shift into your sign, Virgo. Pair that with Mercury serving as your ruling planet (along with Gemini) and you’ve got a lot on your plate. Your season is already in full swing, so as Mercury moves through your financial sector, you may struggle with some money mix ups or feel the pull to spend more than you should at the moment. Later on, your identity and the way you present yourself to the world may leave you spinning, as you could question who you are and who the rest of the world sees.

Taking this time to readjust your budget and paying attention to the things that take up your time and money will be important for you—we tend to invest in things that we find value in, so what are the things that you hold close? The things that make you who you are?


No surprise here—with the Retrograde taking place in your sign, you already knew you would end up on this list, Libra. Taking place in your house of self, you’ll likely feel pulled in many different directions when it comes to the question of who you are. As a sign most known for its association with others, you might struggle to know who you are outside those relationships. How do you present yourself to the world, and are you comfortable with that image? It’s vital that you can separate your wants, desires, and dreams from those of the people you love—because if you are always trying to conform to a person’s idea of you, you’ll lose yourself in the long run.

The good news is, as heavy as all this feels, the Retrograde is a perfect time to be honest with yourself so that you can emerge from these few weeks with some new clarity. You may feel like your heart and mind are trying to tell you something, but you can’t quite place it—that’s to be expected. Ensure you set aside some time for yourself to meditate, relax, and be open to what message you’re receiving.