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These Are The Zodiac Signs Who Will Be Most Affected By The Taurus Lunar Eclipse

Just when you thought Scorpio season couldn’t be even more intense: welcome to Eclipse season!

Back in May, we experienced an eclipse season with the Solar Eclipse in Taurus and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Scorpio season ushered in the next pair of Eclipses, and we experienced the beginnings of this with the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th. On November 8th, a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will mark the end of the Eclipse season. So what can we expect from them?

The Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon, causing a “shadow” across the moon. These take place during a Full Moon, which astrologically is associated with upheaval, release (particularly emotional), and manifestation. However, Lunar Eclipse energy tends to amp up the vibes, meaning that focusing on processing and managing your energy, rather than acting on it in the moment, is advised. The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus brings us full circle, taking the lessons and realizations we’ve learned from the New Moon in Scorpio and pairing them with new ones. Eclipses can feel deeply personal to us as they involve the Sun (which reflects our egos) and the Moon (which reflects our emotions and inner world). During a Lunar Eclipse, we tend to feel intense emotions, particularly surrounding our relationships. As a zodiac sign, Taurus is dedicated and determined—it is not playing around, particularly with its inner circle that it trusts and finds security with. Combine that with Full Moon Eclipse energy and certain things may come to light that can no longer be ignored or swept aside.

While the Eclipse will undoubtedly affect all the signs, a few signs will decidedly feel its effects more intensely. Take a look below to see which zodiac signs will be the most affected by the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. (Be sure to check for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs!)


Given that the Lunar Eclipse is happening in your sign, you are likely expecting it to affect you, right? With the Eclipse taking place in your 1st House of Self, you will likely experience some intense emotions surrounding your sense of self: who you are, how you connect, and how you relate to the world around you. It’s a crucial time for you to get to the depths of who you are. The good news is this will kickstart a transformative process that will be your central theme this season—the emotions may feel intense, but that isn’t a terrible thing. Be gentle with yourself, because while change isn’t exactly what you’re known for, the results are worth it in the long run. Allow yourself to feel what you need to, and sit with those emotions—what are they trying to tell you?


Your sister sign, Taurus, is shifting your focus onto your 7th House of relationships, and this Eclipse will only intensify this area. You’ve been taking the time to figure out who you are and what you need this season—now it’s time to redirect thoughts toward how these aspects of yourself can be brought into your relationships. The Eclipse energy is pushing you to think about your current relationship(s) and what you want and need them to be. While it’s possible for this season to mark an ending or close the door on a particular connection, it can also mark the start of growth, especially if compromise can be found. You know your needs are important; the question is whether or not the current type of connections you have can acknowledge this as well. And if not, where do you go from here?


Occurring in your 4th House of home and roots, you may experience some intense emotions surrounding your home life, Aquarius. Of course, this can go as far as reexamining some childhood wounds that have affected your life, but Full Moons are also about releasing—this may be a time when you are able to see how much you’ve healed. There may be some upset or unrest involving those who live with you or within your family—and it’s easy to feel riled up and vulnerable during this time. Communication and clarity are essential, but take patience, so don’t feel the need to unleash all of your thoughts as soon as you experience them. This Eclipse energy is about letting go and starting a new path, rather than staying hung up on where we’ve been. Are you willing to stop spending so much time dwelling on a past you can’t change?


This event is taking place in your 10th House of career, meaning that some major shifts are happening for you in this area. While it’s hard to picture intense emotion intersecting our career paths, you might be surprised. This energy is opening up new doors and possibilities, but you’re the only one who can decide to take them. You are also the only one who knows what is going to deeply fulfill you—and while your zodiac sign is often linked to basking in the glow of praise and recognition, you have to ask yourself if you are on this path because you are skilled at it or because it is what you truly want. Of course, things take time, but this Eclipse is having you reassess and sit with how you’ve been seeking recognition in your career path—and whether you may decide to change direction altogether.