Asya Cusima

These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Proven To Be The Wealthiest

Ever wondered whether astrology relates to the richest people in the world? After Forbes’ list of 300 wealthiest billionaires was analyzed, it was found that there were some common trends when it came to the zodiac signs of the richest people alive. Here are the three zodiac signs most common amongst billionaires.


With Libra’s charm, grace, and social skills, it’s no surprise that they make up 12% of the world’s billionaires. This puts them at the top of the list for common signs amongst the 300 richest people. Libra has a unique combination of determination, likeableness, and realism to achieve their goals. Libra loves the finer things in life and has an eye for aesthetics, which can sometimes make them susceptible to spending. But generally, they tend to manage their money well, which explains much of the financial prowess that surrounds their sign.


Making up 11% of the world’s billionaires, Pisces ranks second on the list. Surprisingly, Pisces isn’t always known to be good with money – they can be forgetful and unrealistic, which could cause struggles with budgeting. But once the sign has this under control, they have the power to be extremely successful. Plus, Pisces tends to dream the biggest out of all the zodiac signs, and they have uniquely artistic visions and creative energies. It’s not surprising that many Pisces have likely struck figurative gold, making vast amounts of fame and fortune off their creative ventures – whether that’s selling artwork, making music, or launching a business.


Taurus is third on the list when it comes to the world’s billionaires, making up 10% of them. Taurus is known for being able to manage money. They’re grounded, enjoy coziness and basic creature comforts over extreme luxury, and track their spending well. They’re also generally a risk-averse sign. They follow a stable, consistent routine, which keeps them on track with their goals and makes them professionally successful. All of these factors could contribute to the financial success of this sign.