Katerina Holmes

This Is Exactly What Your Crush Thinks About You Right Now (Astrology + Tarot Reading)


Your Card: Queen of Wands

Very fitting that you received the Queen of Wands, Aries, considering the fact that this tarot card is connected to your sign. She represents the steamy and seductive combination of fire and water. It may not come as a surprise that your crush finds you to be incredibly alluring yet equally mysterious. They find themselves drawn to your quiet confidence and mesmerizing self-assuredness. Yet at the same time, they find that you are rather intimidating which I’m sure is something you’ve heard from others before. You two might share a covert love affair where neither one of you is completely obvious about your feelings and attraction towards one another (perhaps because you two are co-workers and wish to maintain professionalism) but that’s what makes it all the more exciting. They find themselves wanting to know more about you. Asking questions that subtly yet covertly helps them to gain a better understanding of who you are. As they slowly unearth each layer, the more they find that they like you. To them, you are someone that they wouldn’t necessarily expect to like them back. Though they have their suspicions that you are interested, the last thing they want to do is jump the gun and make the dynamic awkward. You’re a catch Aries, and you’re constantly surrounded by others who are just as drawn to your energy, so your crush doesn’t want to seem like another random person in the crowd. Allow things to develop organically. Don’t rush it. Feelings will come to light on their own. Enjoy this flirtatious friendship because the tension will continue building.


Your Card: Four of Swords

They’re definitely interested in you, Taurus, that’s the good news. However, with the Four of Swords, the bad news is that they might be healing from a past relationship. It’s not that they don’t think you’re great or don’t find you attractive, it’s just that they don’t have the energy to pursue you or even entertain the thought of becoming romantically involved with another person. It’s nothing personal, so don’t take it that way. They very much enjoy your company and while you’ve helped them to distract themselves from the lingering hurt that they are experiencing, their heart is still very fragile at the moment. Let things be for now. There is potential for the future but it will take some time and a bit of patience. They also don’t want to lead anyone wrong or give anyone, especially you, the wrong impression. The last thing that they want is for you two to get involved only for things to go sour because they’re not on the same emotional frequency as you.


Your Card: Five of Cups

The Five of Cups might be hinting at the fact that your crush is someone that you are good friends with and have been friends with for quite some time now. They know how you feel. If you didn’t tell them explicitly then they just instinctively know. You might’ve told them outright hoping that even if they don’t feel the same way back, then at least getting this secret off your chest might help you to disconnect emotionally and move on. But the Five of Cups might suggest that they don’t necessarily feel the same emotions towards you. They love you dearly as a friend and the idea of losing you from their lives pains them greatly, but they just can’t seem to match the level of passion you feel for them. They very much fear that your feelings might complicate the dynamic since the future remains unclear. I’m not saying they won’t ever develop feelings for you because you really never know but don’t wait around for them. If you feel like space is what you need to control your passion towards them, they would understand but it would hurt them as much as it would hurt you. They really do care about you, Gemini. You are someone that they are grateful they have in their life.


Your Card: The Fool

I get the sense that your crush is incredibly aloof to your feelings for them. The fact that they don’t know might be something that you’re relieved about. I get it. Though having a crush is fun and exciting and gives you something to look forward to every day if you’re both in the same social circle or work with each other, it’s also incredibly scary because the idea of them knowing but not liking you back is terrifying. You might not like what I’m about to tell you but you should drop some hints. Honestly, sometimes a person doesn’t know whether or not they like you until they know that you’re interested. Right now you’re not at all on their radar. Maybe you two have shared casual rapport without it materializing into anything more than friendly chit-chat, but besides that, there’s nothing else. You sometimes get so in your head, Cancer. Walking away from each interaction second-guessing yourself. Wondering to yourself, “Do they think I’m weird? Did I say the wrong thing? I should’ve said this instead.” I promise you they don’t think you’re weird, but they don’t think of you much at all. Show them who you truly are. Hold your head high and the more relaxed you are, the more confident you’ll feel and come across, and the more likely you are to gain their interest in you back.


Your Card: Six of Cups

You remind them of someone from their past. They’re not exactly sure who, but they sense it. Whenever they see you, they feel a sense of familiarity that makes you a very comforting presence to be around. The first time that they met you, in a way they felt like they already knew you. The chemistry was there right off the bat and it was easy to find ways to relate to you. You may or may not know this but you both have a lot in common. There is a potentially deep connection here. You both will have plenty to talk about and discover lots of serendipitous coincidences together. There is a sense of ease in each other’s presence that you both mutually feel. It’s something about the eye contact. You know what I mean? There are certain individuals you have eye contact with and for some reason you just feel seen and understood without either one of you uttering a single word. That’s how they feel. Your eyes are one of the things about you. It was the first thing they notice and when you’re not around, it’s what they constantly find themselves daydreaming about and getting giddy over.


Your Card: The Lovers

They may or may not want to admit it to themselves, Virgo, but they love you. Perhaps you have known them for quite some time yet there is some level of distance between you two. Perhaps the timing wasn’t right. Or maybe things just need to develop a bit further. But this person cares deeply for you. They seem rather stubborn about their feelings. Their friends probably tease them about being in love only for them to blush and get defensive “No I don’t, I just really care about them!” They say back. And it’s more than just a crush for this person. Perhaps you fear that if they saw the real you, they wouldn’t feel this way. But whether you realize it or not, they have seen the real you. They understand you much more deeply than you realize because they see so much of themselves in you. It’s a stubborn love. It’s not the idea of you that they’ve fallen for, they love you. The good, the bad, and everything in between. They’re just as scared as you are hence why they will never admit it first unless you fessed up before them. But considering how much you both share in common, it seems you both have your walls up to some degree and it’s just a waiting game at this point. Maybe you’ve both been friends for quite some time and these feelings have taken time to manifest. But the question remains, who is going to admit their feelings first?


Your Card: The Tower

You’re not their usual type, Libra. Please don’t take this the wrong way, the fact that you are so different from the type of person that they normally crush on is the number one reason why they find themselves so drawn to you. I know this sounds incredibly cliché and you may or may not roll your eyes at what I’m about to say, but they honestly think that “You’re not like the other girls (or guys)”. They have never met anyone like you. With The Tower card, it seems that you break all their rules. On paper, they feel like they shouldn’t like you, yet for some reason they do. You two might share completely different political views or values that normally would turn them off. You might be in completely different crowds coming from completely different backgrounds. Yet despite this, things that they would normally dislike in others are the same things that they love about you. I think what they really like about you is how real you are. You’re not pretending to be anyone except yourself. You aren’t perfect and you own that. Don’t change a thing about yourself. Don’t bend over backward because you feel like you need them to like you more. They like that you aren’t the kind of person who would do that.


Your Card: Eight of Swords

They think you’re incredibly out of their league, Scorpio. And to be fair, they’re not wrong because you’re pretty much out of everyone’s league. The Eight of Swords indicates that they feel a great level of anxiety just at the thought of you. They feel there is no way they could impress you or that someone of your stature would even consider the idea of being with them. This might be your normal type. I have a feeling that you’re normally drawn to the shy adorkable type. And though you might be used to always having to be the one to make the first move, I hate to say it but if you want anything to happen between the two of you, you might have to make the first move again. One word that always comes to mind whenever I see the Eight of Swords tarot card in a reading is paralyzed. That’s just the effect you have on them. They feel incredibly paralyzed and can’t seem to get passed this anxiety to show you their true feelings but as they grow more and more comfortable around you, they will begin to relax and feel more like themselves in your presence.


Your Card: King of Pentacles

This one is a bit tricky, Sagittarius. They greatly admire you and in many ways, they look up to you. This person might be a couple of years younger than you. Whenever they talk to you they just find the things you say to be incredibly wise. But the reason why I say that this one is tricky is because they may not have realized their feelings for you. They might be confusing feelings of attraction for feelings of admiration for whatever reason. Perhaps they’re trying not to get attached to the idea of you. They might be incredibly protective over their heart. Or perhaps they’re just distracted by life. Their mind is elsewhere. They may have a lot of responsibilities on their plate that keep them mentally pre-occupied. They might be the kind of person who uses work as a way to avoid intimacy or getting too emotionally close to others. This could be the result of getting their heart broken many times before. But as I said before, they do have a great deal of respect for you.


Your Card: Nine of Pentacles

They find you incredibly challenging and love that about your presence. With this crush of yours, you might be doing your best to keep your mind off of them and not let your feelings distract you from your life. You might find yourself doing or saying things that will deter them from you. It’s not working. When it comes to you, they are quite persistent. But I’m sure that’s exactly what you like about them. They are not one to get easily deterred and once they have their heart and mind set on someone or something, they are the type of person to do whatever it is they can to make it happen. The Nine of Pentacles represents Venus in Virgo meaning that the feelings they have for you are quite grounded. They’re not necessarily the overly romantic type who is going to write you poems and letters professing their love. Their love language is acts of service and so for now, to show their affection towards you, they want to do everything that they can to show you that they are not someone who is going to cause you more stress. They love how focused you are on your personal goals and the fact that when you say you’re going to do something, you just do it. You’re not someone who talks out of their ass. They feel like it’s rare they find someone with your level of confidence, self-assuredness, and conviction. But with that said, the Nine of Pentacles also indicates that this is a connection that may take a bit of patience on their end. However, I don’t think they’ll give up on you anytime soon. They’re not the type to get impatient.


Your Card: Eight of Pentacles

Though your crush is physically attracted to you (you are exactly their type after all) there’s a strong part of them that is unsure anything could materialize that. You two are quite different in very fundamental ways and I believe that the mutual attraction you two share isn’t enough for it to go any further than that. They are the kind of person who likes to make sound judgments and act in ways that they deem to be “appropriate”. Quite the opposite of you, Aquarius. You’re someone who loves the thrill of the hunt and you don’t normally see differences as obstacles but rather as challenges. You like to feel like you’re “winning” the other person over. In many ways, dating can be a bit of a game for you and when others aren’t willing to play you get slightly disappointed. On the other hand, your crush is a very straightforward person. Though they find you incredibly endearing and a fun person to be around in general, it might not be enough for them.


Your Card: The Emperor

This person might already be attached to someone else. I’m sorry if this comes as a shock or if it’s information you already know but I think what you really like about them is that you can fill in the blanks. They’re hard for you to read, which is rare for you. You’re normally quite psychic at times. You can read others like a book but your crush sure doesn’t make it easy for you. If they’re not attached then they may just not be interested, Pisces. But please don’t take this in the wrong way. It’s not that they dislike you, it’s just that they don’t share the same romantic feelings as you. But maybe you prefer it this way. Maybe you prefer the distance you two share. Perhaps you enjoy the fact that you get to fill in the blanks and create a version of them in your head to fall for instead of the actual person. Just be careful with this. While it’s fun to have a carefree crush without the pressure of it turning into anything, don’t let it get the best of you. Don’t allow your feelings for them to blur the lines between reality and fantasy.