This Is What Forever Love Looks Like To You, Based On Your Birth Order.

This Is Your Definition Of A Forever Couple, Based On Your Birth Order

Only Child

To you, being a forever couple is about consistency. Being there for each other throughout the good times and the rough times. Treating each other with respect and admiration, even when you’re frustrated with each other or are in the middle of an argument. More than that, you want your partner to treat you the same ten years into the relationship as they did ten days into the relationship. You don’t want to feel like an afterthought after you’re ‘caught’. You don’t want to slide lower and lower on their priorities list every year. You want to know they still care as much today as they did in the puppy love stage.

Oldest Child

To you, being a forever couple is about putting in effort. Acting present emotionally and physically so your partner never feels alone. You aren’t going to hold your partner’s small mistakes against them, as long as they take accountability, apologize, and put effort into doing better next time. All you want is assurance that they care, that they’re taking this relationship seriously, that they’re prioritizing you and want what’s best for you two as a team.

Middle Child

To you, being a forever couple is about having fun together. Making the most of the bad times. Cheering each other up when you’ve reached a low point and feel angry with the world. You want a partner who makes every single day a little more bearable, who brings out your lighter side and reminds you what it’s like to act playful and carefree. You need someone who will laugh with you, who will act like your best friend as well as your life partner. You want a relationship where you like each other, not just love each other. Where you can never spend enough time side-by-side.

Youngest Child

To you, being a forever couple is about support. You want a partner who encourages you to reach your fullest potential. Who cheers you on whenever you take on a new challenge. Who pushes you forward instead of holding you back. You want a relationship where you can tell each other anything because you know you’ll always be supported and will never be judged. You know nothing will pull this person away from you because they love the real you and they never let you forget it. They will remind you how much they care every single day through their words and their actions.


To you, being a forever couple is about growth–both personal growth and growth as a couple. You want someone who takes the steps to help you build a future that makes you both proud. You want someone who is committed to staying together even when times get tough because you have the skills and the desire to come to a solution that will make you both happy. You want a partner who is willing to compromise for the sake of the relationship, who is serious about building a stable future together and will do whatever it takes to make that a reality as long as you do the same.