This Is Why Your Ex Regrets Breaking Up With You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
(March 21st to April 19th)
Your ex regrets breaking up with you because you immediately threw yourself back into the world of dating, and they have seen and heard all about it. You’re not going to mope around and feel sorry for yourself after a breakup. You’re going to put yourself out there and have a grand ole time while doing it.
(April 20th to May 21st)
Your ex regrets breaking up with you because you’ve got that post-breakup glow, aka you always make sure to look hot AF. You want them to regret dumping you, and the best way you know how to do that is to buy yourself a new wardrobe, hit the gym, and highlight your hair. They regret breaking up with you because you look phenomenal.
(May 22nd to June 21st)
Your ex regrets breaking up with you because the one thing they wanted you to change, you did, but only after they left. You were one person when you were with them, and they weren’t happy with that, after they left you embraced your true self, and they see that. They wish you would’ve done that while they were dating you.
(June 22nd to July 22nd)
Your ex regrets breaking up with you because they’re still in your inner circle, and they see how happy you are without them. You guys hangout with the same crowd and when someone has a party or people over, your ex is there. You see each other almost every weekend, and they regret leaving you because you seem completely unphased by the breakup.
(July 23rd to August 22nd)
Your ex regrets breaking up with you because they thought they could do better, and they can’t. You were the best thing that’s ever happened to them and they only realized how wonderful you are after they left. You know you’re the best they’ll ever get, and you love that they know it too.
(August 23rd to September 22nd)
Your ex regrets breaking up with you because you started really taking care of yourself after the relationship ended. All of the energy you didn’t have to put towards yourself while you were dating them, you have now, and you’ve taken self-care to a whole new level. You’re making healthy choices and you’re finally taking some time to spoil yourself.
(September 23rd to October 22nd)
Your ex regrets breaking up with you because you jumped into a new relationship shortly after they left. They’re not sure if you’re just trying to make them jealous, or if you actually really like this new person, but either way they’re a little hurt by you settling down with someone else so soon. When you post photos of your new relationship on social media you’re not trying to shove it in your ex’s face, you’re just happy and you don’t feel the need to hide it, or moderate your behavior because of your last relationship.
(October 23rd to November 22nd)
Your ex regrets breaking up with you because you do everything in your power to make them jealous. If you know they’ll be at a party or bar, you make sure to wear the hottest piece of clothing you own, and if they still follow you on insta, you post a sensual selfie every single day. You know exactly what you’re doing and you have not one ounce of shame.
(November 23rd to December 21st)
Your ex regrets breaking up with you because you look like you’re having a blast without them. After they dumped you, you decided your life needed some adventure. Whether you packed your bags and backpacked around Europe, or went to Vegas with all of your friends, you’re not going to let your breakup keep you in one place. You’re on the move and you’re having fun while doing it.
(December 22nd to January 20th)
Your ex regrets breaking up with you because you’re finally getting your shit together. When you were with them you sort of put your dreams on hold. You never took any risks because you were too afraid to fail. Now that they’re gone you’re fearless.
(January 21st to February 18th)
Your ex regrets breaking up with you because you’re completely fine being on your own. You are the epitome of independence, and the love you don’t receive from a relationship, you give to yourself. Your ex sees that you never really needed them, and they want to be needed.
(February 19th to March 20th)
Your ex regrets breaking up with you because you’ve used the breakup as inspiration. The breakup has allowed you to wear your heart on your sleeve, and that’s a good look for you. You’re not afraid to be vulnerable and you’re life has been refreshed because of it.