What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect This Leo Season
Leo season has arrived—and everyone can feel it. Yes, the zodiac sign ruled by the Sun is here to shine its radiant energy on everyone, and it’s a perfect way to keep the excitement of summer alive.
This Leo season has plenty to celebrate—Leo is the optimistic, charismatic, blazing fire sign that isn’t afraid to love themselves and go for what they want. Leo energy asks you to be bold and confident in your choices, because what other way is there?
The New Moon in Leo will kick things off on July 28th, asking us to step into the light and stop being so afraid to try something different. The New Moon asks us to embrace new beginnings, so why not take a chance? As other planets continue their trek through the fire sign, some tension may arise while you’re making these changes, but don’t worry—the confidence of Leo always finds a way to move forward, even when things aren’t smooth sailing. The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 11th is a great time to close some doors, focus on what’s next, and embrace the fullness of the changes we’ve made throughout the season—and in true Aquarius fashion, we do better when we are connected to our friends, so be sure to take the time to check in with the people you love.
So how will Leo season specifically affect you? Check out your Sun and Rising signs below to get an idea of what Leo season has in store for you!
Leo season is sure to bring plenty of adventure for you, Aries, as your fellow fire sign is moving through your fifth house of romance, creativity, and pleasure. This will likely be a season of opportunity for you, whether in the flirtatious summer fling department or bringing some of your creative ideas to life—or, honestly, both. This is a great time to embrace your energetic side and go after what you’ve been dreaming of, so go for it. With the Full Moon in Aquarius lighting up your house of networking and connections, you might just be able to bolster the support you need to make some big things happen.
This season. Leo is pushing you to stay close to home. Whether you’ve been burned out and need time to recharge, or if you have some things happening in your home that need to be taken care of, this is a great time to rest and spend some quality time with your friends and loved ones. Leo is all about caring for yourself; sometimes, staying in is just the way to do that.
Your house of communication and understanding is getting the spotlight this season. This is a time to focus on being transparent and connected to those around you. This house also governs small travel, so some short-distance road trips may be in order to connect with loved ones you haven’t seen. Having heart to hearts may do more good for you than you realize.
Your house of income is the main focus of this season for you, Cancer. After spending time on yourself last season, it’s a good time to turn your attention to the things you find valuable. For someone as security-minded as you, this is a great time to get a budget going and be open to opportunities to make a little extra cash, even if you are just setting it aside for a future purchase. With the Full Moon in Aquarius showing up in your 8th house of shared resources, this can be an opportunity to focus on what things are emotionally valuable to you, as well as tangible. Who are you connected to, and how strong are those bonds?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEO!!! (Yes, I knew you wanted me to scream it from the rooftops.) Your season has arrived, and with it, a chance to reinvent yourself. This is a great time to reassess how you show yourself to the world and whether you want to change things up—whether it’s a new style, haircut, or something even bolder, don’t be afraid to try something different! Your already high confidence levels will get an extra boost, so it’s a perfect time to test new ideas out. Additionally, the Full Moon in Aquarius will cross through your relationship house, so don’t forget to focus on the people who love and support you as well.
Taking some much-needed “me-time” is just what the doctor ordered for you, Virgo. This season you’re more than content to step out of the spotlight and do some inner reflection—things have been a lot for you lately, and it’s a good time to recharge and get some well-earned rest. You may feel more intuitive than usual towards yourself and others. Listen to what your body and mind are telling you, because some unexpected things may resurface over the next few weeks.
Your social butterfly skills will be put to good use this season, Libra, as Leo takes a tour through your networks and connections house. This is a great time to get out there and make some new friends, as well as network with the people who can help you bring your goals to fruition. Lucky for you, your ability to charm and make people feel at ease will be perfect for this time.
You may already have your career and some major goals on your mind, but this season Leo is asking you to go bigger. Your career sector is getting a major confidence boost this time around, so don’t be afraid to make some bigger asks and bolder choices than what you usually would. Lean into that Leo confidence and take chances—you never know what could come of them.
Your house of adventure, travel, and higher learning is at the forefront of this season for you, Sagittarius—which is exactly how you prefer it. Your curiosity and excitement toward new things will see a much higher payoff than usual. New classes on something you’ve been dying to learn more about? Take them. An opportunity to (safely) travel somewhere emerges? Check it out. Leo reminds you that you’re at your best when you stay open-minded and curious.
This season is about bonds, Capricorn, so take a look at what binds you to others. Your 8th house of intimacy, bonds, and other people’s resources. While asking for help is never your strong suit, Leo is reminding you that we aren’t supposed to carry everything alone. This may be a time when others step in the gap and help you out when you need it most and when your relationships grow stronger for it. Remember the importance of being connected and close to the people around you—you aren’t the burden you think you are.
Relationships are on the brain—romantic, platonic, or business are all on the table this season. Your sister sign Leo is asking you to focus on these connections because it’s easy to neglect and forget about the people we love when we have so much on our plates. This season, any one-on-ones are ideal for you. Spend time with the people you love—the importance of building these connections isn’t lost on you.
Some self-care is in order for you right now, Pisces, so don’t try and fight it. Your house of habits, routines, and health are taking center stage, so figure out what patterns you’ve been engaging in that could use a refresh, as well as indulge in the ones that are doing well for you. It’s easy to get lost in the daydream, but sometimes it’s good to embrace reality and ensure you’re taking care of yourself fully.