Thought Catalog Agency

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Hear If They’re Struggling This November


“It’s okay to be kind to yourself—things always turn around again.”

With Scorpio season starting off the month, you’ve been aware of your connections in your life—the people and circumstances you feel bonded to, maybe even indebted to. It can be easy to lose yourself in these types of connections, so don’t be ashamed if you need to take a step back and sit with them. As Sagittarius season approaches, you may feel a desire to travel, to expand your mind—and you should. You don’t always have to be the person initiating or trying to keep it all together. You’re allowed to be kind to yourself, even when it feels too much, because things turn around right when you least expect it.


“Don’t stress yourself out like this—you know who you are.”

This Eclipse season has really sent you through the wringer—and Scorpio season has directed your attention to your relationships and connections. Sagittarius season is further deepening this focus on strengthening those bonds, but an important aspect of this is knowing what you want and need for these relationships to thrive. While this can feel overwhelming, take a deep breath—you know who you are.


“It’s okay to take care of yourself and let go of what is hurting you.”

November is a month full of reflection for you—on how you treat yourself and how others treat you. Taking care of yourself and your relationships can feel like a lot at times, so it makes sense to feel conflicted when change needs to take place. While sometimes we need to take the time to push through something, it’s also important to realize when something isn’t working and must be let go. Change doesn’t always have to be wrong—nor do you have to hold onto guilt about letting go of people/routines that only bring you pain and hold you back.


“Love is important—but don’t forget your friends or yourself.”

One notable thing about you is that you immerse yourself in different types of love—romantic, platonic, and familial, you try to spread yourself evenly among your loved ones. However, everyone has their imbalanced moments. You’ve felt deeply encapsulated in romance and passion, and you don’t need to feel ashamed of that. However, it’s important to remember that losing yourself in a romantic partner can cost your friendships and even lead to losing yourself if you refuse to look around. When things get tough, you’ll want to be able to have other shoulders to lean on and to be able to stand on your own.


“You’re allowed to follow your passion sometimes; it’s okay.”

With November starting you off in a place of recharging and resting at home, it’s easy to get in your head about your responsibilities and past. These are important to reflect on, but they can sometimes feel like a heavy burden that you’re afraid to put down. When moments of inspiration or passion strike, part of you wants to dive headfirst into the muse, but you keep feeling as if holding yourself back is the responsible thing to do. While there is a time and place for everything, it’s okay to let loose and follow your passion sometimes, Leo. No one is better at getting in their own way than you, so if you’re struggling with being open, just let it happen. 


“You can’t control everything, but you can have a say in who gets your energy.”

A lesson you learn repeatedly is that you can’t control everything, even if you wish you could. November is reminding you of this in more ways than one—throughout the month, you may have been learning new information or sharing parts of yourself with close friends and loved ones that haven’t been the easiest. As the month continues, you may want to retreat at home with yourself and the people who live with you. You cannot control how people will react or respond in your life, but you do have a say in who gets your attention and energy—don’t forget that.


“You know your value—there isn’t anything in your past that is worth revisiting.”

The last few months have focused on who you are and what you value—and you’re slowly shifting back into how these important revelations fit into your connections. Libra signs are often stereotyped as only caring about others, which isn’t always true, but it’s no secret that even when you try to move forward, there are parts of you that want to reach back into the past. You know your worth, and though people or events from your past may still try to pop up, there isn’t anything left for you there. Those people and moments are meant to be memories; you need to know that’s okay. 


“You’re allowed to change—it’s not a bad thing.”

Stepping into your own isn’t something you have an issue with, but this month feels like a whirlwind of change. You’ve been sitting with the idea of who you are and who you want to be, and as the end of the month approaches, you are figuring out what you value and what matters to you. While change and shifts are hard, especially for a fixed sign, keep in mind that change isn’t a negative thing. We all grow, shift, and see the world differently, and while sometimes we want to hold onto a past version of ourselves, we need to be open to and embrace who we are becoming. 


“You are allowed to do what you need to do to recharge yourself (within reason).”

Like Scorpio, this month is full of reflection for you. You’ve been feeling the need to retreat and rest, which makes sense, given that the second half of the month kicks off your season. If you’re struggling with sitting still, know that resting doesn’t always look the same. What brings energy to some doesn’t for everyone, so doing what you need to do to re-energize and prepare yourself for what comes next is more than necessary. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone or yourself, it’s okay to do what is best for you.


“It is okay to take care of yourself, just because.”

As hard as it can be for you to remember sometimes, you don’t always have to run yourself into the ground. Of course, hard work does pay off, but so does rest—and if you aren’t willing to take a step back and give yourself that opportunity, then it won’t be sustainable for long. You don’t have to completely burn yourself out to deserve rest—you are allowed to take care of yourself, no explanation required. 


“Your friends are meant to be there for you.”

While you sometimes have a stereotype for being a “loner,” your friendships are very important to you. That being said, your focus has been geared toward your career and establishing yourself which, even in the most exciting of situations, can take its toll. This is a reminder that your friends are meant to be a shoulder to lean on—you don’t have to take on everything alone. In fact, it’s your friends who are going to give you the drive and motivation to get where you want to be, so lean into them.


“There is still so much to learn—don’t give up yet.”

You’ve been expanding your horizons, which is necessary for anyone interested in growth. November can feel like a season of learning, and it can be draining. Be encouraged that there is still so much to learn and new paths to explore. Take the time to embrace that because it’s essential to connection and empathy—and the world can use it.