What Every Zodiac Can Expect From 2023’s Mercury In Aries
Mercury enters Aries on March 19th, 2023, adding more Cardinal energy to the mix. Although Aries’s energy can make us feel confident, it could make us bold. Knowing when to hold our tongue could prove to be a challenge for Fire and Cardinal signs. Practicing patience is essential now, especially with Mars still in Gemini for a few more days until it changes signs. Creatives could experience a boost in their inspiration at this time. This energy can feel inspiring and motivated as long as we remember to add a touch of diplomacy to our communication style. See how this transit will impact your rising, sun, and moon sign.
The Sun and Mercury are ready to change signs, bringing us closer to a powerful stellium in your sign. Mercury in your sign will allow you to feel in your element since your confidence is through the roof. Mercury allows you to take the lead and initiative. Work on something that you have neglected. Try your best to edit, rework, and finish something during this time, even if it feels challenging.
During this Mercury in Aries transit, you may feel more inspired to create. Mercury in Aries is your muse and it will ignite your imagination. With this transit, you feel more connected through meditation and healing. You could be focused now on recharging and being more patient. With this transit, you learn more about yourself and your relationship with others.
Shifting your focus on new plans and incorporating them into your day-to-day comes seamlessly during this transit. Mercury in Aries can bring you a sense of renowned optimism, especially once Jupiter and Mercury get closer by degree. With this transit, you want to start fresh, build, and uncover your potential.
Knowing how to conquer and win with diplomacy will be on your mind with this transit. There could be pressures at school or work, but you are determined not to let your emotions get the best of you. Saturn in Pisces allows you to remain somewhat grounded and shift your focus on efficiency. Mercury in Aries has you eying new methods to win. Aries season is about allowing yourself to take leadership and take pride in your work.
As a fire sign, this Mercury in Aries transit will spark up your momentum. While Saturn in Aquarius may have slowed down things for you, now you feel you could take on the world without stopping. Mercury in Aries allows you to make plans, take action, and most importantly, dream big. Collectively, we will be more self-assured initiating during this time, but you will have the confidence to radiate.
With this Mercury in Aries transit, there will be periods where you will reflect on previous relationships, since Saturn is also in your partnership house, acting as the catalyst needed to close some chapters. Mercury in Aries makes you feel braver, more proactive, and determined to heal. With Jupiter also in this sign, the journey may feel easier now to forgive and move on. You set your sights on better things because you feel hopeful and enamored with potential.
Aries Season can add a touch of romance and self-discovery with Mercury now changing signs. There has been a lot of work on your end with healing from previous relationships. Saturn in Aquarius may have felt like it was obstructing your path to finding something meaningful, but these transits will serve to give you the optimism to be patient with love and yourself.
Mercury in Aries fires up the Martian energy you know too well. During this upcoming transit, you have the tools to overcome any challenge. You are feeling awakened. It could feel as if you are seeing a new side to yourself. Saturn in Aquarius may have brought periods of deep analysis, but with Saturn now cooperating with your sign, you are feeling empowered and not pushed down. Mercury in this sign opens up a more positive dialogue with yourself and shifts it to a positive light.
If you are uninspired, Mercury in Aries allows you to find your muse. New chapters are being written now that Saturn has entered Pisces. You are on a new path to excel and design excellence. During this transit, you are fearless, ready to take action, and can feel your confidence building. Saturn’s run in Aquarius may have made it challenging to express yourself, but you are feeling creative, inspired, and more chatty now.
Reclaiming a sense of control may be important during this transit. You are focused on efficiency with Saturn now in Pisces providing the clarity you seek to become your best self. Although you are not one to shy away from responsibility, this Mercury in Aries transit is here to give you a friendly reminder to rest and not be too critical of yourself.
Magical moments come to mind with this Mercury in Aries transit. You are now on a new stage and everyone is looking at you. However, you are now feeling quite knowledgeable after experiencing your Saturn transit. Mercury in Aries helps you to reconnect with others, build new friendships, and set your sights on more fulfilling dreams makes you feel thrilled.
Mercury allows you to develop a better relationship with yourself. With this transit, we could collectively feel pushed and driven to do what we want. Now with Saturn in your sign, you could feel doubtful or not feel confident enough to manage newfound responsibilities. With this Mercury transit, you are reminded that you are your source of power.