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What Every Zodiac Can Expect From 2023’s Mercury In Cancer

Mercury enters the sign of Cancer on June 26th, 2023, and will remain in this sign until July 11th, 2023. When the Sun and Mercury are conjunct, it will bring us more clarity and insight. There is optimism in the air (if only briefly). It is a period for planning, catching up on responsibilities, and making changes to our daily routines to promote efficiency. With Saturn making a trine to Mercury and the Sun, this can help us go slower, work smarter, and communicate much more effectively. See how this transit impacts your rising, sun, and moon sign.


Knowing how to craft your goals during this time is essential. Sun and Mercury allow you to create a balance between career and home. This Mercury transit will allow you to communicate better with family and the people you are close to. Mercury could encourage you to learn about your lineage and family history.


Understanding more about balancing your day-to-day becomes more relevant as Mercury brings you insight into navigating challenging scheduling changes. You are becoming more aware of the patterns in your routines and are more comfortable handling responsibility. Mercury helps you get on track without feeling as overwhelmed.


Mercury sparks your curiosity and flirtatious side. Mercury wants you to feel more connected with what you desire in relationships, and you could be compelled to seek out partners that help you to be more grounded and responsible, due to Saturn’s influence. You are understanding the partners that will fulfill you in relationships.


Having Mercury in your sign with the Sun will be one explosive combination, gifting you with the mental agility and the focus you desire. During Mercury’s transit, you will excel in anything relating to communicating. You know how to say the right things at the right time and others will listen. 


This transit will be a time of rest and becoming more connected with your dreams. It could be a period filled with Deja Vu and revelations. As Mercury prepares to enter your sign next month, you are gearing up for more optimism, with Jupiter aspecting your sign.


The Sun and Mercury will boost your confidence. Mercury helps you to appreciate your connections more. Romance is in the air, and you begin to receive the recognition you deserve at work. You are valuing yourself more and are more receptive to love.


You may be dealing with pressures from the top, but with the Sun also in the same sign, you feel energized and prepared for what lies ahead. Mercury fuels you with passion and courage. You are here to claim your success, and you have the patience to get to where you desire.


A healing transit that can bring things to light and allows you to close chapters. Mercury elevates your connections, allowing you to be more receptive to the emotions of others. It can be a healing transit, as well as one that has you in tune with the people around you.


There is a lot to uncover with this Mercury transit as you seek the fortitude to navigate the changes happening. You are here to uncover yourself and your direction. Mercury helps you to see things in a new light and not to doubt yourself so you continue to feel confident in your journey. 


Once more, your relationships will shift and transform as Mercury navigates through your house of partnerships. The planet of communication wants you to communicate with the person you are romantically involved with. Be honest, be vulnerable, and let them know you love them.


After your Saturn transit, you have become more disciplined and focused. Mercury wants you to climb the ladder and get ahead while it helps to pave the way. You feel much more connected to your purpose and are not shying away. 


As a water sign, you will be infused with imagination and psychic sensitivity, as this transit has you in touch with your dreams. You trust your creativity. If you are a writer, artist, or designer, this could be a transit that pushes you to make your vision a reality.