Midjourney / TC Agency

What The Rest Of Libra Season Holds For Your Chinese Zodiac, According To A Tarot Reader

Table of Contents

Libra season is going to be interesting from here on out! On the horizon is a lunar eclipse, Jupiter will go retrograde until next year, Mercury will be entering Scorpio, and Pluto will be moving out of retrograde. There are a lot of changes coming up! 

To give you an idea of what Opportunities and Challenges the rest of Libra season holds for you, we’ll draw two cards.  The first will represent Opportunities, and the Second Challenges.  Look up your Chinese Zodiac to see what’s in store for you!



3 of Wands

There’s a lot of opportunities abound for you, your ships are finally coming in! If you’ve been waiting on a message to move ahead, you’ll be getting it soon. Now is a time to think big!


5 of Swords

There’s going to be a lot of conflict, and perhaps one that even deals a loss. That loss might even have been due to an unfair advantage.  Be honest about how you feel about it.

As you work through the issues and conflicts that you’ll be facing, remember the opportunities that you are embracing.  Don’t allow temporary losses to make you feel small, or shrink your dreams!



The Hierophant

Now’s the time to embrace the conventional and put your faith in processes and systems that have worked for others before. Invest in the long haul. Have faith – in your plan, in your work, and in yourself. 


Queen of Cups

Be sure to keep in touch with your intuitive side. Don’t lose your empathy, and listen to your heart.  Be a kind listener, and center compassion. Don’t allow yourself to have a hardened heart. 

You have a real opportunity to make big things happen in the conventional sense, but that doesn’t mean that it’s time for you to lose touch with your intuition and empathy. 



Knight of Cups

There’s a dreamy air of romanticism and adventure around you. Someone or something new arrives, and sparks an emotional connection that is both deep and exciting. 


The Emperor (Reversed)

Don’t allow something external to take your eyes off of what is happening in your heart. Don’t allow someone else to sow doubt. Be wary of those seeking to exercise power of authority. 

Things are dreamy, emotional, and full of love right now. Don’t allow external authorities to take your voice when it comes to speaking the truth about what (or who) you love.



Strength (Reversed)

You have a lot of inner strength and you’ll be able to engage with it! It’s a time that will demonstrate your courage. Don’t overthink the situation. 


Four of Pentacles 

Now isn’t the time to hold too tightly. You might initially want to hold yourself in a state of solitude, especially since you are going to be expending a lot of energy. It might be easy to try and hold back. Don’t. 

Be brave. Strength is about gentle compassion, even in the face of the fear of loss. Don’t get in your own way. Give it everything you’ve got. 



Death (Reversed)

Fear of the unknown is natural, but in this case it’s holding you back and you can sense that.  Something new is starting. It’s time for you to release what doesn’t work for you and embrace what does. 


Eight of Wands (Reversed)

There are going to be a lot of delays – in messages, in timing. It’s going to be frustrating, and instead of moving at the speed you’d like, you’re going to feel like things are stagnating. 

It can be frustrating to face a lot of delays. You’re setting off on something new, and while you have a bit of fear of the unknown, know that growth means that what you’re heading towards is more important. 



The Devil (Reversed)

You’re going to be liberating yourself from a lot of things. You’ll be breaking free of your limitations, recognizing and breaking shame cycles, and working through addictions. 


Page of Wands (Reversed)

It’s hard to feel jerked around and manipulated. It’s exceptionally hard when we suspect we’ve been doing it to ourselves. Take some time to reacquaint yourself with what inspires you.

You’re working through a lot right now and are coming to realize how much you’ve put yourself through. Recognize how much power and strength it took to free yourself.



8 of Swords (Reversed)

You’ve been feeling bound and incapable of moving and you’ll finally be able to see what oppresses you. You’ll understand how your fears and impressions of your situation misdirect your energy.


Five of Pentacles (Reversed)

Recovery from a bad time – be it illness, financial strain, or emotional strain, can be difficult. Sometimes when pulling ourselves up we can feel empty in addition to feeling alone. 

You’re recognizing your own limiting beliefs for what they are. While you are working to recover, resist the urge to keep your process or challenges from others. It’s just keeping you isolated.



10 of Wands (Reversed)

You’ve been carrying far too much and are being given the opportunity to learn how to delegate and ask others for help.  You’re also dealing with prior trauma, and have come to understand that it doesn’t serve you to carry it anymore.


The Sun

Optimism is wonderful, and mindset is everything, but be sure that you know the difference between being optimistic and confident –  and toxic positivity. 

You know that it’s time you started leaving things that don’t serve you behind, which includes a lot of past baggage. Be careful your restored optimism and positivity don’t turn toxic – processing and acknowledging the trauma you’ve endured is part of working through it.



The Hermit (Reversed)

You’ve been working through something big, and you finally feel like you can come out of your shell. 


Ace of Wands

You’ve had a lot of time to think, especially about how you can use what you’ve learned. You’ll be fighting an inability to make practical plans that will help you reach some of the goals you’ve thought of. 

You’ve spent your time away, learning who you are and what you want. You want to share your insight but aren’t sure how. Don’t allow the fact you don’t know every detail of how to make it happen get in your way too much.



Knight of Pentacles (Reversed) 

You’ve learned a lot about not burning the candle at both ends, and you’ll have the opportunity to get important work done on a personal, spiritual goal.


5 of Wands (Reversed) 

It’s very easy to get distracted, and you definitely are feeling a rise in your competitive side. There’s also a lot of in-group fighting around you. Don’t let it take your focus off your goals!

It’s important that you do some inward work, and not get distracted by others.  Now isn’t the time to keep up with the Joneses – instead look to making progress on your spiritual journey.




You’re going to have the opportunity to make physical and material progress, and maybe even travel!  You’ll be excited, which means you might be tempted to overload yourself, instead make sure you are disciplined and balanced.


Knight of Wands

You’re going to need to be assertive, and exact in how you communicate what you want and need, not just from others, but from yourself. Be your own relentless self-advocate.

To make good on all of the opportunities for progress you’re going to get will require you to know and articulate what you want. Don’t be shy!  Be Bold! Focus and move forward!



Ace of Swords (Reversed)

You are feeling a new, exciting idea form. It carries a lot of truth and power for you, but you’re going to need to allow it time and space to grow. 


The Lovers (Reversed) 

You’re going to have some difficulty in making a choice – part of it is because you aren’t sure exactly what you want.  Consider what aligns with you, and your values. Love yourself.

You’ve got a new, exciting idea, but you’re having issues when it comes to making choices to bring it into being. Make sure you consider your values and your long-term goals when