Matheus Bertelli

What to Expect From The New Moon In Taurus, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Taurus is a fixed earth sign; ergo, the season of the bull is typically a time to slow down, rest, and recuperate after the fiery chaos of Aries season.

However, there’s an air of practicality and organization that comes with this year’s new moon in Taurus, which occurs at 18°, a degree typically associated with the sign of Virgo. With such earthy energy coloring the cosmos for the next few days, we’ll be hunkering down to begin new projects, especially those that involve the literary, publishing, and communications industries.

At 11:22 PM EST on May 7th, the first new moon of the spring will usher in a new chapter of abundance for some and powerful transformation for others. (If you’re an earth rising, there’s a good chance you’ll strike it lucky over the coming few days.) While many contemporary astrologers tend to emphasize the potential for money-making during Taurean lunar transits, it’s important to take a look at the whole picture before you get ahead of yourself—especially since the luminaries aren’t the only planets in the lush sign of Taurus right now.

During the new moon, there will be a stellium, consisting of the sun, moon, Jupiter, and Uranus. As such, the next few days will feel amplified, electric, and expansive. Yes, there will be great abundance coming to some of you; for others, there may be equally sudden and inexplicable loss. You will reap what you’ve sowed. It’s a time to remember the old adage: Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.

What else is going on in that jam-packed stellium, you may ask? Jupiter will sit at 25°, an action-oriented Aries degree giving us the collective energy to impulsively begin new things, while Uranus is a bit of a wild card at 22°, a destructive Capricorn degree that often brings violence, brutality, and painful endings.

When outer planets are involved, the world at large is impacted, so while you might not feel the pressure at the moment of impact, you will still likely see the effects unfold over the coming six months. Keep your news widget notifications on and take note of which corporations suffer major financial changes this week. The full story will become clearer on November 15th, when the full moon in Taurus sheds light on secretive business dealings and transactions.

Depending on the placements in your own birth chart, you’ll experience the new moon differently, either feeling vitalized by the energy it brings—or extremely drained. What can you anticipate? Read the following forecast according to your rising sign if you’re wondering what this new season of life is going to look like for you.


A high concentration of planetary action, including the new moon, in your second house, really says it all: you’re going to experience some type of radical shift to your financial situation. You might seriously level up at work, or you might be laid off unexpectedly, leaving you in the lurch. However, luck is on your side even if you experience a disappointment. It’s a great time to monetize your hobbies, especially if they relate to writing or communication. If your project involves Taurean themes, it’s all the more likely to take off. If you’ve been wanting to write a cookbook, launch an Instagram account for your handmade jewelry business, or start a community garden in your neighborhood, the time is now.


With a stellium of planets and the new moon transpiring in your first house, your sense of self and personal identity is about to undergo a pretty powerful shake-up. For those of you with successful content creation careers, this might come in the form of a new brand deal that forces you to come up with a creative and original idea on the fly—or a client who suddenly drops you without warning. If you’re going to be ghosted unexpectedly, it might as well happen around this time. Don’t allow yourself to wallow. Pick yourself up and move on. It’s an idyllic time to rebrand yourself just in time for your solar return.


The new moon takes place in your twelfth house as part of a stellium in Taurus, which puts heavy emphasis on your subconscious, your addictions, and the ways in which you self-isolate. It goes without saying, perhaps, that you should pay attention to your dreams. They’re likely to be vivid and potentially prophetic around this time. If you or someone you love has been grappling with a secret addiction, you may reach a breaking point during which you need to confront your struggles and admit you need help. While some of you will be staging interventions, others will be convalescing in hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Use the solitude as an opportunity to journal your thoughts or buy a wellness planner. Commit to a new beginning, with emphasis on your mental well-being.


Your social circle has been steadily broadening, but you’re about to experience a lot of support from your larger community, with the new moon—plus Jupiter and Uranus—in your eleventh house. Whether you’re leading an online workshop for your business, starting a nonprofit in your city, or driving to the desert to host a wellness retreat, you’re likely to find strength and camaraderie amongst your preferred tribe—especially if you spend time with them in nature. Even if you’re not the outdoorsy type, take any opportunity to meet with a group of people in new terrain. You might be shocked by how fun it is outside your comfort zone. This is not the time to be shy; don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with someone new and exchange contact information.


You’re about to be elevated beyond your wildest imagination, with a stellium and a new moon in your exalted tenth house. If you’ve been playing your cards right, you might experience this as your fifteen minutes of virality, a sudden influx of followers on social media, or a revolutionary new opportunity in your career that places you in rooms full of your idols. Don’t get starstruck. Instead, accept that this is your new reality and make it work for you, even if the attention isn’t entirely positive. You know that with fame comes power and with power comes criticism. Some of you might get wrapped up in scandals, but you’ll likely win in the court of public opinion; your regal, leonine charisma is enough to charm just about anyone.


The new moon, plus Jupiter and Uranus, are highlighting your ninth house right now, drawing attention to your religious beliefs, studies, and foreign affairs. Some of you are starting summer classes, while others are moving abroad, and still others are making commitments—or denouncements—of faith. Keep yourself open to new and exhilarating opportunities to travel, especially if you are a writer or communicator of any type. While this transit can bring six-figure publishing deals, it can also signal the sudden, unexpected layoff of your agent. If you end up right back at square one, remember that rejection is always protection.


The new moon occurs alongside Jupiter and Uranus in your eighth house, providing fertile ground for growth in your money sector. However, this is likely to come in the form of investments, inheritances, and mergers, rather than one-time payments. In other words, if you made some solid financial choices in the past, they’re likely to pay off now. If you made mistakes, you’ll face those consequences now. Either way, you’re going to see seismic shifts in the way you deal with your finances—and those you share with any business or romantic partners in your life. Those who are blessed with a lot might feel driven to impulsively share the wealth, too; if you have more than you need, consider donating to a charity that helped you when you were struggling, or to a cause that you truly believe in.


Your relationship sphere is under review right now, with not only the luminaries but Jupiter and Uranus sitting in your seventh house. Any partnerships you’ve entered into, through marriage or business or both, are going to face some pressure right now as big changes come. Some of you will be getting married this week, while others will be signing less romantic contracts and entering into binding agreements. Be sure you know what you’re doing before you impulsively take action, because it will inevitably have a ripple effect, impacting not just you and your partner but your entire social circle. Remember that not all that glitters is gold; before putting pen to paper, be absolutely certain you’re not being swindled out of your own hard-earned money.


A stellium of planets on the new moon in your sixth house indicates one thing pretty clearly: some of you are starting new jobs this week. If this applies to you, you might find that this job is even more rewarding than you had expected—or more overwhelming, depending on how you look at it. You might feel intimidated by the increase in responsibility or the change in your daily commute, but this opportunity is likely to bring you more wealth—and self-fulfillment, which is arguably more important. Whether you’re actually walking onto the job this week or simply interviewing casually, you can use the fortunate momentum of this new moon to carefully rebrand yourself, starting with your social media profiles, CV, and wardrobe.


The new moon in your fifth house is always a great opportunity to conceive if you’ve been trying, but the addition of Jupiter and Uranus to the mix makes this one of the most significant days for fertility. Others will bring new life into the world this week, welcoming go-getter babies born under new moon energy. Don’t have any interest in kids yourself? You might find yourself saddled with babysitting your nieces and nephews instead, learning to enjoy the company of little ones. On the other hand, you might finally launch a creative project, particularly if it relates to writing or communication. This is an ample time to launch your Substack, start sharing your poetry, or record the first episode of your podcast. You have the potential to earn steadily over the long term.


Under the influence of the stellium in your fourth house, you are assuredly going to experience major change in your home and domestic life. Whether that involves your family of origin or the one you’ve created for yourself with your spouse is entirely dependent on your circumstances. However, you can be sure of one thing: you’ll be reminded of your roots, no matter how much you’ve been trying to run from them. Even if you’re buying your dream home in the country, living the verdant Taurean dream, you’ll be swept up in nostalgia for your childhood or bothered by incessant calls from your parents offering unsolicited advice. Take what resonates and leave the rest. You may have undeniably been shaped by your upbringing, but you are your own person. Those of you who have been content renting or owning your current property might be forced to move suddenly, thanks to the unexpected influence of Uranus. Breathe and remember that everything happens for a reason.


The new moon in your third house is joined by Jupiter and Uranus, amplifying your communication skills and giving you the powerful voice necessary to make serious change—and wealth, too, if that’s what you’re hoping for. Those of you who are writers, journalists, and academics may release important publications this week. If you wish to start new literary projects right now, follow that impulse wherever it takes you, but recognize that not everyone will understand your truth. Don’t be concerned about naysayers; instead, follow your heart and trust that what you deliver will reach the right audience. Remember, if you have haters, you’re probably doing something right.