What to Expect From Uranus Stationing Direct
For the first time in 2024, all the planets are currently direct, marking a significant fork in the road. We are now encouraged to step out in freedom and courage, feeling confident that our ambitions are likely to succeed.
Uranus, the planet of eccentricity and sudden change, stationed retrograde in the verdant sign of Taurus back in August 2023. Since then, our relationship to money, banking, luxury, food, and values have been under the microscope, facing increased scrutiny.
As of January 27, 2024, at approximately 2:30 AM EST, it’s finally stationing direct. This means that as of this week, the entire solar system is giving us a green light: move forward and put your dreams into action.
However, Uranus isn’t exactly comfortable in Taurus, which it has been transiting since May 15, 2018. They’re natural contradictions. While Uranus likes to move fast and disrupt the natural order of things, Taurus prefers to take things slow and do everything the traditional way. Not everything we sow, individually and collectively, will be reapable anytime soon. Taurus is all about building wealth, stability, and security over the long term.
What can you anticipate, now that the most hyperactive and quirky planet (it rules the sign of Aquarius, as you might have guessed) is in forward motion? Uranus is inherently unpredictable, so really, the sky is the limit. But you can certainly count on some of the following.
Abundance will reach you faster
If you’ve had to take a pay cut at work or you’ve been waiting not-so-patiently for the value of your property to increase before you sell, you’ll be pleased to know that money will be flowing much more easily now that Uranus is direct. You’ll find checks clearing faster, clients paying you on time, and bank deposits arriving in the perfect timing. You might even find you’re receiving unexpected financial blessings, too.
Calculated risks are more likely to pay off
Despite the luck associated with Taurus, Uranus is notoriously unstable and can bring shocking losses as well as gains. That is to say, don’t go out and buy a lottery ticket tomorrow. Whether you will benefit largely from Uranus this time around depends on your personal natal placements. If you play your cards right and make practical, cautious financial decisions, you’ll be the most successful. Slow and steady wins the Taurean race.
Earth signs will thrive
If you have any major placements in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, you might have felt this shift almost tangibly. No, you’re not imagining this; there is a trine forming in the sky between the present Capricorn stellium and Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. This means that stable and grounded energy is maximized. If you’re an earth sign, you’ll find your productivity is at an all-time high right now. For as much as you’re working, you consider it worth it, because you’re earning what you’re worth—or if you’re not, you’ll soon find it much easier to map out a path forward.
The upcoming Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will bring massive changes to your life
If you felt the shakeup of Uranus stationing direct, it’s nothing in comparison to what’s coming on April 20th. The two outer planets are joining forces at 21° of Taurus, bringing a restless and exciting vibe to the already chaotic astrological time period that is the month of April. While Uranus brings seismic surprises, Jupiter expands and enhances everything; together, they will give you a larger-than-life reality check. Find out which house Taurus rules in your natal chart. You’ll experience a sudden shock—most likely positive, but potentially destabilizing nonetheless—in this area of your life. This will be a time to truly expect the unexpected.