What To Expect In Your Love Life For The Rest Of December (Music Tarot Reading)
This reading will be a bit different from past Zodiac tarot readings. Each reading is titled with a different song and a set of lyrics. Choose the song and lyrics that best resonate with you in this moment for answers as to what you can expect next in your love life this December. If more than one song resonates with you, then reading all three may provide more necessary insight.
Reading 1: “Let The Light In” by Lana Del Rey
Lyrics: Let the light in, at your back door yelling ‘Cause I wanna come in. Turn your light on, look at us, you and I, back at it again. Cause I love, to love, to love you. I hate to hate, to hate, to hate you.
Your Cards: Six of Cups, Page of Cups, Ten of Swords
The lyrics “I hate to hate, to hate, to hate you” speak to the suffering we endure depicted in the Ten of Swords following the aftermath of a painful breakup. The feeling of resenting someone you once loved so much, yet resenting the fact that you resent them. Initially, right after a breakup, we are overwhelmed with feelings of hurt or betrayal. This is usually the time when we point our fingers at the other person and put the blame on them. Unable to see our faults in the situation. But this doesn’t mean that either one of you is the “bad guy”. If anything, just like the lyrics “I love to love, to love, to love you” the Page of Cups indicates that there was more love than hate that you two shared during this separation. December might bring the opportunity to not only heal but perhaps even reconcile. This will come at a moment when you feel like you’ve healed enough to the point where if it wasn’t meant to be for you two, then you can live with that. Why is it that we always reconnect with our old flame right when we’ve given up hope and have accepted the situation for what it is? But at the same time, I think you both knew all along that it was never truly over. You both seemed to have kidded yourselves into thinking that things couldn’t be repaired. I’d say it’s quite synchronistic that you received the Six of Cups with this reading. This card has to do with nostalgia and happy memories from the past. It is a beautiful illustration that perfectly resonates with the line “Look at us, you and I, back at it again.” Whether it’s you reaching out or them reaching out, this December might offer the opportunity for you both to repair what you once thought was fully broken. When it comes to this specific connection that you two share, it seems that life has gotten in the way more than anything else. Yet just as life has gotten in the way, life is bringing you two back together. Whether or not this connection is meant to last forever, what is apparent is the fact that this isn’t meant to end just yet. Because let’s stop the bullshitting, you both know damn well that you love each other. The good news is that whatever it was that pulled you two apart, maybe the worst of it. After this, things may finally be smooth sailing and help you both forge a stronger future together that lasts this time around.
Reading 2: “Lover, You Should’ve Come Over” by Jeff Buckley
Lyrics: Sometimes a man gets carried away. When he feels like he should be having his fun. Much too blind to see the damage he’s done. Sometimes a man must awake to find that really he has no one. So I’ll wait for you, love. And I’ll burn. Will I ever see your sweet return? Oh, will I ever learn? Lover, you should’ve come over. Cause it’s not too late.
Your Cards: Seven of Pentacles, The Chariot, The Hanged Man
You deserve to pay the price for their mistakes anymore. It’s clear that whoever is on your mind as you’re reading this, deeply regrets the pain that they caused you through their ignorance and will soon reveal this to you in December. However, the only way for them to come out and admit their faults is if you choose self-respect, remain firm in your boundaries, and take space. The Seven of Pentacles indicates that they may have crossed your boundaries on several occasions. Many times, they knowingly did so and took your kindness and forgiveness for granted. However, it’s time that they learn from their own mistakes. You shouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of their actions. The Chariot indicates that you already know what it is you must do come December to free yourself from the constant regret of giving them another chance. Walk away and stick to your decision this time. The Hanged Man makes me think of the line “Much too blind to see the damage he’s done.” While to some degree this person is aware of the mistakes that they’ve made, at the time, due to naïveté, ignorance, or just a general disregard for the people around them, they still carry on with the things that hurt others, including you. I get the sense that there is some part of you that fears walking away from them because you worry this might be the end. But I don’t get the sense that out will be. I think December will be more of a transitionary period for you both. Perhaps you’re both coming out of the honeymoon phase or this is someone you’ve met recently and are just starting to see the flaws of their character. Regardless of the situation, you might not think it now, but soon you’ll gain the strength to stand up for yourself without fearing what they might think or feel. It’s not about that, it’s about you right now. The Hanged Man indicates that they may be revealing less than favorable information about themselves. It is up to you how you decide to move forward with this connection. Whatever it is that they tell you is within your discretion to forgive or not. Just based on the cards, I don’t think whatever it is they are going to reveal is necessarily the worst thing that a person can do, but it might be telling as to their character and who they are dealing with moving forward. You may find yourself struggling with how to handle this month with this person and though others can give their advice, it is up to you to make the choice that feels right. Understand that the goal in life and especially love, is happiness. To attain this, choose self-respect and it will get you a better outcome every time, no matter what.
Reading 3: “Linger” by The Cranberries
Lyrics: I swore I would be true and honey, so did you. So why were you holding her hand? Is that the way we stand? Were you lying all the time? Was it just a game to you? But I’m in so deep. You know I’m such a fool for you. You got me wrapped around your finger. You got me wrapped around your finger. Do you have to let it linger?
Your Cards: King of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, Seven of Wands
I get the sense that you are in some sort of situationship are in a dynamic where one of you is unsure of things and has one foot out the door. The Seven of Wands gives me the sense that it is most likely you who is the one who is unsure of this connection and the lyrics of “Linger” echo the questions and longing that the other person feels for you. They might be trying hard to decipher the mixed signals and messages in your words. Unsure of where you stand. Trying to get some sort of clarity that you either haven’t given them out of fear of hurting them or you have given them an answer of sorts and they are just too caught up in you to hear what you’ve been saying this entire time. This is someone you deeply care about but sadly not as intensely or passionately as they may feel for you. So while on your end you’re thinking you are both on the same page, for them they are thinking “You know I’m such a fool for you. You got me wrapped around your finger.” They are actively searching for answers and this December you might have to be straightforward with them, as much as you fear hurting them or losing them. It’s only right that you do this. I think to some degree you’re playing a little dumb. I get the sense that you do sort’ve understand how much they care about you and enjoy the attention and the fact that they are trying so hard. But this isn’t fair to them at all. You’ve been in their position before and you know how painful this can be, so why let them experience it the way you did? If this doesn’t resonate then you may be in the position of the person who is fighting hard for this connection yet is unable to get straight answers. This December whether it’s you or them that is longing for full commitment, one thing is for sure, you will both get the answer that you’ve been searching for. There will be a clear and direct conversation and honestly, it might not go as bad as either one of you fears. Many truths will be brought to light and with the Ace of Pentacles, this could mark a true beginning. The biggest challenge you will both have to overcome if you or they decide to give this a more serious try and stop taking this connection so casually, is that you both move at two different paces.