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What You Should Release During This Week’s Full Moon (7/21), Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your Card: The Magician, reversed

Use July’s Full Moon in Capricorn to let go of fear and anxiety. Right now, you’re feeling disconnected from your power. This is holding you back from fearlessly taking action towards your goals the way you would normally. With this lunation activating your tenth house of ambition and career, it’s especially imperative that you release self-doubt, overthinking, and imposter syndrome. This is the moment to supercharge towards your professional desires, so get out of your own way, Aries. Have faith in yourself. Trust your abilities to manifest your dreams.


Your Card: The Emperor, reversed

This card is especially fitting with the Full Moon in Capricorn transiting your ninth house of exploration, adventure, and expansion. The reversal of The Emperor urges you to let go of your need for control under this lunation and start embracing the unknown. As a creature of habit, you find comfort in familiarity, structure, and routine. You rarely allow yourself to take risks, have new experiences, and let loose. It’s time to start doing more of those things, Taurus. Have fun. Go with the flow. Stop trying to force things that may not be meant for you. Trust in the Universe a little more.


Your Card: Four of Wands

You should release anything that wears away at your sense of stability and security. Cut out relationships that make you feel underappreciated, unseen, unreciprocated, and lonely. Leave behind anyone who is inconsistent and doesn’t show up for you the way you deserve. Stop clinging on to situations and goals not meant for you. Say goodbye to what leaves you feeling empty, dissatisfied, or unfulfilled. Let go of toxic patterns and self-limiting beliefs that hinder your growth. With this lunation illuminating your powerful eighth house of rebirth, it’s the perfect time to let some things die, to make room for better things in your life.


Your Card: Queen of Pentacles, reversed

The reversal of the Queen of Pentacles urges you to identify and address any ways in which you may be feeling ungrounded and destabilized. Let go of anything that blocks you from attaining emotional healing, stability, and a strong sense of self-worth. This means releasing unhealthy relationships, self-defeating thoughts, and toxic patterns. Leave behind spaces that don’t feel safe or supportive. Change your state of mind. Be kinder to yourself, Cancer. Leave behind comparisons you make of yourself and others. Focus on nurturing your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. 


Your Card: Page of Wands

This week’s Full Moon in Capricorn lands in your sixth house of routine, responsibilities, and daily habits. Now, more than ever, you’re recognizing how you can start implementing better practices that make it possible to achieve your goals. The Page of Wands encourages you to overcome any obstacles that stand in your way and to reconnect with the passion that drives you. Release your fears and self-doubt. Let go of the flakiness and distractions that stand in your way. Don’t feel discouraged when your ideas don’t come to fruition the first time.


Your Card: Five of Pentacles, reversed

Virgo, it’s time to finally release the pain of that great loss in your life that you still carry around. Use this Full Moon in Capricorn to honor, process, and finally let go of any lingering feelings that keep you from renewing your sense of hope and optimism. Leave the past where it belongs. Let yourself heal, so that you can welcome new experiences and connections into your life. Don’t you want to discover the beauty that awaits you? Don’t you want to move closer to what is truly meant for you?


Your Card: The Fool

The Fool signifies fresh beginnings, limitless possibilities, and thrilling new adventures. You have to be open and willing to embrace them, Libra. In order to do that, you need to let go of any overanalyzing and overthinking. Stop worrying about the worst that could happen, and start saying yes more. If you want to taste the best of what life has to offer, you need to embrace the unknown with wide, open arms. Take more chances, be more daring, and release your fear of making mistakes. Let your curiosity lead the way, even if it’s not something you planned for. 


Your Card: Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups doesn’t miss here, Scorpio—you need to let go of your strong fear of vulnerability. You have such a great capacity for it, but you’ve let past heartache and disappointment keep you from opening your heart up to its full potential. Be true to your feelings and desires and express yourself with sincerity. Let your guard down so that you can let love in. Not everyone is out to hurt you. Sure, it’s a possibility you’ll experience pain again, but taking a chance knowing that is an act of healing and resilience. 


Your Card: Page of Cups

You won’t have too much trouble with the advice of Page of Cups, Sag. This card calls on you to release old perspectives and beliefs that keep you from opening up to new ideas and further embracing your inner child. Take advantage of the Full Moon in Capricorn to invite more magic into your life. What prevents you from playing more into your curiosity? What’s standing in the way of your creativity? What fogs up your sense of wonder? Let those things go so you can start indulging more in the surprises life has to offer.


Your Card: Four of Swords

The Four of Swords is a signal to retreat and let go of all the external noise. Right now, you need some time for introspection and reflection. This is especially true with this week’s Full Moon landing in your sign. You’re going to strongly be feeling its effects. Your emotions may be heightened around this time, but so may your motivations. Use this time to gain clarity so that you may start showing up as a more empowered, authentic version of yourself after this lunation transits through your first house of identity and new beginnings. Release any relationships, situations, beliefs, habits, and thoughts that rob you of your power. 


Your Card: Temperance, reversed

The reversal of the Temperance calls on you to let go of any imbalances and instabilities in your life under this Full Moon in Capricorn. It’s a good time to take some time alone and reflect on what these may be, as this lunation moves through your twelfth house of solitude and spirituality. Are you overdoing it in any areas in your life—spending, work, socializing, partying? Are you neglecting any aspects in your life in favor of others? Are you partaking in any harmful indulgences? Are you focusing enough on self-care and your well-being? Could you be spending more time nurturing the relationships in your life?


Your Card: Six of Pentacles

Pisces, one of the most beautiful things about you is your love, care, and generosity. The way you open up your heart to help others is admirable. You’re always there to support others and help them any way you can, but sometimes you’re a little too much *give, give, give* and end up neglecting your own needs. Release a little bit of your self-sacrificing nature under this Full Moon. This doesn’t mean letting go of it entirely, it just means that you should start prioritizing yourself more. Putting yourself before others isn’t selfish, and you can’t pour from an empty cup.