Why The Bare Minimum Isn’t Enough For You, Based On Your Birth Order
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Why The Bare Minimum Isn’t Enough For You, Based On Your Birth Order

Only Child

The bare minimum isn’t enough for you because you’re looking for a teammate. Someone who is going to take on an equal amount of responsibilities and be a big help to you physically and emotionally. You aren’t going to baby your partner because you’re searching for someone capable. Sure, you’ll help them out when they’re struggling or need a little rest, but you aren’t going to take on way more than your fair share on a daily basis. You can’t be with someone who gives the bare minimum because you have no interest in doing both of your workloads all the time. You want to keep it even.

Oldest Child

The bare minimum isn’t enough for you because you understand that real, lifelong love is about effort. It’s about choosing to be with your partner every single day. It’s about putting in the work to keep the relationship strong. You aren’t under the impression that love is easy. You understand that a serious commitment requires compromise and teamwork and the occasional sacrifice. You’re willing to work hard to make your partner happy — and you’re hoping they’ll do the same for you. If they’re only there for you when it’s convenient or easy, then that’s not enough. That’s not proving that they care.

Middle Child

The bare minimum isn’t enough for you because you’ve been in situations where you were the one who cared more, the one who did the majority of the work, and you’re never settling for that behavior again. You know how exhausting it is to be the only one putting in effort, and you would rather stay single than carry the whole relationship on your back. You want someone who loves and respects you enough to meet your needs. Someone who would never dream of doing the bare minimum, even if they could get away with it, because they believe you deserve better. Because there’s nothing they love more than seeing you smile.

Youngest Child

The bare minimum isn’t enough for you because you’ve been raised to have standards. You are keeping your expectations high, and quite frankly, you’re looking to be spoiled. To be clear, that doesn’t mean that you want to sit back and do nothing while your partner handles all the work. You’re willing to spoil them right back. But you would never last in a relationship where you feel like your partner is considering you an inconvenience or a second choice. You want them to make it clear they’re excited to be with you and are willing to do whatever it takes to keep you. Anything less and you aren’t interested.


The bare minimum isn’t enough for you because you’re an overachiever. You always put in one thousand percent because you want to challenge yourself and grow as a person. You wouldn’t last in a relationship where your partner is giving the bare minimum because your personalities would be too different. You wouldn’t be able to understand why they’re setting the bar so low for themselves. You need someone who is as thoughtful and ambitious as you are. Someone who is constantly trying to better themselves. Someone who goes above and beyond your expectations just because they can.